It is difficult to put into words how much we owe her for fine leadership as our President. As she goes forth, in a few days to attend the A.C.W.W. Conference in Scotland, we know it is being done in a spirit of enthusiasm and willingness to learn. I know that each and everyone here tonight joins with me in extending to Mrs. Wilkie our warmest wishes for a pleasant voyage and may God bless and keep you till we meet again.

As a token of our good will we ask you to accept this Life Membership pin on behalf of those who are happy to be associated with you in the Women’s Institute work of Prince Edward Island.

Prior to this, at the local District Convention, she was pre- sented with an address and gifts.

During her term as President she attended the first National Convention in Ottawa 1957, and was Senior representative on the Federated Board from 1957 - 1959. As Past President she attended the 2nd National Convention in Vancouver in 1961.

Mrs. Wilkie is engaged in many community activities, Secre- tary of the Public Library Committee, secretary of the Regional High School Board, Church Organist, secretary of Rebekah Lodge, and an active worker in her local Institute.


“On the eve of your departure for the Ninth Triennial Confer- ence of the Associated Country Women of the World to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, it is with a feeling of great pleasure and joy that we present this so richly-deserved Life Membership in our Pro- vincial Women’s Institute, and this gift of money as a token of the pride and affection in which you are held by your home Insti- tute Kelvin Grove.

“You were one of its founders and through the years you have been an unfailing source of inspiration and guidance. You have cap~ ably filled the various offices to which you were appointed through the years and although you retained your membership in our W.I., upon your departure from our community, you were keenly missed.

“We, as an Institute, have shared in the honours you have re- ceived for your achievements in Institute work at the Provincial and National levels, and are justly proud of the fact that you are one of our representatives at the coming Conference. We can think of no person better qualified to do so.

We wish you many interesting, rewarding experiences and pleasant friendship during your sojourn in the British Isles, and we will be awaiting with eager anticipation your home-coming.

‘Because of the smiles you sow,

As you travel along

With conversation and song,

You’ll be welcome where ’e ’er you go.’

“May the most pleasant experience of all be your journey home, and now we bid you “Bon Voyage” and “God-speed”.

Fellow members Kelvin Grove W.I.”
