ed tables and chairs for the school. PRIEST POND organized August 24, 1921 by Miss Matheson.
Assist with the general up—keep of the local school. In 1949 a benefit dance was sponsored for a family whose home was destroyed by fire, total receipts amounted to $104.00.
LOWER MONTAGUE, organized May 22, 1922, by Miss Car- ruthers. Officers: Mrs. Leith Cowan; Vice. Pres., Mrs. D. A. Horton; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. George Beck. Excellent community work — built a new hall, and assisted with the building of the school. At one time the members had a memorial plot in the cemetery in honor of sold- iers of the First World War. Sponsor a Regatta annually. In 1960 a 9 year old Korean girl was adopted, and gifts are sent each year at
MONTAGUE organized 1913. Officers: Pres., Mrs. David Wright (wife of Rev. D. Wright).
Efforts devoted entirely to war work from 1914-1918. Sup- plied the heating system for the Montague Memorial School, built following the war, and paid off debt of $3000.00 for heating. Assist needy families. During the second war, there was knitting, sewing and the packing of overseas boxes. Furnished a room in Kings Coun- ty Hospital in addition to cash donations to this and other worthy projects. In recent years we have concentrated on the school, providing a library, clocks in school rooms, and many other requirements from
time to time.
ELMIRA organized 1917 by Miss Helen MacDonald. Officers: Pres., Mrs. A. P. MacPhee; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Stephen Mellick; Sec., Miss Josephine Campbell. During the war work was mainly for sold- iers through the Red Cross. The school was of major importanc’e and desks, teacher’s desk and many smaller articles were provided. Later, individual desks replaced the older ones. Toilets were installed. Con- tributed to all worthy causes. School children and sick were remem- bered with treats. In 1927 a community hall was built in Elmira and stands today as a monument to the many hard working Institute members who have gone to their last resting place. The Institute
meetings are a pleasure and a help to all.
NEW PERTH organized Sept. 22, 1920 by Miss Bessie Car- ruthers. In the early years the Institute provided many comforts and extra reading material for the school. When a new school was built in 1948 the Institute supplied a modern sewage system, trees and shrubs for landscaping the grounds, the Book of Knowledge and oth- er extras which provide help to both teacher and pupil. As a member of the Three Rivers Convention Area, the Institute contributes to a $100.00 scholarship which is given high school pupils who rank high- est in Provincial examinations and intend to further their education.
In present days, prizes are also given to the pupils who excel in the one-room elementary district school. When it was possible to