130 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada,l"all and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22 Reliable Equipment for Progressive Farmers a a Q fienlfi'.z‘il‘f£‘.§‘w 'I_'W_O -B_I_g SELLING SNOW SHOVELS HFSl—nly For“. steel tine, strong ROPEnCLAMPS I“ ”‘w'.’::;' 32c ferrule. best quality handles, assorted H87“ Wll'e ROI” lengths. ,Clamp. saves splicin : Bent handle, 2 tine. Price.. . . . . . $1.05 ‘two required at eac Bent handle, 8 tine. Price. . . . . . . 81.20 end. 5-16ths. inch. . 10c 1-inch... . . . 18c Manure Forks l-mch.. ........ 25c HF19—This Snow Shovel is extra large and is made from heavy weigllit iteel, coméwletel With long hano e, xtra goo va us at. .................. ~ ..... 32C HAY ROPE No. 983—— ere Hay Rope— The HF52— Manure Fork, highest grade kind ""3”“ “7““- nitt.‘.ffiz‘?f'3é'.°.-ffiirfz ........ $1.70 $1i§§§37;f“i‘f'f‘fii’e Stable or Snow sizilfi'ffi‘ttf’fffls:ff???. $1.75 W unison: SHOVEL a ay Rope; } diameter, per “.60 HF53—Garden Spadlng Forks. 1 Price.... ‘ ' ‘ ' $ .80 idiameter, per ft.. .71: 4 tine, long handle. F54—Same, D-handle. Price. . . 31.85 Stumping Rope No 984—ere stump- lng Rope that will stand the strain; E in. diam- eter 2 in. circumference, per foot 201:; I} in. diam: eter 2} inch cir- 28C cumference,per ft. V HF24—Soclret stable Shovel. made from hea 18 gauge steel and has large bla e with deep sides and lon hardwood handle. Very often sod for stable use. $ 70 Our price....... ‘ Manure Drag GF57—Manure Drag, four steel tines, strong and dur- bl, 'th — 1 Pi". $1.55 m... p...'.f1'...$1.4o ‘ POTATO BASKETS Steel Shovels STRONG 3.1253532; ’ SPADE strapped long strong handle, well shaped steel blade. A reliable . shovel l O 1 9 HOLMAN RELIANCE fCA%¥ER $14.50* Holman Reliance Carriers will work every time without fail and so we stand back ’A W1201 — Basket half bushel sizes extra well made doubly strapped and f - t nl them with our strong guarantee. They are a 0 y doubly bound. Made 0 - - - - . made from the highest grade malleable iron gzigftzfifig'dwg and every part firmly bolted together andI’are HF 46 “‘ gags ovir'yd $3] “a 'P . (65¢ braced right up to the trackso it cannot spread S ll 0 V 9,] - bride 515x12} incheg age. “09' ' ‘- . under severe conditions like others The extra bhigh thicker in center Galvanized Baskets Reliance has an extra large and strong swwel, Y?“ ,5 led}? where wear is eat- GL70— Galvan-Izod and standing on barn floor you can easily “Kht P0)” ' est and shape for FORK HANDLES 30c w“. Baskets will out— revlerse cargier so a; t? loaid inltlo opPOslite end :guaigmpdoin? foo’t Has long han- ' ’ . _ 0 am. very w ee an pu ey revo ves on . ' GF49—Hay Forls Handles. 4i. 30c $3; 563,353,311;de asteel bushing, reducing friction and wear and lbom:f l‘zgrxrllei 2,13% _ $1.00 5 and 5i feet. Straight .......... for “hang, onto” working free at all times. The bl fining “fl °'- “539 " . Bent ............................... 20c and heavy "Eh" mouth takes pulley every time whet er com< $21 - I. F30—A5 above Wlth Fso—Manlu'e Fork Handles, 4 48¢ cles g-bushel $1.65 ing slow. fast or swinging: it simply has to riced-l.60 Dhandle,spade round 3231;: mint ........................ u-bushel ' ' 82 “ enter, the pulley passes.well up into carrier, tonly 0T,3qu“9 $1.60 — errules, for manure forks... . . . .12c """"" ‘ very close to track enabling you tofill barn to a 110ml: ...... F72—Ferrules for hay fork! ......... 