122 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summer-side, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22
Our Oak Laurel Heater is patented along new, ori inal and scientific lines, constructed of t e best material, made up carefully by skilled mechanics, air tight in construction. Body made of high grade smooth steel and will be found far superior to common sheet steel or iron, in light weight as used by most manufacturerspf oak heaters. FIrepot made from a mix- ture of the best irons, bell shaped with cor- rugated surface which gives added strength and greater radiation. The Grate is fitted with our improved and patented draw center grate, quickly rids fire of clinkers and shaped to suit wood, hard or soft coal. The Double Feed Doors are fitted to frame so that they close airtight. The upper door is fitted with check draft for fire regulation and forms a smoke curtain. When both doors open it allows insertion of largest wood. Base is deep and at- tractive. Nickel Ornamentatlon. _ is rich, semi plain, smooth design, consisting of name plate, check, draft, swing top, top ring and foot rails.
P No. SllZ—Oak Laurel Heater, com- plete with joint of pipe to suit 6 inch; diameter of firepot 11 inches; 34% inches from floor to pipe connection. $19.50
Price ....................... . No. S114——Diameter of firepotIIB inches;
36 ' h f fl t ' - nefi't’i'éfx. ”1:232. .°.‘T'. f? 3’??? .°.".”. $23-50
No. Sll6—Diameter of firepot 15inches;
10 ' h f fl t ' coifé'faii. '°i§‘.ic2°7. 5‘??? . . $28-90
Note lire Price And Order One
S20—Victor Special Airtight is a popauln'r heater at a popular price; ma 9 of uniform colored blued steel, name and decoration neatly embossed, steel inside lining, screw regulating draft. Length 21 inches, width 13; inches,. height to pipe hole Zliinches, takes 6-inch pipe. A big heater, com-
plete with cookinchover, ,, .;$4.95
Pricejeach ..... ' .........
SZZ—As above, large size, bigger heater 23 inches long, 15} inch-$5 50 as wide,|21 inches high ........ -
P Directions for Setting up Alr- “all". Put pipes togetherLcontrary together stoves. Have the small end down in the top of stove. Put ashes in before starting first time. g,
Strong Construction
No. ‘Sls—The Victor Junior Alr- tight is surely surprising value in a small heating stove. Throws an in- tense, cheerful heat—almost instan- taneous; will burn any wood trash, and is 'extremely economical on fuel. No- thing better to heat up a room quickly or radiate a uniform, steady heat. Measures l8i inches long,l3 inches wide, floor to pipe hole 22 inches, takes 6 inch pipe. The Victor has steel in- Side lining, screw damper and neatly embossed throughout. No bother with as hes—a great heater. 3 Now look at our price. . . . . . . $ '95
SIM—Cooking or Heating Cover, measures 10 inches diameter, fits into
top great for heating or light cooking. Extra each ............ 25¢
HOT BLAST I . . HEATER $7.25 "NICKEL. .. Klng Victor Airtight will giveTRIMMED
the quickest heat possible, yet will hold
its fire for about 24 hours. The Hot
Blast draft feeds the fire with hot air
all the time greatly increasing its heat- ing capacity, fuel saving and quickness. Burns large knots, chunks, chips and so forth.
Ashes need only be removed once
V every month. The Draft being high
up no ashes can spill out. This draft is bolted to body and cannot come off. The King is the cleanest stove on the market, made of Russian iron, steel lined, corrugated-bottom, swing top, cooking cover, nickel screw regulating damper, handsome nickel removable foot rails. Keeps fire all night—any night, a powerful heater and a fuel sav-
2201 C—Klng Victor 21g incheslong, 13; inches wide, 17 inches high to flat
“9' ...... $725
Price. . . . . .......... .
ZGOIC—Klng Victor. 23} inches long, 16 inches wide, 21 inches high, to flat top. Price .........
....... $7-70
. FREIGHT PAID ON $10.00 Orders
Will Bum any Kind of Coal or Will BUrn Wood
No. S76040—0ne of the most modern Hot Blast Stoves on the market; has a perfected system of drafts, which enables the user to have perfect control of the fire at all times. Brick lined from top to bottom, has shaker grate with draw centre, large ashr pit and an, swing top, smokeless feed door, down drag, nickelled top ring, foot rails and panel. The body is made of planished steel; check damper in too door above fire and an airtight screwdamperin base door be- low fire. This Stove will give an intense heat when wanted, and will retain a coal fire for tWenty- fcur hours or Ion er. The dimensions are—dia- metefi-tboldg'ol4ui)nc els‘, hlei ht 42; inches: shipping we 8. .
1, Pr..- $22.95
Price.......... ......... ..
The Stove for Hall, School
or Store - -
The Old Rellable Wood Stoves are noted for their big heat. These have large feed doors as well as a swing top for putting in extra large wood, junks, etc. The top can be securely bolted when de- sired. When ordering state which you prefer, stationary or sliding top The larger sizes are specially adapt‘ ed. for school houses and balls- Will throw a splendid heat and are nicely finished.
Freight Paid 011 $10.00 Orders Length 25inches........'...318.7‘
Length 30 inches.. . . . . . . .317.“ Length 86 inches... . .. .. . . .818.“