Harness That Stands the Strain and Look Well all the Time 125 'l ORK HARNESS ‘— Strong Massive Mountings ONU E Made of Best Selected Leather - - : \ . Thisptyie with breechings Harness is Hand Made From Best Se- lected Special- .2. \2‘2 2"? .2 . _ ‘ ‘3 g \ \ If You Want th Best Work Harness Made You Will Order This Set - - $69095 There's quality in this Double Work Harness: the leather is the best procurahle and the workmanshlp ls unexcelled. Every stitch is placed with the object of giving the maximum of service—the hames have brass ball trimmin s and adjustable draft, balance of set has heavy XC plate mountings. You have to see“ Double Set to admire Its excellence: and we will gladly ship it on condition that when it reaches you if you are not more than pleased with it you are at perfect liberty to return it to us at our expense. _ . Extra heavy quality Double harness, hand made throughout, strongly stitched With Waxed thread, doubled at all important parts. Furnished with Drednot steel hames with brass ball trimmings, all other mountings heavy XC plate. Riddles—4 ply iinch cheeks, flare blinds {Salad winkeil-I stays, side chgeks stiff or jfiinted bits,s§lid b23531 fgonts,brolslett;s andblliugklez. POLE STRAPS—1% inch heavy, with slide and ans 3_ _. . es—l-inc , 86 est, snaps uckled on. _ame§— re notsee , rass a , a J‘usta e rs . folded, 2.} feet long with 1,} inch buckles. BACKpBANESE‘KER’ygflid 42%;?flihfi‘éhhfizg Traces—Full length 2}. 3 ply to square link, single to end Withswwel and chain. Martin-v d u ri ht t t , d 1 ‘ ' ,. . aleswll inch heavy buckled. Pole Shawl; inch heavy .with slide and snaps. Back murnppoint ai'iedrrliniscklle'.l {inch pOints tofasten totrace. MARTINGALESHI'Z'mCh With guilds—Heavy felt lined, shaped. Belly Bandsiz inches folded double buckles. _ Breech!!! s—2-inch folded. heavy with 11 inch layers 1; inch strap to martingale, double “.1 t.F07I'":}1I’°Vl\‘/3I DoublepHarness, lrelght 1”“ to your nearest Railway rump strag. Back straps divide just back o‘f pad and snap in hame rings. l'rf‘lclgtl lilthGiit coll; Ime rovmces or Quebec. .90 l F274—Above Harness, freight prepaid to any railway station in Maritime $69 95 ” e w 1's) ............................................. Provinces or Quebec. Price (without collars) ................................... - Double Team Work Traces Surcingles 2 'J The Kind of Work Harness That Will Stand Hard Service - _ $46.90 .Our big. special mail order value in hand made DOUBLE HARNESS. Only the best quality specially tanned solid leather is used, heavy construction for the heaviest work. The partsare all well finished, strongly sewn, doubled at all important points. The Hames are massive with heavy brass trimmings, other mountings X C plate. This Double Set is with- out doubt,the biggest yaluepn the market. BRIDLE—~4 ply, % inch cheeks, flared blinds round Winker style; still or Jointed bits solid brass fronts, rosettes and buckles. LINES—«l mch 36 ft., snaps buckled on——llAMES—Drednot steel, brass ball, adjustable draft. TRACES— 2 ply for 25 feet from Home. then 32} feet singe ply with heel chain and swivel. $6. 24 @236 MARTINGALE __ ' F880 —- {Work F987 1’- E. Island Work Traces. hand made Martingale. solid in our own Harness Department; heavy uniform leather sw1vel tail chain,length 6 feet, swivel and chain making an additional foot, doubled well F966~ Double Team Surclligle, leather pad with 4; inch felt lining, '1: inch leather, 1.3 in. wide; loops and buckle Price ......... 81.25 pomt,heavy 2, inch folded back and has. double gear attachment; strong __ girth, martingale 1% inches, and reliable: 2 inch, $5 95 )gc mfunting; hand made pair...h. ............................. . _ c t roug out and will stand 2} inc ,per pair ........................ $6.75 ' F7él—Thi-‘l WOI‘k ~ - the hardest service. Price for heavy WDYk- G53?Igggdfiggfigdyi’ndsdgliiiafd: complete each .............. $6025 700 ,_ own harness department hand fin' ‘ 2. ' _ ished, 1) ch n [212:53, Eiggh‘iigwot plles‘ofl; leather well sewleeda, hing ' s raps‘ ip stra buck] igiitrllirpgxlftvlittlird toblprplavenht chafing. Larges’sq‘iiia‘i: , ~ ou e eat or sewed bear ' ' back strap With drop terrets, or stationary :itsh ss‘vlvtihngg- ing ilng attachment and stationary lerrets,'all X C F71~—Double Work Rein. iinch, made from bli'aliy selecgedkllslang leather extra long and even t t ic-ness, uc e a jastment at crotch, buckl canno come Price F ' ll . at bridle and ends. length 32 feet. Price $5 73 05- Price v~~~18c (33‘ paid) """""""""""""""" $13.50 . 2.--..-_,_.-.-.,-e, .._d. -., complete only ........................ Custom Made LS—Curry. Combs, solid back, handle mounting. - _-_ CURRY COMBS Cart Harness F777—English Twisted Back Chalns,with swivel; heavy style. Price. .............................. $1.10 F8875 —~- Solid leather Leather Back Bands F96—L e . d h C l' Rack Bands of good heavy constrUCtlon 3er finish; adjusts ble 1“"thh riifiigs and wide "3 er a . Each. .. p8 $1'60 STEEL NECK YOKE CHAINS Fez—Steel Neck .YOke Challis. 28 ”miles long, attach to “film-‘8 with snap. l :nr .......... $1.00 double team work Breech- Inn, 2 inch folded and stitch- ed seat 1;- in ch strap to martingale, double rump strap; hack straps divide back ol pad, attaches with 19:31.3". '3’??? Tl’TisiW-OO Home Fastener F8887—llame Fastener, XC metal, adjustable, locks automatically, will outlast a dozen lvnl her sl ml». 39C l'rirv ................ F778—Chaln Traces, twisted or straightflwith swivel; hoavy, strong style; hook at $1 40 end, 7 feet. Per pair ........ ,...‘ ...... ' Perlpair ........................ $1.50 70c W F662—Trace End and Swivel. for leather traces: made for heaviest I’VKPR, 2extrer'ne length, 4 invhvs. 2 inch, ppr pair c ‘ { invi pair ................................... 85c 7; feet. L47—Ecllpse Curry Combs. corru ated. It is a good ceaner with no sharp teeth to annoy ani- mal. Price....30c All Goods on Pages 1 to 64 delivered at your station in Maritime Provinces. 13.75 FL623—Hand made Cart Saddle and Breeching saddle top covered with heavy two—ply whole stock leather, strongly stitched with reinforced crotch, deep padding with leather faced ends, thong stitched, 1% inch solid leather girth: detachable breeching with seat, made from solid two-ply leather, strongly sup- ported and rivetted at all vital points. 13 Complete (freight charges paid) .......... $ '75 Neck Yoke Straps and Slide - - .F60——Necl( Yoke Straps, 1; inch, extra heavy With metal slides, snap and one buckle. l 50 Each.. ................................. $ ° F58—Neck Yoke Sllde. malleable japanned, right shape, prevents strap slipping 2H riHit: I; illl‘llt'H. Each .............................. 18‘;