The first opening for Program was Institute Ode sung by Central Royalty Women’s Chorus, and Springpark Chorus were fea- tured in the closing “Island Hymn”. In 1962, the opening record became damaged and Milton 4-H Club girls recorded “Song of Peace”, which is now used at the begin- ning of each Program. A record of “Mary Stewart Collect”, made by Helen Herring has been a part of the Program through the years. This Program is the only one of its kind in Eastern Canada. Its purposes are to ac‘quaint the public with the wide program of Women’s Institutes, to inform members on topics of interest, and to give publicity to Institute Events. This is done by means of interviews with experts in various fields of activity. Citizenship, Agriculture, Home Economics, Cul- tural Activities, Health and Welfare, Education, and a better know- ledge of our own organization are all included in each season’s pro- grams. Many distinguished personalities have been guests on the Institute Program, and have given of their time and talents to pro- vide informative and interesting listening. Radio has been highly successful in Prince Edward Island as a public relations medium and it is hoped that this program by rural women and for rural women will continue to publicize the wide range of Institute activities. Helen D. Herring, Convener of Radio. =5 =£¢ * * >2: PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RURAIWION SOCIETY Prepared by Mrs. David Mutch The Prince Edward Island Rural Beautification Society was originated by its first President, Co]. E. W. Johnstone, “Woodleigh” Burlington. The society was established in 1946 and incorporated in 1947. By means of annual competition it has pursued these objectives: 1. An increased interest in the care and improvement of rural homes and communities. 2. An appreciation of rural life among young people through more attractive rural surroundings. 3. A better community spirit by cooperative efforts on commun- ity projects. Through the years new classes have been gradually added un- til now there are twelve classes in the competition, namely: Farm Home Improvement—Class A; Farm Home Improve- ment——Class B; Farm Home Improvement—Class C; Small Holdings Improvement—Class A; Small Holdings Improvement—Class B; Flower Garden—Class A; Flower Garden—Class B; Women’s Insti- tute Community Improvement; School Improvement; Prince Edward —105—