‘II-II-U-n-n-rl-(l-fl-u-1i-n-il-il-lr-ll’II-ll-l - i.u-u-u..n-u-o-«r-n-o-n-n-xi-u-u-u-o-o-o—o-xI-o-u-u-u-u-...i-u-u-u-u-o—u-ii-n

Don’t Miss this Chance to get a SingleDriving Harness Set for

F31——An extremely good value in Folded Slngle Buggy Harness. Well-finished set that will anSWer every requirement for light driving. Bridle is made with 5-8 inch box loop check, over- check. Lines, 7-8 inch bit part, 1 in. hand part to loop in hit. Trace 1—,} inch stitched to pad. Saddle, 3 inch full pad, patent leather skirts and jockeys, {-inch bearers and billets, EngliSh style bottom. -Double Strap Glrtlls. Back Strap, ixli— inch Hip Strap, % inch Breechlng, single 3-ring brace, box loop



are finished in polished nickel. inch single strap, shaped style.

Shait Tugs, ;- inch with box loops. with round crupper. leadups. Slde Straps. %inch. recommend early buying.

Delivery Charges Paid. Price. ................

We antici

Driving Bridles

F94—v Driving Bridle, box loops, double stay, patent leather winkers,

{1’33 f5“???ili.’.°.s.ei‘.isi. . . $3-65

With overdraw ............... 84.75 FL950» Open Drlvlng Bridles,

b l ', tf t- d .5233? ii‘r‘i‘ée. 73"}. .“.". . .. $3-15

I With overdraw ............... $4.25 F84—«An extremely neat and showy style, solid leather open Driving Bridle with oval shaped side pieces; neatly stitched, hand made, has overdraw with bit, oro-

ide or nickel buckles. $3.95

Price ................ ‘5‘

*- l-ll-l)-Il-I*l-ll-Il-il-(

High Grade {Working Bridles '


-4i-q l-l -n-u-u

F5*Solid leather work Bridle, heavy quality

R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside. ,Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22

Delivery Charges Paid


A showy All mountings

Breast Collar 2i

pate a big sale for this set and would strongly


D883— Extremely high quality line of Driving Harness. solid nickel mount- ing, good quality solid sewed leather, well sewn and re— inforced. Set is dressy in appearance, nicely finished will give good serv- ice and satisfaction. Bridle has 5-8 inch box loop cheek, patent leather blinds, round winker, braces over check and nose band, fancy front rosettes to match trimm- ings, straight jointed bit. Reins of oak tan leather, 1 inch russet hand part. 7-8in. black bit part with spring

steel billets. Breast collar, 3 inch “V" shaped, with 1} in single strap traces, either sewed or buckled to breast strap. Saddle 3 inch flexible, full pad. patent leather, With double'strap girths, slide attachment, crupper round and buckled; Breathing, heavy smgle strap, stay and breaching cut in one solid piece of leath- er, making a strong and neat brace, side strap 7-8 inch. $34 95 Price frelnllt Kalil ......................................... L772:— bove set of Harness with collar and hames in place of breast collar; all so_1id nickel mountings on harness as well as homes. Extra $5 50 side check in place of overdrawif desired. State size of collar. '