121: top. When pulley comes into carrier the load or strain is shifted from pulley direct to heavy frame of carrier, which then conveys it alon the track until tripped at desired point an then returns quickly, ready for another jag. The Rellance has a positive deadlock, no springs whatever; simply operates from own weight, never misses and holds with a bulldog rip. It is poeitively the highest grade an POTATO SCOOP Leather Knife3sc HF896—l-lay Knife. made of high quality scythe steel, keenly 3430— Shoe or hath” GHIO—Qulck Ropefllltcll est carrier on the market and guaranteed to tempered. It is heavy weight and We, sheer steel blade. “no: —the harder you pull the tight- givelastin satisfaction. 3 35 of an improved quick cutting pat. :dir‘rfi'le “’dw‘md handle- 33‘5“ er it' holds, does away wit: all ' H886—l ellakmfie'llay Carrier, $14.50 0 tern. It is usedt fol: cuttzlng dczvsn ' c knots, instantly unfastene or or stee trac . rice ............ ay or s raw s so s an E'fiic‘liwisl'ln'aigii'ai bent, :3:“SiggetofLfi-ngflwiilcfiinsgh“in: Hsslz—Rellnnce “a, cw". §i4w§06 SCHF66_§°‘:‘3 mows. Price ............ $1. each ...................... 4c - ’ . tl’lc - _00p. nis e HS—Stabbing awls, and," . . jc $233.- ................ 400 Price .......................... ' 23th : o u n fiend I‘M—Sewing awl handles, 5c g 0 pre e t injuring potatoes strongsh aped Each .................... Cl 1—Shoe Riven. clinch- ' 4?; Bil—Peg awl handles, patented ing point, i to 1 inch. Per . V3. . Ityle,each ................ 15c ound package. 22c .25 frame and rivet- He—srioe Wax, per ball.. . . .3: l” l rice .................. ed tines, nicely gzc—hfiffl'??§ffi‘lfifim2c Buggrcgmgggnfifmfig HAY HOISTING SUPPLIES titted..2.ti“d:3 DUSTIGOGGLES , tines; sizes 16x2 Peytsz—giilikfefglitf 10° Eiéfl’éfififilaan‘m' and “13°93Raggjvzerfcgbfifgd’“g“lgl‘ng“;,'fefi::3: .inches. $3 35 L65—Amber glass. Price....25¢ P Hg—ttll.eathericement.20c qu’ assgrted kl to * mg; ms is 1 .,rflan;ersplor Woodg Ilac ‘ Price.... 0 L66—Clesrlglass. Price“ . . .mc er 0 e ............... Price per; .pac age ....... You can make from H-inch _ round iron with hook and nut on other end, graduated in GARDEN length to rgiségack $1,922}: BARROW incline. Ila—Reliance Steel Track, made from double angle 37C steel. Per foot .: ........ H3—Rellancc Hangers,23c for steel track. Each. . . H4—Rellance Wood 190 Track Hangers. each. . . . GH9—Grap les the points are orc- ed into beam or rafter by strainlof . load. The chain is run thru eye of Made With Removable \ Tail Board G322—The Rellance nm'y Farm nan-ow, is without doubt the his gest value on the market; made of selected hardwood, with dovetailed framesv mortised braces—the right size: the ri ht weight, and the right construction to . Handy For nght W°rk block The r. l - ’ g ppe stand the hardest of hard service. he cross pieces measure 2h} inches' frame ”xiii inches. 7-8 inch boa-(is, reinforced and braced with forged iron” makes 'a strong WILL SAVE LABOR AND EXPENSE connection. Quick- bolts and lock nuts; heavy Wheel with full 2 inch iron tire strong 7_1 inch iroll G7697—This Garden Wheel Barrow will be'found extremely bandy’for 2"] “$32231 .65 spokes, 1-inch spindles, massiVe cast iron hub and int 9 hearings held in plact arden work; made of hardwood, painted plain outside size body length 279 ' ' by two staple bolts with nuts. The dimansions of t e body are as follow“; fuches, width 22 inches; height 7) inches, welded iron wheel with rivetted iron _ outside, g1x31 inches: inside box 35 inchm, 24x27 inches; sides 9} inche spokes; diameter 06 wheel 15) inches. We gave onkly adIimitted number to f His—Idlmetr {Broad suitable dull: lilhlnigea hdigh' Fitted with adjustable tail-board] 'lihetgorged 3&8?! 1:51:19 th ' ' ouwis totaeavanaeo orwoo orsee rc mae : an stron; e vs sea as sac ' 'tahlustavtidg.?l1.c.e:. . . r. if”??? .y.l. .5... . . . . ..... . ..... . . . . . .1“ .. $5'75 either style. Price.. .' . . . 13C Price. . . .2 ........... g. riff, part put together i?“ , _____ 2 , _ .. _ _ 38.“