of Women’s Institutes —— always ready to share her vast knowledge of Institute work and willingly serve in any capacity for the benefit of Home and Country.” MRS. ALLAN WYAND “Many people link the name of Mrs. Allan Wyand, Cavendish, with “Dental Clinics”, and rightly so far it was largely due to her zeal and untiring efforts that Dental Clinics became a reality in this province. “The establishment of Dental Clinics, however, was only one of Mrs. Wyand’s fields of service! While promoting Dental Clinic work, Mrs. Wyand was elected to the Provincial Executive as Con- vener of Canadian Industries in 1927. She served as Convener of Child Welfare from 1931 to 1935, and in 1937 became Provincial Vice President. From 1941 to 1943 she carried out the duties of Convener of Citizenship. “Another project very dear to Mrs. Wyand’s heart has been to have Green Gables established as an historic site —— a living mem- orial to Lucy Maud Montgomery. It is in this direction that her en- ergy and enthusiasm have taken her these past several years, and we rejoice with her to see another ambition being realized. “In her local community of Cavendish, Mrs. Wyand has pro- vided leadership for many years. The church, school, and Women’s Institute have received her support in many ways, and the W.C.T.U. can count on her as a most ardent advocate of the Temperance cause.” MRS. WILLIAM MUTCH Mrs. William Mutch, Rocky Point, formerly Imogene Currie born at New Dominion, taught school in several districts in Prince Edward Island. She married William Mutch in 1907. During World War I she worked with the Red Cross and Wom- en’s Institute combined. She held offices in both local, provincial and federal branches. Until her death she had the unique record of hav- ing attended the Provincial Conventions for thirty-five years con- secutively. She was one of the first women in the province to receive a Life Membership in the Federated Women’s Institute of Canada on July 3, 1947. She was one of the workers who promoted the Sanatorium and when the Commission was formed was named a Commissioner repre- senting the Women’s Institute. For long services and loyalty she was the recipient of the Coronation Medal in 1937. MRS. ALLISON MacMILLAN Mrs. MacMillan was appointed to the Provincial Executive in 1927. She served as Convenor of Agriculture and as Provincial Pre- sident from 1935-1937. In 1936 she represented the Province at ACWW in Washing- ._ 79 ._