stitute. This year, 1959, commemorates the 100th year of the birth of Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, the founder of the Women’s Institute. “Helen Fitzgerald, Toronto, designed the stamp and it is unique in the fact that it is the first Canadian stamp designed by a woman. The design symbolizes growth, as cultivated by Country Women of individual country organizations, into the world associa- tion, as represented by the globe. “This stamp has come into being through the efforts of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada, following a resolution from the Manitoba Women’s Institutes, requesting a stamp be issued to honour Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, and the founding of the first Women’s Institute in 1897.” * * >l= * * The Commemorative Stamp Committee of the F.W.I.C. ar- ranged for a special engraved “First Day Cover”. This cover bearing the new stamp and the dye, “For Home and Country”. A. great many members have one of these as souvenirs, which now have become collectors’ items. * * * :1: xi: Mrs. J. F. van Beekhoff van Selms of the Netherlands was elected President at the Edinburgh Conference (1959). At this Conference Mrs. Graham Spry, wife of the Agent General of Saskatchewan for Great Britain and Europe, and who represented FWIC at ACWW for five years, was elected Chair- man of the Executive Committee for the world organization, and at — 120—