R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside,‘ Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22
Combination 25I Collar and = Hames
F776—Improved style com-
bination driving collar and flames, heavy solid leather, with covered rim, stron ly stitched Lug, suitable for 1 inch trac— es, wide draft withfeltlining. The strongest, nearest and most sensible collar on the market.
or the Horseman
I Page full of Iargams f
High q u a li t y Hercules Hames, compressed steel shaped and forc- ed together in Powerful presses,
$6. 25
countersunk con- struction. rein- lowed by separ- ate inner strapl; securely rivetedr‘
F837—Brass Ball Top Ex- 2i
press Rallies, correct shape Made with heavy steel mount- Heavy Steel Mountings,
reinforced with oval iron, select- «1% , . . . ed wood body, riveted construc- ' 1 . lugs, finished black Japanned black japaimed with brass tion, has double leather tugs, ‘ ball tops. ball tops . guitable to: 11 dinch traces; F2—I‘II’ook and$l 75 fits—Bolt and Ring. $1.75 > F16—Fitted with F2 H k d rass moun in an n rice. rice .............. — 00 an ring; buckles. ' Priclga ....... $5'50 Ri’ g hOOk and ring. Price. $2085 Price ................ $3' 40 The Hames illustrated above are strong and well made, F3¢~Bolt and ring
F17—Fitted with belt selected second growth bound with steel strapping rivet- _ ted and reinforced, three loops for hame straps, st tee! and “"3 Pnce ------ $2' 8.5111166... hooks, 2-inch line rings, and 2-inch breast rings, lacquer-
ed mountings. Bolt draft suitable for 2; inch trace.
$3 40 H A M E Don’t Miss These Values '
L123——Drivlng ‘ . . . ‘
flamen h StripsE Breast Collar Derlng An Excellent 2 5 l C , ea 0 0 leather keepers. 4o Traces Derlng ____ Top strap 18 .23 F8874—Breast 40 _ 50 —- .31.... C 10’3“" solild - — 2_ Collar , 2 — 1., ea , am e
strap 127ins. rzger strapfrV shape bl): No 776—8 1 L95—Drlvlng Collar, black or Price ...... , C loops, nickel buck- Driving “axis? hill niggesdhpierery strongly made;
les, attractive die
L230— W 0 r k stamped finish.
Price ................... $4' 2 5
L97—Patent Leather Collar,
1% inch body,
flame Straps. i 1 5 inch points
L15—Drlvlng flames, iron inch, about 24 Order one at . . japanned band or wire, nickel inches long, with thislprice. $3” 40 lggtilfer- dglrblgezg highest grade leather, red faced, mounting, tugged and strapped twin loop. 28C E30 point ,and heel fancy and well made. $500 top and bottom Each. , Per pair. ’ 32.50 Price ................... '
$4 .00
Pair. ...............
Hog Rings
L53——~ Hog Ring-
ers, for inserting 0 B I l ringsin nose. )1 a S ,\ , . EaCh( ...... 15C screwed on .
horn to pre-
1 L54—- 1'! o g r
"”95! 100 as- Pillcte ea‘ilflnllqgt: ”rted' 10c ———,—-‘— “3:315" B77 Dl oini Axle (ii-eds Price...” WORK rum: . _ — am e
, t b . . c 1 L .1 Q N a“; 33 6” "“- $1 70 r 0. —— ol‘ Ol— . att e ea 6 s L57—Co per 1111-, mi: Of heavyrimf; L15—-Collar Pad, ut 10 L76“B'a°k"a'“”s 011 "”1““ L56~Cattle Bull Rllllqs vas due Well stu ed WORK 4 0 d 3 191'? cdcl (1 leather soft and pliable. 25C Leaders. can _ . , has wide hame room COLLAR 0 LID—Excellent ”15- W1 91 sprlngs we pa e Bottle ..................
2% Inch. can- split leather rim, and quality. Work Collar brown back, white face, all L72 icllmax Oll Blacklng, in
be attached to aste form; oils and blackens the
not “815. 083- hame leathers as cut; L11-Fi his bed made from especially s1zes. 65c
nose in an in- . . stant and 11y Inserted- wide draft, heavy solid and full shaped selected whole stock, lea- Price only ------------ arness in one operation. 25 have firm Each c0_m— leather, mane rotector work collar, with a ther face, extra wide L16—Collar Pad, of a com- Large box ................. C grip insuring plete 1 With and straps, wit buckle. good wide draft all draft. It is well finish— bination of wool and hair; the L73—Sultana Harness Pol— safety. 18C l’crriec‘ev ( r1295: shapegl am}!1 5reinforced leasher11 throughout fad. glellshapezdlandstrong- long fibre makesbit comfortable, iSh. in screw top tin cans; give r1ce. . ----- 0 me e an we y ong s 1 c - porous and dare 1e ood finish _ Prices ......... $2'69 made. Price $4'00I Ied. Price each $4' 50 Price .................. 70c er can, . . . . . . . . . . {Z ....... 25C
CLIPPER . Harness Punches.
1 159-1! e I! all r ' ' _ 9......— Tfelgaln (w?twh Links of wrought ~‘"
L10v-L' ht mg races 0" any ' .' v 1 e ' F33.— Harness punch of for Rah“ 416 broken chain; Pnce each .............. 75C finely tempered carbon steel es. Each. C .5129 0f "0" I Cotton 01‘ in 3-16; 1- 4, 5-16 and 8-8 inch L20~Medium inch 240 Wool Cards, sizes. Give proper_ size with
L901» Sheep Shears, full for c0ws_450 323' . wood back.leath- Order, 250 length 12} inches.’ blades 5.1, Ezieh“ .H dozen“ 1n 28C er face, superior Each. '. ........... .... .. inches, large size, best 30.__ eavy 1 nch L10——Coll Wilhelm fit any pattern.
. _ 85C for cows. 50 5 i 360 axle. quallty. Pnce .......... Each . C dozen.. . . . Price 7C C8213, Tx 9V: 0 ol Newmarket 50 L103— campiéés‘éd 'i-‘lllrei ' $2. 00 Clipper 3 3381122231 mlea lg-8th,1f5-16th c 1‘'L9—:(: 1; t ton - '_' . ax e er a 8 was on .......... :8? F10 10¢ in. lg'ric? $190
money Speedy Smtltch—Awl
Cow Bells ,0;
115mg the
repairing boots, 'FH'IG—Cow Bells, made of special metal with a far reaching
CBS—Leader of all centre adjustment 770—Save
clippers, quality .and finish is well known
to the public ......... $3 50 s hoes,
79c 15:: 12c
R81—- Clipper lorrméme and fetlock trimming mad e from the finest tempered steel,’ smooth running and of perfectly ac- curate adjustment. Price._82.50
harness and all leather penetrating sound. Size at mout
goods. Price ......... 29‘3“"1‘65‘: Needles, straight or
Waxed Llnen Thread Price ................. bent. Each .............
No. 771—25 yd skein. FH'I'I—Slleep Bell. each.