In 1951 Folk Dancing and Choral Reading were added and have prov- ed so popular that in 1959 it was deemed advantageous to have them adjudicated at a different time. Our Association became a member of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals in 1953 and Island delegates have attended the annual conventions of the Federation gaining much useful knowledge. Also in 1954 classes were adjudi- cated in Summerside for the first time, and three years later, in 1957, classes were first adjudicated in Montague for the convenience of Kings County residents. An active group of workers in each of these areas help greatly with the promotional and organizational work of the Association. At the Official Opening of the 1952 Festival Mrs. Archibald and Mrs. Preston Beck, as originators of the Festival, were presented with Honorary Life Memberships in the Association. We are deeply appreciative of this thoughtfulness. Much talent has been discovered and encouraged. Two Fest— ival stars have gone on to study in Europe. Gaylene Craig studied for several years and met and married violinist Gaboro in Vienna, and they are presently conducting a studio for Voice and Violin in Winni- peg. They also go on tours in Canada. Miss Maida Rogerson went to Vienna, studying Voice, Piano, and Languages. She took examin- ations on arrival and was placed in the third year of a six year course. This year, she studies in Rome. We have now the largest Festival in the Atlantic Provinces and the fourth largest in Canada. The credit for this amazing growth can be attributed to many factors, — keen public interest, govern- ment backing, talented music teachers, public spirited individuals and firms, an energetic membership committee, a hard working group of voluntary workers, and splendid support from our news- papers, radio and TV. stations. It is really gratifying in this age of materialism that such interest in a cultural movement has been maintained. * >5: * 4: PUBLIC RELATIONS —— RADIO Late in 1947 the Provincial Executive of Prince Edward Island Women’s Institutes decided that there was an excellent oppor- tunity to further Public Relations by means of Radio. In 1948 a committee contacted Radio Station C.F.C.Y. in Charlottetown, and due to their generous co—operation it was arranged to have a fifteen minute, weekly program, as a public service feature of the Station. On the first program, Mrs. Fred Gates, and Mrs. Julian Her- ring, Past Presidents took part. They carried on jointly for the first season, but it was found practical to have one voice to identify the program. In October, 1948 Helen Herring became hostess on the pro- gram, and has served in that capacity ever since. For many years, the program was heard on Friday mornings, but for the past two seasons Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock is Institute Program time. ——104—