‘ High Quality Food Chopper With five Cut- ting Surfaces $ 1 s LIGHT RUNNING RAPID CUTTING DR70—Food Chopper. heavily retinncd. The cutting knives are all adjustable or removable by the simple turn of a thumb screw. The knives are made of s ecially tempered steel .three reversible and one dou le cutter, gives fivedrfl’erent cutting surfaces, including chopping, cutting and pulverizmg. A big value at our special price .................... $1.99 DR5l—Larger size for general use. Price$2.95 DREZ—Large size for family or boarding house Price ................................ 83.60 use. DRi45—Oil Can, made of heavy galvanized sheet iron, complete with tap and rest, as cut; five-gallon capacity ............. $2.25 DR861~— Heavy sani- tary Tin Dinner Pall, oblong shape; fitted with inside tray, automatic patent spring, slip cup, ie tray, tea rice. in cover ..........$1.25 DRZ—Retinned Dish‘ Pans Very heavy tin, an excel- l'm Iii?“ 9; 'ns 90° bize x x i . ...... Size 163x4lx11'ins. 31.00 Size 181:5}le ins ...... DR23— Tin Steamer sits on top of ordinary stove pots is very useful for cooking or steaming. One used on top another makes a double steamer: to fit No. 8 size ..... 90c To fit No. 0 size $1.00 of pot. Price. 4 ~“ D RZO—Colander. plain 9} inch ........ 35C SPRINKLER .2 W \ DR75—Oil Stove Ket- tle. plain tin, i inches in diameter. Price,........... 60C For Sprinkling Floors and Washing «sweetness a an n u . l erlal :sifim- grem- W $23.93.. use...» 1_ 9M ' Government inspeCt' 3.3:"! .................. 40c ed, double banded; “fluw' . .> ........... 60c double coated tin. 0- am. . . . . ............ 80¢ Pint size ........ 75c 4 quarts ................. as 1 quart ....... 31.00 0:33:81] ...... 1.15 ggallou ....... 81.35 4 (9a van zed). . 1.80 1 gallon ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $1.75 “Illal'l (galvanized) $1.15 Saving Prices in Needfuls for the Home 2:" 9" “-1 \ivV‘i ,7r‘>r|“1l.‘,l.!lflill§\m§‘§ (’ . . . e‘<~\\\~ S DR76—Crilzrrb] Tfiay and crnper, me e p ate , Both for only .......... 40C DR 17— M i l k Strainer, 9%ins.dia- meter 35C Price Application. from heavy graduated to show loose key 8x13x8 ins. Price... . . . agxiexsg Muffin Pans * Kitchen" Utensils : %gallon. . .50c 1 gallon. . .70c 2 gallons. . $1.00 5 gallons.. $1.25 DR98~Cream- ery Can, made tin, rimmed cover, ‘ glass cream, tap. . Imperial measure 1.95 inches Price... . . . . $2.25 DRI 1— Stron g tin Oil Can. 119-8“ vy tin, well made. strong handle and braced spout; 1m" perial measure, Milk Cans and Creamers DR9—4—Milk cans of guaranteed quality. made of heavy retinned metal, heavy roll brim bottom. Flush side handles, anti-splash cover. DR762— Round to Pot Covers, heavy tin large drop handle. 7g-in. .12c; 8i-in ill- 47c Prices on DR897—0ur leader 10 t. Tin Pail. reamed centre bagel, triple seamed body, strong handle _ tapered style. This pail is big value at .......... 47c 12-quart .................. 55¢ “ Chamber Pail DR28 ~— C ii a m h e r Pall. made oi plategtin in— side and out, reinforce d 9 construction; ' supplied with cover. Size 12 ..13c 'DRls— Muilin Pans 8--' .150 91: . 1 11‘8- 6holes ............... 30$: itiil.'i‘n..isé;iiiilniiiuie Price $125 8holes ................ 45c llg—inch .......... 22c DR<20—Foot Bath, green DR171— 'nn_ Tylbe Cake Pans .DR96— This Tin Mug With cone centre, . limud be dounfd eifitremely gne qhtsrze. . :gc an y: ma 0 o oo 'Cluar size . . c plate tin. Price}... 100 3-quart size..55c DR886— Tin Dip- D e I', a plain shape with strong h a n d 1 e _(2 qts) 6x5 J lyricefioc HANDY UTENSILS DR81—~— GI!- vanlzed Pails, have a rim to protect bottom; good strong han- les; size 10% x 8 x 8} inches . . .651: Size 111 x 9 x 9 q uality tin, inches ....... 75c Size 121x105 x 7-inch ...... 9 inclics ...... 85c . . DR35—~— CuSpldor. of japanned seamless bottom, with flare to . and white ja- panned (French Grey); size 16 x 19% inches Price .. $2.50 has reversible handles. DR7.70— Long handle Tin Dipper; large size. Convenient shape. Price 30c Large size ....................... 45c “" iris} Handy Covered Pail ’ 30c DR876— covered 'rin raii.‘; gallon ca acity, reamed centre, tin cover wit ring. rivetted han- dle ears. Price ............ 30C 35c nish DR987— Cover Knobs, ...... l easily attached. Three 45c only .............................. always handy 5c Eenuine Steel SPIDER 49° figood Order Plenty at this Price I)Rl9 — Special value genuine steel Spider, smooth machined finish, double thick bottom,lipp- ed side properly shaped, splendid articles'at the price; seam ess. ize 10; inch. Price... 49¢ Loai Pans. made of good sheet iron 9%x5 “3% ihches. . 25c DR130~13x7x3 inches ..... 80c DRI31—14;x8§x2 inches. . 35¢ DR132~16x10x2§ inches. . .451: D R133——17§x12x2}inchea. . 551: DR 134—~19%x12x‘2% inches. .“c Loaf Pans, made of cod clean sheet tin, fitted with an- dles, reinforced edges. DR136—14ix8gx2 inches. . 35¢ DR137—16x10}x2§ inches. .451: DR138—18x12x2§ inches. . .osc DR139—19x13gx2-i inches. . 70¢ DR140—- %x5 2x3} inches. . .27c Nu. ‘ DR19 1 _ Deep Retinned J ell Plate, straight edge, good weig t. 9—inch ..... . ........... 18¢ 1 0-inch ................... 20c DRDZ—Enamel Jelly Plates 9-inch. . . .20c 10 in ....... 25}: DRl7——Pie Plate, heavy tin 8-inch. . . .10c 9-inch . .uc 1 0-inches ................. 15c DR7l—Periorated Pie plate 9-inch .................... 11 c DR75~ Tin Bread Box. japanned finish, complete with clasp and staple along with handles, supplied with ventilator nicely stenciled front. S. ilszfxioksz ........... $2025 18x13x11; .............. 82.30 SpiceBox D R889— Spice Box, tin. japanned ti nished; 6 retainers. Price .............. spice 1.50 So Three for