The International Scholarship established a. Memorial to Lady Aberdeen who worked with Mrs. Alfred Watt in founding ACWW.
The pre-Conference tour of the British Isles — visiting Loughry College, in Northern Ireland, Wye College, Kent County, Denman College, the trip on the Clyde, the Pageant “Daughters of Scotland” in the Historic “Assembly Hall,” Edinburgh; a visit to a Women’s Institute in Surrey, and the reception at Edinburgh Castle for leaders of delegations.
In summing up, I think that all delegates felt that the Con- ference provided an opportunity for women of all nations to meet one another, discuss their problems and by greater understanding, friendship and concern for one another, build roads to a better world.
The Conference demonstrated that ACWW is one big family, comprised of groups from all over the world, with the language of the heart and home breaking down all rac‘ial barriers and cementing friendships. The delegates saw people from many lands, experts in their own fields, tell of the work being done in their areas for home improvement and community advancement.
Institute members should realize the value of this vast organ- ization which links women of so many lands together and their great desire and endeavour to make this a better world in which to live, through their coming together to work out their many problems, and thus “Build Roads to a Better World”.
The province was represented by the Provincial President and leader, Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie, Alberton, and Mrs. Harold Laird, Ken- sington, editor of “Federated News.”
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The Committee wishes to express their warm and sincere thanks to the Publishers of this Women’s Institute History, Williams and Crue, Summerside, for their co-operation in its final preparation. We are especially grateful to Mr. J. R. Mungall and to Mr. M. L. Wiley for their unfailing interest, patience and co-operation at all times; Mr. Wiley having given up part of his holidays that the History might be published in time for our 50th Anniversary of the P.E.I. Women’s Institutes. Thank you.