hire a music teacher the New Perth pupils were given the advantage of musical instruction. The school was entered regularly in the music festival. The community hall has been furnished, repaired and admin- istered by the Institute. . It is worthy of note that this Institute has had the honour of hav1ng two members serve as Provincial President: Mrs. George Martin and Mrs. J. Lincoln Dewar. KINGSBORO, organized October 8, 1914, by Mrs. Dunbrack. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Stanford Robertson (11 years); Sect-fleas, Mrs. Merril Stewart (14 years) ; Vice-Pres, Miss Alberta Yates. On October 8th, 1914, Kingsboro and Red Point were organiz- ed in one Institute group. Next year, July 1915, they separated into two units. During both World Wars and ever since the Institute has contributed to Red Cross and other worthy causes. Concerts were held in the school hall until the new community hall was built in 1928, to which the Institute contributed a large sum. Many contributions have been made to the school: remodelling inside, new seats, pump, library. indoor toilets, blackboard, maps, first aid kit, new furnace, floor tiling and painting interior and exterior, etc. The remodelling of the new hall was a major project and the W.I. contributed the sum of $1000.00 towards it; won Rural Beauti- fic'ation prizes for both school and hall; placed name signboards on these buildings, and had names placed at each gate in the district; also names printed on mail boxes, for which a special prize was won. Four members were made Life Members and many have individual W. I. pins. In 1964 this group will celebrate their 50th Anniversary. ROLLO BAY WEST organized 1928. First Pres., Mrs. Geo- rge Wood, followed by Mrs. Edwin Reid; Sec.-Treas., Mary Etta Mc- Rae (Mrs. Howlan Mullally) ; and Elizabeth McCormack (Mrs. Jerry Pineau, N.B.) During the war years a quilt was made and sent overseas as was Red Cross knitting and sewing. This branch disbanded for a short time and reorganized Nov. 2, 1948 with an enrollment of 13 members. Hon. Pres., Mrs. James McKinnon; Pres, Mrs. Reg. Coffin; Sec.—Treas., Mrs. Guy Coffin. Meetings are held in the homes or sometimes in the school, money is raised by card parties, ice-cream festivals, dances and sup- pers. The school has been cared for through the years — painted the building, installed electricity, tiled the floor and bought new seats. One of the members. Mrs. Clifford Townshend, had the great honour of winning first place in the TWeedsmuir Competitions for her play “The Lady’s Slipper”, and placing second in the Ottawa Festival with the play “For the Love of a Horse”. ROLLO BAY organized September 24, 1936. Mrs. Kenneth Doucette, 62-63 Pres. ST. MARGARET’S organized December 15, 1950. Mrs. John J. MacDonald 62-63 Pres. __72._