128 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22 pl IE -_'I ale 336— J r5 m1 sumac Annuvuainy um enm- HF19—Sate Gl'lp pox Tongs, made from best steel, light and strong, opens full in small space and is self locking, Japanned finish, 'e‘fiie‘e?f.‘?f‘?‘.‘?‘.if‘tt .................. $2-25 FOX FOUNTAIN HW71~Fox or Poultry Foun- GREY ENAMEL FEEDING PANS 25¢ DGZ—Heavy Grey Enamel Fox Feeding Pans each... .25c Per dozen ............... $2.50 WIRE ”’Gnur emu“ Holman's Prince Edward Brand Special English Fox Netting is made for usin . England by a special old English process FOX that arfiduges abwilret famedd for its tensil . s reng —1 s a so u e rigi ity~—its uni- PAN Powerful Unlversal formity of gauge and uniformity of mesh. MEAT GRINDER Entries hEdeard, l3rand dForir Netting is x ra eaVi y a vanize ater weavin nC‘akinZ‘each twigst on the mesh 3 veritablg ‘3 taln, is easily filled and holds one- 20C D837—llnlversal Meat Grln- sized brozed or welded connection. Every ' " . half 33110“ 0‘ always clean water tier, masswe construction, heav- roll guaranteed full length; every mesh true ~‘ which feeds so that trough cannot ily retmned, all parts infier- to size, strongly woven with extra twists ' overflow; it is made of heavy gal— DTG—Grey Enamel Fox changeable—_a powerful cutting in the meshes, further strengthened by two vanized iron With bottom pan and Feedan Pan. size 2%x7i (1% 'macénne’ height over all? .8% extra Wires woven on top, bottom and ends. ring for hanging up clear 0‘ floor Quart.) Specially cnamelled on in” lameter of lérger gear 8111!. Comparison proves that there is as much - ran and dirt' Price """"""""" heavystee] body_ 20 opper 5 x 6 inches, cutting difference between Prince Edward Fox ‘ Each ................. C capacxty4 poundstothe minute. Wire and other English Netting as there FENCE PLlERS This is a very suitable size for ‘ b t ‘ 9 is e ween safety and risk. The name Twelve for .............. $2-5 hotel; and fox ranch-$17 95 "Prince Edward” is your protection. $2.75 H04 —Fence Pllers. _—___________ es. rice .......... ' _Prince Edward Fox Netting was the 3cutting points, 35 \— Wire selected for the cages at the 1920 10 in. Price...$l' ' Int 11 t‘ 1F Sh , has] H14—Ba lse Post _ ' FOX FOOD Braken .RIC? lg;efyl(l‘rozll ogins 2:th flat hnd smooth, flole Digger. all ' Broken Blscu1ts , making'teasyw‘msmgdstmght L’::.ne.‘j“::em3;‘;‘:l§ Ranch Accessories wall. The extra galvanizing makes this fl Imperial Fox Biscuits, made of . . ll ‘t bl f d l . d‘ . d » our and meat scraps—a clean Get our rices on broken '0 , w‘re espec1a y 5‘“ a e 0‘ any amp Cli' c. using, igging an - ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' wholesome nutritiousfox food. ’ broken bisguits, and other loch mate. ”3: hfm‘g. clay i." one Write ‘10)“ 1111053 on Igaflfiligr: glrefigsrgsmgh‘geeles’ Pp, barrel for 125 lbs; 101 for foxes. We can quote the Write for samples, further particulars operation. W!“ PTO- Staples, oor pring ’ t 1: ad e uipment for Pnl‘lb. ................ §C lowest prices obtainable and and prices. trudded throng: rockk Ed allnsot'i‘lliiltigrficisisatrlie roaoncha and qranch build- . . ~ . an o ra i wor . e 00 Smaller quantities, per 1b., . .llc guarantee PromPt dellVElY- ale , ,t. Price ...... _p _ $2.75 ings. w Here Are The Farmer’s Favorite Stock Foods and Specifics l H855 —— .__-——-———— Royal Purple ' ,. Disinfectant 2/: HSZ—Cooper’s Powdered Sheep ,4 Dlp used by the most successful sheep raisers in Canada and recommended by the Dominion Government Agri- . cultural Department. Size package to make twenty-five‘ _ gallons. Price. 800 will give you 50 per cent more for your money than any , other Disinfectant H74—-This Special Dry Fond Hopper is a device that saves 25 to 50 per cent of the food in the \\\\\\lll\\l\\l\ on the market: ' d tim . Made of alvanized iron when used in H76—jWater Glass Egg Pre- whityh halelglng hooks End wire front, F72—Lllne Parcel post, extra. . . .221: c 0 n n e c ti 0 n servative *‘ strong quality, self—adjustable wire feed front which Nest Eggs. ‘ containing 75 per cent cal- cium carbon- ate; absords foul gases,kills lice and ver- ROYAL PURPLE :_-__ 5a.... \ HSSS—Royal Pur— ple Chick Feed is made from kiln dried seeds and grain and H876- ~Royal Purple Stock Specific. will‘con- Will make young (lition and fatten your stock in halflthe time taken 90“”1'3’ grow 1'35“” . ‘ by ordinary remedies.' You can largely increase the than any 0th?! {00“- H634 VvThe Deluge Spray with flow of milk by using R. P. It willlfatten steers and Pa ckage.... ~ . - - . 