Laurdrene Wood -— On graduating from Prince of Wales Col- lege in 1955 — continued her education in Home Economics at Vic- toria College, University of Toronto, from which she graduated with an Honour Bachelor of Arts degree. She continued her studies at the Ontario College of Education, and now holds her permanent Ontario specialists teaching license. Since graduating Laurdrene has been teaching Senior High School Home Economics in Hamilton and Tor— onto. In June 1962 Laurdrene married Mr. John Stewart and is at present living in Hamilton, Ontario. Myrna Smith of New Glasgow, was a very active 4-H club worker, belonging to both calf and sewing clubs while in school in New Glasgow. Following her graduation from Prince of Wales Col- lege in 1960, she entered Mt. Allison University in 1961, and grad- uated with her Bachelor of Science Degree in 1962. She plans to enter the Hospital for sick children in Toronto for her internship. She worked with the Women’s Institute Branch for the summer of 1962. Margaret Jean MacDonald became interested in 4-H clubs in her home community of Brudenell, Kings Co. During her Home Economic training she worked with the Women’s Institute Branch at Charlottetown for a summer. She graduated in 1962 from the Mac- Donald Institute at Guelph, and following a two month course at Ontario’s College of Education will teach Home Economics at Guelph Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Starting her teaching in the Fall of 1962. Margaret Jean represented 4-H clubs at the National Club week in Toronto. Dorothy Mae Baxter received the Jubilee Scholarship in 1950. Graduated from, Mount Allison University in 1955 with a B.Sc. in Home Economics. In the fall of that year she entered University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, where she took her Dietetic Intern— ship. She then returned to Prince Edward Island, and was employed as Therapeutic Dietician at the Prince Edward Island Hospital until 1960, when she married Mr. Ian MacLeod. Since then she has done some part-time work at the P.E.I. Hospital teaching nutrition and diet Therapy to student nurses. Marion Hyde, Meadow Bank, was a member of their sewing club for 4 years and of the 4-H garden club for three years. Following her normal school training she taught in East Wiltshire for two years, and was leader of their sewing club in that district. She re- presented the sewing club at the Winter Fair held in Amherst, and the same year represented the Garden clubs at National Club week in Toronto. In 1957 she was awarded the ONE. Scholarship trip and received the first award in the Singer Sewing Dressmaking con- test for P.E.I. In 1959 was awarded the Entrance Bursary to Prince of Wales College. In 1960 the Women’s Institute Sc‘holarship. Marion received her Bachelor of Science in Home Economics from Mt. Allison University in 1962, Majoring in Nutrition and will intern at the Royal Victoria Hospital in the fall. _89_