ton. At Halifax in 1947 she was elected National President of Fed- erated Women’s Institutes of Canada, and presided at the F.W.I.C. Convention in Saskatoon in 1949.
In 1948 the Provincial Board honored her with a Life Member- ship.
For outstanding work as 2. Voluntary Nursing Sister in World War 1, she was awarded the M.B.E.
This article taken from Institute News, March 1943 bears fur- ther tribute to Mrs. MacMillan: (By E. G. Prescott).
The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada is fortunate in having Mrs. Allison E. MacMillan, of Fairview of Prince Edward Island, as a representative on the National Survey of Health as set up by the Department of Pensions and National Health.
During the last war, Mrs. MacMillan enlisted in Calgary, Alberta, as a Nursing Sister and served in France with the Canadian Army Medical Corps, and later went into Germany with the Army of Occupation. In rec'ognition of her labors she was invested with the Royal Red Cross at Buckingham Palace by King George V in 1919.
This war (11) once again finds Mrs. MacMillan working on the Home Front organizing Nursing Classes in the rural communities of P.E.I. In Queens County she has helped organize 20 school districts with an approximate membership of 300, and has personally instruc- ted four of these classes besides giving lectures in other districts.
Mrs. MacMillan is also Chief Air Observer for the aircraft detection corps which c'overs a territory eight miles by six miles. This calls for appointment of observers in the various districts which Mrs. MacMillan says “are contributing much to the war effort.”
At the 10th Biennal Convention, Mrs. MacMillan was appoin- ted Convenor of Child Welfare and Public Health, F.W.I.C. and under her guidance the Dominion—wide campaign to improve sanitation in the rural home, was initiated.
Mrs. MacMillan spent a week as an Observer at the United Nations, representing F.W.I.C., and was the first woman to speak at the Rotary Club in Charlottetown.
Mrs. Walter Leard, Bedeque, is a Women’s Institute member who has faithfully and enthusiastically lived up to its Motto “For Home and Country”.
Having shown qualities of leadership in her local Institute, Mrs. Leard was chosen to serve on the Provincial Executive of the Prince Edward Island Women’s Institutes as the first convener of the then newly—named Standing Committee, “Peace and International Relations”. During her term of office, Mrs. Leard felt that something should be done to promote understanding with foreign countries, and she conceived the idea of a Portfolio of miniature samples of Prince Edward Island Arts and Crafts. In the meantime, the Second World War was declared, making it impossible to send the Portfolio over- seas. Instead, it went to Canadian W.I. conventions, and later was on