Citations _ Provincial Presidents MRS. REGINALD BIRCH “In Institute member for many years, Mrs. Reginald Birch, Northan, nee Miss Lulu Yeo, has provided leadership in her local communty, as well as in the larger field of Provincial affairs. “IVIrs. Birch was instrumental in organizing the Northam Women’s Institute in 1923, and has been closely connected with its work ever since. As a former school teacher she has taken particular interest in solving educational problems and in effecting school- improvenents; yet all community affairs of church, school and Women’s Institute receive her generous support. “She has served as District Convention President three times: 1929, 1920 and again in 1944. “As a member of the Provincial Executive she has also proved herself an efficient worker. She has served as Provincial Vice-Presi- dent (1925-27), Provincial President (1927-29), Provincial Secretary (1929-31) and Provincial Representative to the Federated Women’s Institutes. She attended the sixth biennial board meeting of the F.W.I.C. which was held in Saskatoon in 1929. “In her capacity of Past Provincial President, she attended both the Silver Jubilee Convention in 1938 and the 35th anniversary rally of lnstitute officers held last November, when she met many of her co-W)rkers of former years who remembered her fondly as Miss Lulu Yec” MRS. GEORGE MARTIN “When the New Perth Institute was organized in 1920, Mrs. George Martin, New Perth, became a charter member. She was the second president of the New Perth Institute and throughout her twenty-nine years of membership has served on innumerable execut- ive and committees whenever her good advice was sought. Mrs. Martin promotes the idea that the young women in the Institute must be the more active workers and has helped and encouraged many. From long association with the Provincial executive she has kept her local Institute up to date on current Institute policies and has given the members a broader outlook. “Yet it is for her service in Provincial affairs that Mrs. Mar- tin will be most remembered. Elected to the Provincial Executive in 1929, she became Convener of Education and Better Schools. In 1933 she was chosen Convener of Canadian Industries. Between 1935 and 1940 she served on various committees and in 1941 was appointed as representative to the Federation of Agriculture. Mrs. Martin was elected Provincial President in 1943 and since 1945 she has served as a representative and a Director on the Federataed Women’s Insti- tutes of Canada Board. “Mrs. Martin has been a most faithful and diligent member —78—