and (2) for girls over 13 years.
Four awards are given in each class and an attractive Certifi- cate awarded. The final competitions are held when the prize winners from each club exhibit their work for final judging. The display is interesting and attractive, and the competition keen. Ten cash prizes are awarded in each class. These prizes are donated by the Women’s Institute Branch, the first of which were presented by Mrs. Fred McLaren of the Provincial Executive. The Cup donated by Miss Eliz- abeth MacMillan is awarded to the club attaining the best general results. The success of this project is attributed to the untiring ef- forts of'the Club leaders.
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In 1952 Youth Clubs in Canada became known as 4-H clubs. The program is a nation-wide educational program. Its purpose is to teach rural boys and girls the latest and best practi‘c‘es in agricul- ture and home economics; In addition to the skills and practical knowledge acquired, the boys and girls in 4-H clubs become acquaint- ed with proper conduct of meetings and parliamentary procedure. The members take part in debating and public speaking contests and other activities which tend to favorably influence their way of life. By working together they learn to co-operate with each other and in general 4-H work will help to mould their character and develop rwourcefullness for the future.
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GARMENT CLUBS. Institutes support all types of 4-H club work but Garment clubs receive the closest attention. These clubs are administered by the Director of Women’s work under the De- partment of Agriculture. Leaders for the most are volunteers from the ranks of W.I. groups.
ACHIEVEMENT DAY. On completion of the year’s work in the district club the articles are judged by Department personnel at achievement day. Certificates showing the standing of the club mem- bers are presented. Later money raised by the club and money given
by the Department is divided among the winners as prizes. * it * * *
NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK. During the summer a short course for Garment Club girls over 16 years of age is held in Char- lottetown. For one week the girls apply themselves to courses on subjects pertaining to Household Economics and personal appear- ance and grooming. At the conclusion of the course the girls who will be the Island representative to the National 4-H Club Week (trip to Ottawa and Toronto) are chosen. It has been the practice of the Provincial Institute to recognize each girls’ outstanding achieve- ment by presenting a small gift. This trip is an adventure in citizen— ship provided by the Canadian 4-H council and provides a chance for youths from every province in Canada and from all types of clubs
to broaden his educational experience. * $ t 7t t