Left to Right: Mrs. Marcia MacLeod, Editor "Maritime Farmer”; Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie, Provincial President P.E.I. W.I.; and Mrs. Keith Rand, Na-
tional President.
Thompson, Sask. (Life Memberships); Mrs. Harold Laird, P.E.I. (Federated News); Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Ont. (Public Relations). Dr. Nancy Adams, ACWW Area Vice-President; Mrs. E. J. Roylance, first Vice-President, and Mrs. T. H. Howes, 2nd Vice-President (FWIC) were among those registered. (Dr. Adams was the guest speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Charlottetown Rotary Club).
“Ninety-five years ago, leaders from all over Canada came to Prince Edward Island to plan for the future of their country. Again leaders from all across Canada have come to our Island to make plans for the future of Canada.” With these words Monsignor J. A. Sullivan, Rector of St. Dunstan’s University welcomed the Board at the opening session. Greetings were also extended by the Hon. Eugene Cullen, Minister of Agriculture on behalf of the Government of P.E.I. Mrs. M. N. MacGowan, senior member of the FWIC Board also wel- comed the delegates. Mrs. E. J. Roylance replied to these courtesies. Messages that had been received were read by Mrs. Rand: from Mrs. Graham Spry, FWIC representative at ACWW Executive; the Nat- ional I.O.D.E.; the Hon. Lester Pearson; the Hon. John Diefenbaker; and Mrs. Allison MacMillan, Charlottetown, a former FWIC president.
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth sent a message.
On Tuesday afternoon and evening joint sessions of the Nat- ional Board and the P.E.I. Women’s Institutes who were meeting in annual convention, were held in Prince of Wales College auditorium. The Citizenship Award and the three Tweedsmuir Awards were pre- sented during the afternoon. The two winning songs in the Tweeds- muir cultural project, — words and melody of a W.I. song, were rendered by a group from the Traveller’s Rest Women’s Institute. By special request they also sang their own contribution to the com- petition. Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie, provincial president welcomed the FWIC