Mrs. Laird was the first president of her local Institute, filled the offices of sec‘retary and convener, and later served another term as president. She became secretary and then president of her District Convention Area. She was elected to the Provincial Board in 1945 as Convener of Home Economics, then Vice-President, President 1951-53, and while Past President, she also held the convenership of United Nat- ions & International Friendships. A Life Membership in the Federa- ted Women’s Institutes of Canada was presented at the close of her term as president of the P.E.I. W.I. At the National level, Mrs. Laird represented the Island on the Board of the FWIC, 1951-53, served on the FWIC Executive, 1953-55, and has been Editor of the national publication “Federated News” since 1955. She has attended National meetings and Conventions at MacDonald College (Que), Toronto, Winnipeg, Ottawa and Van- couver; and ACWW Conferences at Toronto and Edinburgh. MRS. J. P. MATHESON Mrs. J. Philip Matheson has always had a keen interest in all Community activities, and in any project designed for the better- ment of “Home and Country”. Mrs. Matheson began her Women’s Institute work in her com- munity “Oyster Bed Bridge”. She served her local branch in all the various offices, and was later elected Convention Area President. Her qualities of leadership were recognized with her election to the Provincial Board in 1955 as second Vice-President and Con- vener of Health and Social Welfare. She later served as first Vice- President from 1957-59 when she was elected to the responsible office of Provincial President. In 1957 Mrs. Matheson was a delegate to the first National Convention of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada. In June of this year (1961), she led our Island delegation at the Second Nat- ional Convention held in Vancouver. At this Convention she was elected to the Executive of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada. She has been a worthy representative of the rural women of our province. Her pleasing personality has won her many friends at all levels in the Women’s Institute organization. In recognition of her outstanding leadership and devoted ser- vice to our organization, the Provincial Board of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Prince Edward Island are proud and happy to present Mrs. J. Philip Matheson with a Life Membership Certificate and Pin. MRS. S. J. ROSE Mrs. S. J. Rose was a charter member of the Lakeview Wom— en’s Institute organized in 1914. She served her Institute in all re- sponsible offices, as delegate to conventions, and was a faithful worker in all the projects undertaken during these early years in Institute work on Prince Edward Island. —83—