Montgomery Hall This residence is a part of Prince of Wales College and was named in honor of the eminent author Lucy Maud Montgomery whose writings about her native Prince Edward Island are known and loved everywhere. W.I. WELCOME NEW CITIZENS “I am proud to be the first person to call you my fellow Canad- ians”, was the officiating Judge’s remarks to the nine persons who appeared before him to receive their Canadian citizenship in the Law Courts Building, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Our new citizens c'ome from the Netherlands, Lebanon and Germany. In conclusion, His Honour welcomed the presence of two re- presentatives of the P.E.I. Women’s Institutes, one being the Prov- incial President. This was the first occasion that this organization had been officially represented at such a ceremony. The Constitution and Bye-Laws of the P.E.I. W.I. were pre- sented to the lady members of the group by Mrs. Philip Matheson, Provincial President. The gentleman received a similar momento from Mrs. David Mutch, Provincial Convener of Agriculture on be- half of the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture. 4 A HOME IN A NEW COUNTRY Four new Canadian Institute members, along with their fam- ilies received citizenship papers at a session of the Citizenship court at Charlottetown, RBI in 1962. Mrs. Lois Dewar, Pres. of W.I. was privileged to attend this touching ceremony, and presented the ladies with W.I. hand books and welcomed the group into the household of Canadians. - The status of “Canadian Citizen” has been available for only the past fifteen years. It is possible that for a Canadian, a certifi- cate of Citizenship does not hold the importance that it does for one who must renounce loyalty to his former homeland, and voluntarily transfer allegiance to the land of his choice. This change is not made easily, but the sense of “belonging” which a Citizenship Certificate gives is a great satisfaction to those who will from now on make the Three River Area, Prince Edward Island, Canada, their Home and Country. MRS. HERMANUS VAN WILCHEN, BROOKLYN; MRS. JOHN NABUURS, CARDIGAN; MRS. MARTINUS VAN DEN BROCK, CARDIGAN; MRS. FRANCES SCHELLEN, NEW PERTH. ——113—-