I must confess many hilarious recollections of Toronto and the Capi- tal City.
“Let each go forth and do that little that is at his hand with all his might, and God will make that little great.” — Taylor.
(Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie)
Here, briefly are some of the outstanding events resulting from the Conference:
The resolution on Nuclear Tests —— this was moved by Pakis- tan and seconded by India — countries which do not see things in common at any time.
The resolution to formulate a New Constitution.
The invaluable benefit of the associations experienced, and the educational values derived on the International level.
The privilege of bringing back to our own members the value of ACWW, and 0f the esteem in which this organization is held by women of many lands and the sincere desire of the women present to find the right path.
Many countries reported outstanding achievements — Scot- land reported on the Handcraft Van which travels to isolated rural areas to bring interest to the lives of rural women who would other- wise not have the privilege of such a service. From Australia —— their story of the “Branches of the Air” — which links women many hundreds of miles apart — who gather around their transreceiver sets in their own homes, and conduct their Institute meetings by this means; Doctors also are contacted in this way.
Ghana reported of their difficulty in overcoming superstition and illiterac’y in order to raise the standards of village life — they worked through their own people by training leaders through plan- ned leadership courses.
The importance of “Pennies for Friendship” was stressed, this is the main source of income for ACWW.
The Essays for the 10th Triennial Conference in Australia in 1962, out of six topics recommended, two were chosen: “Our children and their games,” and “How I Broaden my Horizons Through Group Contacts and Study”.
The address given by Mr. John Anderson on “Man’s Hunger” was outstanding. This talk was given in connection with “Free the World from Hunger Campaign”.
The group discussions on Technical Assistance —— dealing with the economic position of farmers and farming, living conditions, cul- tural activities, education, health, etc., as necessary in order to es- tablish a sound economic position.