__ _, ,. .__._~~ ‘- These are Exceptionally Good Cutlery Values “7 ‘AN’S High Quality Table Ware; MAIL ' ORDER . 7 . . LEADER I)400*Wlllte Handle Knives and Forks. made of Sheffield steel, brightlypolishedland fitted with white bone handles, six.knives and Six forks. (Weight 22 ozs.) Price... . . 53.85 Extra Good Value _D96_0—Specially tempered Steel Slicer with riveted wood handle: shcar steel blade. A magnetized sharpening stccl completes thi- sot. Madc with heavy grip handle, guard and hanger. Knife and .‘har min ' steel ior 5 i“ k $1.38 Carving éet rWith gtraig'ht Handles—i Everlasting Nevada Silver A value that cannot be excelled in genuine Nevada Silver Spoons, made from refined nickel, beautifully finished, D220—Exccpiionally high quality Knives and forks, made from best Sheflield st_eel,the polished hardwood handles are solidly rivetted and supported by metal bolsters and tips. These knives and forks will stand all kinds oi wear. Price 6 Knives and (i Forks. $3 75 (shipping weight 31 hung-E) ........ ' Extra tipped pattern; nothing better at any price. Will Make a Good Xmas Present ‘ :OOd D9—.Small size Tea Spoons (wt. 50c ])823i’fhrp‘l_pir_.pp ('arving 5.4 with gun. 4 01$.)6ior ...................... uini- stag handles, srraight {noigln-nt i; lelngtlli . IMO—Medium size Tea Spoons 9 inches; polished steel blade,‘ silwr p aim K f (Wt.4ozs.)6lur .................. 60C ferrule and cap; fitti-d in nicely lined case. n1 e Tho sclt includes; carver, forlqmid :zharpi - ‘ r _-g r. _ Nevada Spoons il'fi’niiii‘ete i... .................... $5-95 (weight 6 ounces) Price .............. llzuiwflread Knife. line steel blade 35C D208~—As above, better quality. . ., . 00c i)82477«A special value in a good . . . . . ' , _ le rivetted handle Excellent quality scrvrcnable Nevada 1“ I“ r quality """""""""""" $7 00 Butcher “I“. ’. . , - - I ‘ Silver Spoons and Forks, refined nickel, l)72fi~Two—|lil-cc carving Sol. Slat: handlcs, proper shape anilnstylte, li.n)gt‘h1 6 inches, VPI‘y hard and takes oxcellvnt polish. The 9 im'h blade kllil'l'; {Kirk tines 3; inches long, mm " U Spec” y -emm'r(" 67C real tableware for family use. It has the willtstrung wring Sli'l'l guard; str<rng$3 50 “0“" 0“”‘°”"‘” ”me“ ‘ ‘ ' " appearance of silver without the price. sr-lf lvi‘rulf'r inur. ' 1)12~—Desse t S . t. 8 ounces) 6 ion]: . . . groans. . (-w $1‘25 D13-~T hi 5‘ , . 10 ozs.) 6i:r..e.. . .pfglls . . .Wt. . . $1.50 D14—D t F ks, . 802:4.)Giofiéfr...i?r......(lv.t $1’75 ------------------ l)20——6-inch Butcher Knife, popular40c shape, great valuc. Price (\veightlfi 01.3.).. _ /:=\ l)21~6-inch Butcher Knlle. high quality '. 5 , ~ blade, as cut, but strongly capped (wt 7 60C 023). Price ......................... an licin Carver . Steel Table CUtlery D82-i———A aim Slicer.g(‘.arver or butcher knife: length 9; 69c ”IBM—Butcher Knlle, handle secured by‘ heavy tip and cap with preventers. Made inches, shear steel blade with tungcd rosewood handle. from highest grade steel. (Wt. 10 ozs.)9oc ‘ll"‘ll"Wl'l'Winwmleer'n ‘, , . Special ..................................................... price ............................... w i. ..... n w... .. l .. ml .ilillli‘ I)98~—-Selected Steel Table Cutlery, ruse— h:l?dileha§iiiie’k:i;::g steel bolsters,$iiv.citg Low1y Pricedz SC | Thermos Bottles | Bread ior.... ............... . D200!Workmen's Ther— mos Lunch Kit, made en- tirely of metal with roomy food compartment; space , in top for pint size Thermos Bottle, and drinking cup, which are included in the equipment. Will keep any drink hot or as cold as de— sired; the case is made with black finish, nickeled trim- mings. strongly supported. Silver Plated Knives l)97~Kitchen Tea Spoons. steel base double coated, very serviceable. 25C gzzrstyiaefihclenged $4.50 D281—«Just think of getting six Silver (Star ............................... . ...... Plated Knives for $2.00. The finish and Table spoons, .; in, .................. 45c Thermos Bottles appearance of those knives compare favor- , 1' (1‘ 40c “.ny with more expensive lines. Dessert Spoons. ’ .r. """""""""" iii? of six (19 ounces)- $1.85 7 D937~~One of the best Ther- ........................... os , I)282 ~~ Set of six Forks to march in Bottles on the market. Made with japanned metal cen- tre, aluminum base, shoulder and cup, detachable style, With Nickel Silver Tableware ins—Kitchen Meat Saw,heavy flat back. a “we“ “blowing spring which 16 inches long, serviceable‘nnd use- $1.00 Protects bottle on all Sides from Here is a splendid quality in Nickel iul. Price only .................... jars and jolts. It is cementless, Sliver Forks and Spoons, popular beaded padless and paperless, making it Pattern. There is nothing more servrce~ thoroughly sanitary. 2 50 Pintsize........... .. $ ' 3.155557? if“??? .............. $1-85 able for every day use than this tableware. Be sure to order a supply at our present Drlces. Quart Size ............... “.25 UNIVERSAL BREAD MAKER? D32B—Dessert Spoons, six for.. . , . $1. 15 ‘ DilliB—Table Spoons. six for.. . . _ , . $1, 35 . . ~ . ‘ ,- [)34B~~-Dessert Forks. six ior ...... $1.25 DSVI-fiSpm-inl value Kitchen Saw, round Skinning ‘Knife - a polished sic-vi frumv, 8‘, inch btlzidte. Véry 3 ° ' handy for kitchen use, cutting mea , e C. D825~Taperezl Steel curved Parlng Knives Special ..................... 1 0 Blade Skinning Knife polish- . _ ed beechwuod handle; ~engqh “ ———-———-——————-—‘———' lfloaichiéfdlés.’ ........ . . . . 65C DELIVERY CHARGES PAID 0N D2 S—JI‘he Universal Bread Hall-J er is a quick, clean. hygienic method of? kneading. Put in all the liquids first! D17 Paringi Knlle l' i then llour. t’l‘urmthreesminlutea, ,tihen; , “ . u i ' u wa , ' _ (Niall? (2 01') ------------- g- - . - - 10C EVERYTHING BETWEEN Price gill-9'!“ 'ltcliiuifes rillfgut till-1:; e’mii‘l‘l‘lt‘233 _ . 0 - I ‘ good (2 ogjifffffff'lf? ,‘j’f‘,'f‘,__, 15c PAGES 1 AND 64. 65C miss??? .......... . ....... “-10; ‘_ ______________._— _. , . 810a! size......................“.fli