Life Membership Pin
* * $ 1‘
Mrs. John Foley of Bloomfield, P.E.I. served on the Provincial Board of Directors as Convenor of Arts and Literature 1949-1951. At that time the members of the Board decided that it would be a very fine gesture for any Institute having a member with twenty years or more service in Institute work, to' acknowledge this service by presenting her with a Life Membership Pin. .
The honor and responsibility ‘ of designing a suitable pin was accorded (Mrs. John) Dorothea Foley (now deceased). Out of twelve beautiful designs submitted, the Executive chose one with an autumn Maple Leaf providing the background for the Institute Crest. The leaf hangs from a bar on whic'h'are inscribed the words “Life Member”. This pin is in full color —— gold and blue, and sells for $10.00, obtainable at the Institute office.
On November 1,, 1949, at Murray River the first P.E.I.W.I’. Life Membership Pin was presented to Mrs. (Dr.) Lester Brehaut of Murray River, a Charter member of the Ray of Hope Institute. Her fellow members said of her: "‘She has been a wonderful leader and member for thirty-five years while other members were coming and going.” Mrs. Brehaut served on the- Provincial Executive while the organization was in its infancy.
In 1950 Mrs. John MacGuigan and Mrs. WallaceMacKayof Sterling W.I. and Mrs. Merrill Stewart of Kingsboro W.I. were pre- sented with Life Memberships from their own Institutes and Mrs. E. S. Rose, East Baltic, Mrs. Harrison MacFarlane, Bedeque, Mrs. W. W. Crosby, Meadowbank, and Mrs. T. G. Ives formerly of Monta- gue were honoured with Life Memberships by P. E. I. W. 1.
Through the years since 1949 and 1950 faithful Institute mem- bers have been honoured' 1n this way. All Provincial Presidents since this time have been so honoured and many who served before those dates have been given Life Memberships to acknowledge faithful service - -
Following is a list of those who have received Life Membership Pins: . . . . .