R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22


mt CUTLERY $1.00

straight blade razors. many makes regularl sold at $1.50 to $2.50, clearing at each. . ..


H147g—An extra special valueinan assortment of

y $1.00

$1.00 :5; VALUES%

¥i-u-in-o-u-u-o.o-o.¢-l_r>-u-«_a_q>-cb-cl-tI-u-rn-u-u-n-li-o-o.¢DDi-u-u-umi-i. -tl-II-lDII-¢_1_15-(_U-ll-J-0.iI-(__‘__%

The Improved Ever-

Ready Safety R a2 0 r



HCTXS) L. This Improved Safety

Gillette Style ”my Razor

\Vith 3 Double Edged Blades


HC989~Gillette Style Safety Razor, “not curved" made with steel plated frames,

3 double edged blades, packed in neat. carton. Price ...................... 79C


Shaves, Sin-ops and Cleans

,l l


H79~ This Barber’s Choice Clipper. deelgned by a. barber who understands the important requirements, excels .in simplicity and finish any clipper we can oll'vr at anything near the price. The bottom is grooved

and hollowed so that only the point touches the scalp-— is finely finished and is made of only the finest quality steel—made to run smoothly—a splendidfamlly clipper and very special value weight 9 ounces)

at our price, (shipping $3.50

Make Old Blades as

H867h Shaving Outfit. razor

made of special razor stePl, hollow ground, specially t.emper- g 0 0 d a 3 ed. With this we include

the“Shavezy Adjustable Razor new i ‘3

Guard" which can be attached . for genuine satisfaction; blade made from s 1“ ' to any razor, and is flammable HR5!Kanm‘r$ Double Edge tempered, English steel, full hollow ground~pale all: reversible and changeable; is Stropper for Gillette Blades leny quality razor ataspecial price.

exceptional value at our price. only; W111 make your old blade Shlpplng Weight4 ounces ..................... $2'00 Razor and safety attachment as $0031.” "BYLbOlhedgfmand H819~Genulne Eng'ISh R3105 hOllOW ground complete. (Shipping weight both Sides finished Without square cut, made of the finest razor steel. ' 5 02:4.) 1 50 taking blade out of ma- $3 00 Specral . . . . z ..................... $2'50 Price ............... $ ' chine. Price ......... t """""

Gillette ,


Razor Outfit Without Removing Blade isbwcll and favohr' GILLETT SAFETY $5 00 a lylrnnwn to t‘ e . , "\ H47 —— Auto publli‘. .It in» RAZOR - l/WWflW/W strop Safety eludes mkelled HlZl~AGillette Safety Razors have " u, H . Razor. only holders and seven silver plated frames with 12 double edged 1: ’one on tho speClally temper- blades which represent 24 cutting edges; . market which ed Eff.“ blades are fitted in neatly lined nickelea 170"th “lg”: “‘13-‘05 pac ’t‘ in . ' .' x . u . an (‘ eall~ .........$1.00 iii:..‘i'.“.".‘7‘fl“. an. . in??? $5.00 when Ht‘t‘78 HlZZ ~Gillette Safety Blade‘s, 12Pin a lilov'ing “w W :10}: v , sold in ilckares on y. rice ace, com. fell-(“‘1 kBladeff Ber piiiagc. p L $1 00 D1919 in haml- )kit' 'zlgv I \. h , o 5. twelve for > .850 chstagt it extra) .............. $32!: cagéhlll ,,,, ., . .. c, _ , A , A dozen Hades. See Cutlery stropand pat- .. \ l ented

\ J/ , \ on? other . ho](ier.. $500 ‘- age. H47A—7Auto surop blades, a dczen. . . 31.00

Straight Blade Razors

H78~7This is a razcr that we can highly recommend

VH582—Barber's Shears of specially tempered scissor steel, with even cutting edges,’.-nice convenient shape and size,—8 inChcs length (weight 7 ounc- es) $2.00

Price.. . . .

Will Keep Your

in Trim



Slide Stroke Stropper


HC77—0ur “Slide Stroke" Shopper is the king of all straps as it gives the “diagonal” stroke which is the correct way to sharpen any razor; takes all the popular safety razor blades as .well as the old style razor; ’guar- anteed to give perfect, satisfaction. Our special price strap and strapping machine complete

(weight 14 ounces.) $3 25

Price ................................ _


H6217~Herc is a low price Razor Strop, that is‘! one of our biggest sellers, made with canvas back and ll-lither finishing surface (weight 6 oz.)

pm... ........................................ 75C m Brushes lislisteel(wt.4nz.). Price, $1.00 Price ......................... $2.75 ' Set in 60 s H E A ' COMBINATION , . Rubber C . RS 0 £33 _ Excellent 2 5c H7604, h 1 2 5 ' 33—3: .. o . - HONINC: STROP Value in ,ubbe, set . 45c ,. gee,“- filaBEShlfvlng brush tingwith white H637 Lad, , fin - t , 5 ~ . l ) _ (is e 0 II - H786— Combination Hon- W‘Ifite bigneg'm‘“ 1"” ggl-‘gt‘eS- 60c “3‘4”“? nickel plated scissors 4;; I A3263 Ing Stroll. genuine American Price.. ' 25C e. ' h‘tld strai— inch 3 oz ................ 45C 75 2‘ 3" horsehide, scientifically prepared """""" Other Values gh: shears 5 inch 50 3 a. '5; double leather, with rapid hon- H601 _‘ As { k l (finch """""""""" 60" We . ing and finishing surface$1 50 above white ”n "V -——~—“— ' c E: .' Price ................ ' handle badger tempere C ~_= N: . H2~Square Strep, hon- bristles. steel 7 in. 3‘5 opi mg, sharpening, stropplng and . Price. 75C 8 2 E—“Dw finishing surfaces (wt. 50C BADGER Bristles H901 '_'_ “Set czfil. 5 m :3“: I 15 ozs.) Price .......... —-—-——- in Rubber" 8 ln. 8 oz. l a u *3 H632~A special value Razor 1167— Shaving brush 1. a t h e r , 81.80 3.5 o . Strep has strapping and finish— of badger stock bristle B r u s It e s ". ' ( 85C 3350:) ingsurfaces; sized x20 inches. ebonized handles— an . ,' 9 ”l- J 02- lime M ._ . =0 7:; Big value 15C excellent lather brush. HIKhL‘St quallty at. . $1.00 lnit'kcl lgtcd aftnturc‘q llllsslns ‘53" Price. .. ............... Price ............... 45c and. ....... . . . . . . . $1.25 $1.45 bent wig“- (”"1" l“ l" 8" w woo

‘fin-n-c -ii-r_;_r_ii-i_r-lmn-u-o-qk

t l-rl-«-i-n-n.u-r l-o.u-u.u-i_o-c*


’8 Knife

H364—Boy's Knlie.s'n l bl a good knife for the boy;I g e ade, plain lrnn handle.

Acme Knife

Hl3— Acme Knife. 1 'n h- n- dle, two blades,best (ll Eng-m d

7/] ‘iv _ J

- 35c


H15~Jack Knife, single blade, sharp. concave back, plain handle, (wt. 3 ozs.)


Price ................


Price. . .

\. \,.


PEN KNIFE : z ' 2-75

_H525—High quality Pen Knue, made with perfect pearl handle, finely tempo"?d Sheffield steel blades, nickel bolster“. brass lined, a snlcnrlirl pen knife. (WtElLZl‘I 3!(iun('es).


.1 in. long. . .. . .85c