30‘? FOR ~0R$E5 . . , _ . , thi .,~_ hogs earlier. Can he used to good advantage: by (postage extra 20c). t1“ flu‘d “ml" W‘u enable L oper PM Foldingi'Egg Crate using mixed with salt and used as alick. ‘- ———-—— ator to spray from any-angle. ‘EX‘ 12 dozen capamty. When _ . , "Hun...”ewr-K" (Postage extra 10¢) trfenllelyt ilseféll fin skptr’ayintg all kinds Numb}; foldsTgat: strlong and P91 pdeage. .60c Large package ............ $1.75 _ .. LOMDDNVMMM' ‘ o p an s an s ru cry 0 WOW? dura e. e on y safe - ' ‘ hd l us H877-Royal Purple Poultryjlslpeclllc. Wlll PURE ggfiwtifmflnplab? {11111:} aeasilxngis ggyetoecfcrgy eggs . _ 70C keep the birdshealthy and vigorous and will make PINE TAR simple ,and will be found to work ' ' them lay practically as well in Winter as summer.’ It satisfactorily 75 is a grand tonic to be used in feed for youn fowl. It H163~Pure Price ' ' _____ _ C is indispensable to those who wish to ma e poultry Plne Tar in """""" —~ pay. 30c cans, used as —_‘————-——- Per package ...... (Postage extra 100) ...... a desinfect- Holmans prices on Poultry ant G it, Charcoal and Chick Feeds Pint ”18C arle the lowest—'Write for them with Royal Purple Lice vPowder one pound mixed With one locks, rat proof at night or can be will kill lice on roosts, frames and gallon Of ‘water makes a completely taken 03 for filling > walls of hen houses, as Well as on a preservative for 150 eggs HOldS half bushel, Bile 17X $1.85 . Put up in tins ' ' poultry and animals. . 8x13 ins. Price ......... Per package ............... 30C M ’ H879~Royal Purple Lice Killer will ex- terminate ]icc on stock or poultry; can be used economically; is most efl'ectivc, guaranteed to kill lice. if usedgaccord— ing to directions. Make your poultry and stock healthy by using Royal P ] ,. P::%:Ckag0.. . l ,, 30c 750 if , H878~Royal Pur- ple Cough Specific for horses and cattle will cure any cough in four days and break up distemper in ten days. Cleans H844—Royal Purple Gall Cure will absolutely cure all sorts of harness scalds and sores without the necessity of leaving your horse idle. 300 the bronchial tubes Adjustable Poultry H73 __ Cypher-’5 Per package ...... (Postage extra 10c). .. . . . —prevzntts di— 600 ngs GT“ and shell 3"", . HSSI—Royal Purple Worm Specific will en— «nub sease- "L- H78 ” Ad- made of galvanized tirely eliminate the cause of worms and. expel the ROUP SPEC (postage extra 100). I ll st ahl e iron W‘th slanting Worms and larvae,thus leaving the animal in a healthy, “flit—ix P o Illt I‘y cover. WhICh prevents vigorous condition to assimilate his feed. Per 30 H962—- WOM- Rlngs made roosting; has three Package (Postage extra 10c).. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . C b , Con- . I compartments for H880 Royal dag: Powders grit; oyster shell and ‘ H882—Royal Purple Fly Oll will keep'flies charcoal; feeds grafi' 03511623". Cattle 0“ {01’ from bothering cattle, thus resulting in practically :gfgfiegggl’, fell-191 gaitleholwsi‘ll‘ 1:11;]: ually as used; will 1 nte" vines, trees Md double the flow of milk; can be brushed or put on with also cure r? hol'd u the sys— SOOn pay for Itself "1 p a s, ‘l sure death to a spray-very efiective——used and recommended‘by Fever Whichyris la tepm and givc , , of pure al- . u mi n,u in With .deeply .embossefl numbers. Put up in packages and numbered . 'n f nn cessar files and insects- not in- « ‘ ' ggnf'ecutxvely {‘er 1 to :z/aziimgocién ealso szurious to animal, or plant l’lle‘ilce;riimgthCk raisers throughout Canada. 60C common disease vitality and “ and from ‘3" t“ M)- uscd {or dry loodlife. Use it and get more ' """" . """""""""""""""""" ’ Bmongpoultry. 30c strength. P e r (Fly 011 cannot be forwarded by mail) Per package... Package ..... 350 Drive ppl- lnlclvlgv h ‘ . . l ‘ v” ' upper for slnall‘mll (- ”I 2‘) """""" 25C flocks. Price.. . $1.45?“ gal. can ....... $l'35 (Per postage extralOc) three (on. . $1.00