FOOD CLUBS operated on an experimental basis from 1949 to 1953. Six or eight districts including Kilmuir and Southport par- ticipated in this highly desirable type of club. Representatives at- tended the Dominion Competitions. * 44 :14 * *- ARCHAIC LAW (Wills) In 1950 the Women’s Institutes were instrumental in having this law amended by Legislature, so that now, should a husband die intestate, the widow has full claim to an estate not exceeding $20, 000 00, and theiefore cannot have her interests jeopardized by grasping next of kin. * * >8 =l-' * COOK BOOK In 1937 a Cook Book was compiled by the Women’s Institutes of Prince Edward Island from home recipes contributed by individ- ual members. Special attention was paid to Canada’s Official Food Rules for Health, which were carried throughout as headings for each section. A novel part of the book was the Tourist section, com- piled from recipes contributed by leading Tourist Homes with hints for beginners in the Tourist Trade. When planning this book the committee thought it advisable to include some recipes which though impractical during war years would be useful in peacetime. In 1943 another edition was published and 5000 c‘opies sold. In September 1957 the Women’s Institute office was destroyed by fire and practically all the contents, including our supply of cook books was lost. In April, 1958, a committee was appointed to compile a revised edition of the cook book. It is now on sale and obtainable at the Institute Office ~——— price $1.00 per copy. ***'t* UNICEF. On October 31 each year comes Hallowe’en, and in- stead of children receiving treats, the Canadian children gather pen- nies for the National UNICEF Committee. These pennies assist with the effort to bring health and happiness to the less fortunate children of other lands. P.E.I.W.I. asked all branches to cooperate in this pro- ject and according to reports the amount has grown from $15,000 in 1955 to over $225, 000 in 1961. This was realized through the efforts and support of Canadian children. Since 1955 our Province has con- tributed the sum of $458. 55 towards this project. * * * * * THE CANADIAN NATIONAL FILM BOARD was introduced on Prince Edward Island in 1947, and offered its services to Women’s Institutes. This form of Adult Education is taken advantage of at branch meetings, and at District Conventions. * * 3 ’R It HOME ECONOMIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND. Realizing the necessity of the girls in the Province being encouraged to make the field of Home Economics their goal, the Women’s Institute set up a — 108 ——