leather, hand:1 madie; stitched with heavy waxed thread S E E T H E 33133325115] 340;“ SATISFACTION i fitted wit 5 ape winkers; reinfo c d t l . - ' mountings; straight or jointed hilt.e (Silvithouif‘hlhifi HA R NESS 1F9§td4ffkce file}; I 2 WITH EVERY PURCHASE l rPeiiiIli-z $2.75 xii-2:5 0N5 F709—Team Bit Boots, [with dogbée ‘HQWl-(I-{I-ll-ll-fl-ll-lmn-u-u‘ ................................... 12 . - ' strap, e t pad 8 ; i L57Check Rein, extra ................... soc] “£22“??? . Stra‘igté 11:“? 0r right- 95C 60 F710—.—J -' t-d,” rice..,...... Price....o.".l.?. 20C :— 1.2—9 ' F1028——Qllar- lg ter or Grab Bil)(ots,kbacklhingde e] s in his , val u 8 well made of horse boot leather. 1 70 Pair ....... $5.75 __ Psi—racer Quarter Boot of _ 2.2.1.: w a . F886—Heavy quality Open Work Bit, jointed XC plate geggs Chilaeincg’pe; pr ...... $5.25 J Brlgle. 7solid leather throughfiut, hand 9X13“! value. 35‘: __._'_’_’——-—— ma 8: —inch side, 1‘ inc crown .. sciallopegl chelek; every3 piece $1.70 . " Lesitllii:ghhoazflealter BIC VALUE a His :1 e. ice ........... . milkis 5533' fiiiiifiifl‘lfi'flfa . 3mg: “TM?“ '°“'-‘€‘,; “91““? twin“! . f . ' . . . 8 ma 8 rap w: crown s rap as “c i ms'gfgi hail: (ll‘iiirkiiplq‘mailgx 5:1]? ‘32:: Drwrng Ren’ls snap; ‘hand madfle; VXC adjustable attachmefirilrtl These .bridles give a greatiappearance Fl—Dl‘lVlnil Rellls. 1 inch hand ' I 111%!7’1723iar . v I ford bill E4“ii!“Etiiiles care to teams. $3 19 part, 7-8 inch front with loops, russet F936-—Tested Bit. size Price g9 $1075 an Us“ w'th p extra Price—«without check rein). , . _ . hand part, oak tanned leather. $3 50 straight or ‘ointed, 11:778— Med-f hill-iii? estrap l snap on Check rein extra .................. 90c Price only ......... . -_; ------ _ ' _ ltaperedh rill(o|lt Pificle’ ium size. Price. $1‘60 throat strap. $1 20 _ _ - arge_c ee s, me e- F779— t ' ......... ' wifhz sggvbli‘lll'etgeydfi' gusckll’iafhriisgrel: Ed fimSh‘ Price. .60c size. PTiEGO'l- - - $1'10 lililclgh ---------- - ‘1'“

hand part,

unlity Solid Leu- 13 inch crown, {- Made in trimmed, show our own harness department, price.$l.25 Price each .....

F885-A strong q titer Work Brid e, inch side: X(‘. mountings.

black bit part, best oak tanned leather. Price .........

Fz—Brldle Fronts. Fa—Reversihle Fronts.


8879—Worir Bridle Front brass F706—ll u b b e r

F708—Nickel Bit, jointed or strai ht full check. Price. .

F789—Shin and Ankle Boots.




Solid Leather

776—A bargain in a low priced Solid led- tller Halter, crown strap, 1-inch throat band 2-inch adjustable nose hand, all XC $100 mountings. Price. -

F07-Stalllon Hal- ter, black, extrallarge made of 2 ply 1} inch l e a t h e r throughout; strongly sewed, throat strap fastens with a snap, crown strap connects

with heavy bar$2 50 I

buckle. Price...

F04—‘l‘raclf Hal- ters, russet, light and nobby.!extreme- ly Well made with a

leading strap. $2 10

Price ........

‘5:-imii-u-u-I1.0.0.0-o-u-u-omi-1 If


horse boot leather, extremely light and offers good protection; best guality.

er pair .................

F705 English Bit, extra heavy, jointed nickeled ......... '70: F703— Nickel Over- drawBit. . .. . . . .12c


! !

Each ...... 30c Each. . .404:

Bridle Rosettes

F43 —— Brass Work nos- eties,large. pair ...............

F49 —— Fancy ettes, assorted.


F29—Dandy Horse Dru:

d back, all corn. No. 1 . .. roun . 300

No.3 .................. ' ......... ' 35¢

F21—Najavo Horse Brush all re .fibre,

long and flexible; wears well. Price egchs.’ ..... 50¢ gs—lellable Horse Brush. made from good

quality fibre, with leather sides, solid back. It PWs


! i i i

[a -l'-(|-II-U-D-ll-il-il-l



Blt. half check as

and serviceable. y 33C cut, chain centre. .ooc

for itself in its lon life. Price. ..... ......F... ..... 60C