Holman’s is Headquarters tori-lune” values 127




Nickel Plat- ed Chimes -

B 7—Saddle

$2 1 0 t es.brass ' \ / s rap 8. n d V . knobs h a 5

'Bl8—Saddle Chimes, as above cut, so- lid h e a v y , brass: a hobby ,’ set with very rich s w e e t tone. Elegant- ly finished. Price .. $4.25

three nice ton- ed brass bells; a neat shape- strongly an

BS—Saddle Chimes made of brass, nice polished finish, good full clear penetrating tone: guaranteed not to rust. Per set sail- lustration ...... 32.10

7 Top Shaft Chimes

, .7. ‘6. li/A Swedish Bells

bea uti‘fully BIZOASwedIsII Bells, as cut. solid brass, very finished, 90m“ innsical tone. on two-ply wide red leather; hells attached

I t ~ . - E;§,,$2.00 Eitsfilifik'fi'él‘" £2395". .b.°.‘.‘.°.’“. if. l’f’l‘i". .°T‘.". $3-60

No. 17—Shalt Ends of strong steel, fit either right or left; filled,Ijapanned, resem )ling!~ patent leather, nickeledltip. Repairs quickly and is better and 50C

BiSl—Top Shaft Chlmes. all brass, {our stronger than new. EaCh ...................... bulls, chimed, makes nice tone. $2 75 Price ............................... '


L882—«Shalt Tune of solid lleather, ll in. points well made for

‘I V , l ”1/2.“. "ll

B..H“..”.s..c........ .. SWEET SOUNDINGTBODY BELLS

Snlldi brass bel s, very rich tone easily cleaned; B110—Bells, brass oanlack pebbleleather, same as cut, 12 bells.. . . . . .851: work harness. "H bower in harnessing' ' $3.75 40 bells ............ b ............... .h ........... l . . .h ............ . 3%: Price each ......... 95c Mice ------------------------------ B41—123ells, rass, nickeled, on eavy orange e‘at er. ........... , __ _ _ y > . B101—Acorn Pattern, cast brass bells, extra fine tone, brass or $1 85 tlgi'sssftrofig‘usg‘r‘ilrig d ILSSBfigAs above for nic'l‘tlelid, léarlildsome red leather, with 12 bells ....................... £5 50 will - prevent shafts {xilrlléligpoiili’tlsess’ 85c it 40es ..... . ttlin ------ B30——40 Cast Brass Bells, heavy cross cut pattern, extra nice re ‘5' 25¢ tone; brass on good red leather. Price .......................... $4'50 Per pa" -------

/ L8876— —— Leather 05:9 gigggga‘. RAWHIDEWHIPS Dasha $3.60

No. 60—- Wlllp, raw-hide Buggy

Lza—Bolt Snaps a hen vy from snap to cap; waterproof; L014— Patent Leather round e f r , s t yl e ; t . Dasher. steel frame cover- tinned: {in or 139 can be 8'" $2313.18ka .4}. “films. 859 JaCk ed with best quality leather eye. Price ...... C t a_ c h e d size 14x25 ...... . 33-“

’5 byanyone. No. 92__ Whip. black 500 V Size 14x22 ............. “.35

. 2'5c Each-15¢ or red; 5feetlong ....... 1.60 TAIL

L78—Swlve_l for8c No. 33—~Whl|h 5 feet 20c L642—Anyone can prepare the heaterrfor :ope tether,l in.. Pnce each .............. lbmh It requires but ? flewdminutes and nieds in; 1111 ............. 101: L10 St eel Bug urt er attention unti t e rive is over. grea -—-—— ._. ' - lmnn in cold weather. $1 99 L8884—R o u n d L33 Blt Snap, EXPRESS WHIPS 9, Jack 15 .998" and hiceLcomplZeltle with {ule‘L I. . . . . . . . . . . l. l:‘ k Si. dk‘l l g H o o k s, for attaching bit to 25 N 95 30c gandy for Oiling your 55c 10—- arcoa Ile . er extra arge ric n c e haIte ,XC lat No. 94—- c 0 uggy. lasts for 10 to 15 hours, each 0c; dozen ..... 81.00 finish ......... 25C Eachf... , . p ,sloc No. 96 ................... 35c Price ....... $1‘60 . L46 Band Tan L16 Harness | Ties,“ a paltent attach- _ merit, ‘simpy press 0- JUte Horse Rugs Whip Soc- Hook getherlt and it will .hold ket, black. L19— gill firmly; gilt or mega japanned, Ear: es; Blanket Pins rice ............... L29—Loop Eye for lea- r u b b e r inoost’rong tllier reins, 7-8 ins.... . . .71: holder. Will keep L8885—Blanket Plns. 1 2c ' Illinnh 9-1:. 1).; "8c Price.l30c harness in 4 inch; spring steel,

1! in 13c 2 in and order. nickeled finish. 4C Ll l-flltclllng RIIIy.pol-

ach. . 25c Each .............. ished steel w ith screw. . 12¢

L4 5 s—Fancy Team Spread-

ers. full length, 11 inches, No. 42—Tle Rope le- large brass ring, 4 small brass

ture. fastens on rope at rings, 4 lar er red cellu-

proper place and does away loid rin 5, red celluloid

with knotging. Price com- bands, ouble leather with ete wit snap snap.

Lily ................ 25C Per pair ........... $2.35

' F22—Striped Jule none lug. lined body, shaped neck bound edges. fitted with wide surcingleS: 800d

weight and quality; lenflth Trunk": 2-49 F d R k d B "'°S%9's;:7’2.i.;c'l;'seat;.;a‘3':‘yie"‘sellb'ea'hafnium ee ac an OX

Rug: full lined. bound edges; with wide aurcingles. This is a good weight warm ruggflording excellent pro- lection lor the bars . '

l‘rice.................~ ....... l 3.2, ......... $3°65

F69-——78-inch Double Breasted Stay-on style Horse Rug; heavy striged jute material, is full lined iii-ch wide surcingles, wit hosvy‘snsps. $4 35 This Cover rice .......................... ' _ Will Protect 30th Horse

"Id Harness

Floo—Extrn quality Fancy Kersut orseRu assorted Polar. may be used as slei h blanket- en th é-inches: " lull lined, wide web surcing es, finished wit neck gusset making it fit snugly. -

Price ...................................... $5'20 F64—78-inch Fanc Stripe Jute Horse Rug: extra heavy quality, full line , wide web surcingles, shaped Feed Boxes

iii: ...................................... $4-75

L7763—Black Oiled Drill Waterproof Horse Cover

. SGGZ—Corner III! will protect horse and harness: 72 inches wide; F94—72-inch Striped Juta Hone Rug, full lined: Rack. keeps your stall SSSi—CornerlI-‘e Box. one length breast to tail 84inches. Price ............. $6.50 stay-on style, With Wide surcin '85, bound edges. 01°39 neat. with hay clean and solid piece cast iron, flange on L7764—Black oiled drill waterproof Horse Covers, 80 lI‘eavy weave heavy material. hile they last. $3 60 sanitary, 30 ins. high edge to prevent waste'of feed. inches wide; length breast to tail 72inchee. $5 50 hxtra value ................................. ' 32ins. wide $3 25 Size 14x14x23 ins., 8” $2 25 Price .......................................... ° ' Price .......... ' ins.deep. Price . . ..... ° *—
