CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF CONSUMERS C.A.C. is a National Organization, originating in 1947 by the leading Organizations of women in Canada to represent the Canad- ian consumer. It is a voluntary, non-sectarian, and non-political organization, and has approximately 25,000 members from all prov- inc‘es. 15,000 registered individuals and approximately 10,000 includ- ed in 500 rural groups. In addition sixteen National women’s organ— izations participate in supporting this work. Our Women’s Institutes support this National Organization for their protection and for wise buying. Members are invited to report their problems to their Provincial branch, these are later dealt with at National level. * :1: :< :< .4: MESSAGE FROM HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH RECEIVED AT CHARLOTTETOWN I am writing by The Queen’s command, to thank you for the loyal message which you have sent to Her Majesty in your letter of 9th of May, on behalf of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada. The Queen very much regrets that the programme of her forth—coming tour will not permit her to accept your invitation to attend the Twenty-first Biennial Convention in Charlottetown, but would be grateful if you would express her good wishes, as Patron of the Institutes, to all assembled at it. Yours truly, Edmond Ford. 21st F.W.I.C. BIENNIAL BOARD MEETING HELD IN CHARLOTTETOWN Members of the Federated Board of the Women’s Institutes of Canada met in Marian College, St. Dunstan’s University. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND HOSTESS TO THE FEDERATED WOMEN’S INSTITUTES The 21st Biennial Board Meeting of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada was held at the Marian College Residence of St. Dunstan’s University, Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 6-10th. Board mem- bers from all ten provinces and Counselors from five were present. Reports were given by the President, Mrs. Keith Rand, Nova Scotia, Mrs. H. G. Taylor, national secretary, Ottawa, and the conveners of the various Standing Committees: Mrs. R. Partington, B.C. (cultural activities); Mrs. Gordon MacPhatter, Ont. (home eCOnomics); Mrs. Grant Floyd, N.B. (agriculture); Mrs. John MacLean, N.S. (citizen- ship); Mrs. Grant LeBaron, Que. (United Nations); Mrs. W. A. ~114—