R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED,’Summerside, Canada,:FoII and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22



CAN- BE OPERATED comm... can B.—

BY HAND 0R POW As Illustra- Operated

i . tion By Hand 25 ' Freight Or Power =



While this machine is primarily a power ma- chine it can also be operated by hand by slippin

L 96 Th' ll dro lm rowed Extra Co a- 9 3— m y t p oh“ the belts. An especially desirable feature 0

cl! Power Outfit will me e washing a pleasure . wringer stand, which

1.9964—‘HYPRO POWER WASHER AND WRINGEI can be readily attached to a gasoline engine and the washing done more quickly and thoroughly than by hand. This outfit is_ connected so the power wringer can be operated inde- pendent of the tub or with.the tub; a simple device enables you to have the wringer reversed at will. The e uipment includes a high grade wringer with concealed gears. 50"“ guaranteed lor we years: belting or wringer as well as belt for washer rive. The tub is made from choicest Lou1siana red cypress, which is the best wood for washing machines; hoops are electrically welded inside finished with corrugated rubbin surface, improved st le slusher, strong machined spindle; cog teeth revolve, thus eliminatin friction an making the machine run light and smoothly; made $11”! hea_vy an e steel braced frame. reinforced and riveted at all im ortant parts. . e tub is han somely finished in natural wood, nicely varnished meta parts includ— ing hoopssnd gears finished in old and aluminum bronze. ‘I‘he complete outfit shown in illustration including tu , wringer, two belts basket rack,three 48 95 idler shieves, one pulley and sheet of instructions. Freight paid .......... $ -

Crystal Glass

Wash Board 83c

wringer handles,

21 inch

DR33— Galvnnlzcd Tub: lighter and stronger than wood,

an bring delight and enjoyment to the home and family. The perfected principle of operation and its efficient, labor-saving features make it appeal to those who value time and the conscr- vation of energy. The tub is made from selected Louisiana cypress, which is the best wood known for this urpose, finished with inside corrugated surface, oops are all electrically welded and the ;ub is finished in a beautiful natural finish, ex- ceptionally well shellaced and varnished; hoops and gears finished in old and aluminum bronze; heavy machined spind e, cog teeth revolve making the machine run exceptionally light and smooth; frame is heavy angle iron,well riveted and braced.

Write Plainly

F8—Cylinder C hurns, made

this outfit is the sliding means that after used in wringing out of the machine the whole stand can be quickly and con- veniently moved along and used to wrin from rinsing water into the clothes basket. _t thus eliminates slush and soap-suds and permits the housekeeper to do the washing quickly and in comfort. Thisoutfitincludesa iflrigrade wringer with concealed gears, rubber ro I guaranteed [or five years. also the tub and stand two belts, three idler shieves, one pulley and sheet of in- structions (but does not include engine, engine belt, rinsing tub or clothes basket). The $57 25 whole outfit shipped freight paid. ..... '

Hand orzFoot


no hoops to loosen; has strong rdsts ' wired corrugated bottom.

bestrclear woodfistron ly‘braced;jfit~ ted with special..'pad Ies, easily re- moved for washing. .jA quicktbutter

Rfii‘iizifié'fiflef‘f’f’fi' ....... $5-35

wrought top edge and

C11 Crystal Glass Board. extra heavy flut- ed; clean, sanitary and

durable. S ' 1 price . . ....... p eff. . . .830

’Dit96-sterllesh . :inc wash- ilifiisurlzce, size 11} 2 inc es.

Price.,....... 59c

RG—Strong Island

Boilers. oval N0. 8. 11x18

x20 inches. 00

Price .............. '

N0. 9—11:13x22}in.....u.”

DR7— Round Tin Boiler

No. 8,13 x13in. Price. .81.“

No. 9——1 x13in. ...... 83.00

Mam-“E's" seams

' a s can u Dhiill7~uhnddkf°r log 8 0 l

was ng an er- 0. Va 11218

chi is and dish cloths, x 2Igins9..o. .. . . . . $2.85 a. v 11 x 13

x 22; inches. ..... $3.25

iii 73‘.‘.": 35¢



$10.00 ORDERS


DR26— Folding Ironing Board. very con- venient and handy. made with bass-wood top.

Clothes Lines, made from six strands No.19 Gauge Wire, strong and durab e.

050—50. ft. hanks each.. C100— 100 ft. hank. each. ..

DR8867—Galvanized Wire

alva nized

55c 99


DR22-—Butter Print. oblong

outg has adjustable screw. Size ........................

me mm inch“; ha a d l h ' ht d' c- ““26: made 0““ maP'e- « able "om 27 to 32 inchllegwoo egg, 81' $3,129 Price .................... 9c 11:0. 2" m' 00 Price on] t Six for only ............... 08¢ 0' " '

No.2—4 als .................. 80.40 I. ‘" $3:tloi‘fiiggxt33:33:13}? Popular Daisy

Butter Print


made from clear hardwood, put to- lether with brass nails, cannot rust

D72—-Butler Stacie, grooved

Barrel Churn

FS—This Improved Daisy Churn is one’that will meet the demand of anyone who has much churning to do. Made of seasoned oak, varnished natural color; strongly bound by six electrically welded hoops, which cannot become loose, hoops are painted so I! to prevent rust. Has heavy steel frame top with well balanced weight- ed bottom, cover clamps on tight- ly so it will not leak. The axles are bolted (not screwed on like the cheaper makes), easy running on chilled steel bearings. It has adjustable cream brake, is sanitary, and easy to clean and operate. it churns quickly and produces all the butter that is in


the cream.

No. Holds Chum Prlee l lo—gals. 1 to 6gals $18.03 2 16— gals. 8 to 'I gall. “1.75 3 20—- 3 to 9 gall. 815.“ 4 26—— 4 to 12 gals. 818. Io

No. 10—Power Churns, also fitted Kithzcrank for turning by hand. a. ................... . .