“Small things are not small if great results come of them.” Selected P.E.I. DRAMA FESTIVAL (Mrs. Murdock MacGowan) The Dominion Drama Festival, The Little Theatre movement, Summer Theatre, and concerts have all played their part in making Canada conscious of the theatre; except for the Anglican Drama Festival, some participation in the Dominion Drama Festival, and scattered local plays, there had been very little organized Drama activity in the Island up to 1945. The Women’s Institutes felt there was need for organized effort and incentive to improve the standards of and broaden our Dramatics. An experiment in Drama was tried in 1945. This was brought about after Mrs. John Hall-Trainor, on invitation had addressed the Women’s Institute District Area Convention held at Kensington. The Institutes were interested and enthusiastic and later a small Drama Festival was held, comprising plays from Irishtown, Long River, Spring Brook, Springfield, Kelvin Grove and Graham’s Road. Inter- est was very keen, and performances were attended by large and- attentive audiences. Mrs. J. Hall-Trainor, Charlottetown, and Archdeacon Harrison of Summerside were the adjudicators at the finals held at Kensing- ton. Miss Hazard, Supervisor attended. As a result of the success_ of this Institute effort, the Women’s Institute Executive organized the “Women’s Institute Drama Fest- ival” which was open to any rural group. The following spring, York, North Milton, Meadowbank and two plays from Cornwall cpmpet-ed in the finals. (Several dropped out prior to the finals due to illness). Mrs. J. Hall-Trainor and Mr. Barry Bugden were the Adjudicators. Following Festival organization, a copy of rules governing the First Provincial Festival was forwarded to each Women’s Institute group, which they were asked to study. Great interest was taken, and the press printed warm and enthusiastic comments from many interested persons. The first slate of officers was as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Julian Herring, Borden, Pres. P.E.I.W.I. President, Mrs. Harold Laird, Kelvin Grove Vice-Pres, Miss Laura Crosby, Meadowbank (Queens) Vice-Pres, Mrs. Harold Linkletter, Summerside (Prince) Vice-Pres, Mrs. Murdock MacGowan, Kilmuir (Kings) Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ray MacLeod, Grahams Road. In January, 1947 Mr. Donald Wetmore, Director of Drama, and of the Department of Education of Nova Scotia held a practical c'ourse for staging plays in a rural hall. In 1948-49 many different organizations showed interest in the Drama Festival and had representation on the Drama Festival committee. In 1948, 14 plays were entered in the finals. The Festival was held in the Empire Theatre presented under the patronage of His Hon, J. A. Bernard and Mrs. Bernard, Premier and Mrs. Jones, His _100__