Tools for the Farmer and Woodsman 131
_____..________ I DOUBLE
Holman’s Special Cross-Cut Saw
Base—An extremely low price on a good quality Dlssgon Cross-Cut Saw. common tooth style, expertly tempered and ground thin back rivetted handle socket, O
BUCK i SAW l i.
Who would be without a Cross-Cut Saw when we ofi’er you such value as this'! It may
be along time before you are again offered the equal of this value.
geflgth 4! feet, complete without wood handles. 0 rice.. . . . ........................................................
HTEZ-ifiugk Saw, red handle, double brace
s ringstee a e.
P‘i'ice ................................ $1'35 ET’I'I—Blades, for buck saw, best
ma e.
Each .................................. 750
i l I i l l g %
ww_“_l 1.0.x-
Accurate [and True
Steel Saw Spindlel. Disston pattern, complete with im roved boxes, flanges and pulleys. N0 --Nut Screws on spindle contrary to rotation of
Always state right or left hand nut for saws larger than 20 inches.
T86—llx2} ft. long, cut down to 1 inch where saw
oes on complete with pulleys, etc. for saws 8 lo 12 inch. Price ............... ' ........... $7'50
T87—Hx4 ft._long, cut down to 1} inch where saw goes on, com lete wrth pulleys, etc., for saws 16 to 22 inch.
( tate le t or right h‘d nut) $10 00 0
Price ..................... . ..............
Thick- Size ness of Gauge Hole
15 lin S 5.75 14 I}
TSB‘lixdi ft: is; , cufldow'l? ito lllldlnch where slaw "13 15 was on: compe pu eys nc ' t. 't 6 1;th beitlace. For saws 24 to 32 inch. name $.12 50 1 fr SPECIAL VALUE IN rice ..................................... ‘ _— T89——Balance wheels, extra; suitable for 1} inch 1* pindles. $10 50 — lOOlbs .............. 89.00 1201b: .......... - 1i I Forreaming spindle holes in saws for other sizes than
hat given in standard saw price list or Iar er t d rd Fcrsaws10t020inch ......... .,gsan;‘c
For saws 22 to 28 inches ......................... "c For sawl 30 inch and larger ....................... 45¢
S A W 250: ‘ $ 13095
QF05—l m p o r t ed Aie Handle, 36 inch G762 —A fortunate factory purchase en.
Handled Axe
H719— Reliance . . ables us to name this phenomenally low price Handled Axe, “ght “hape' Ed“ on a Circular Saw made of open hearth made of the best ory. 5 steel; recommended particularly for cuttin crucible steel, evenly Price __________ 2 C fire-wood; cross-cut set; size 30-inch, with
handled tempered, highly finished, keen cutter wedge and
1} inch spindle hole. While this saw is not 00—11] (3 k 0 [y guaranteed it rings like a bell and cuts like a Axe Handle 36 in razor. Only a limited number to sell at this
half wed e; weight 3} price. to 33. 1 his isa good superior quality and Special. ........................ $13'95 enera purpose axe, P E A v E Y fitted with a smooth- shape to; ttose who ly finished, clear demand '3 e e“540° ———~ Price ..........
2 95 . tzgiestffeslas
fins—Reliance Double Bl! Axe. helve best quality, highly
“$221333; Cross Cut Saw
' — bening axe will chop and G 763—- Peave polished, expertly tempered a 81'9“ lum I Wong and well prl’»: limb to perfection. $2.25 ond growth.. . . orcmnedlgi 1:. $2 95 Price, (see handles extra) ........... . .................. GFOS—D o n It I e an e. rice. . -
F HF89—Dlsston Hollow Back Cross Cut Saw. Bit he Handler a fast cutting, rapid clearing saw; finely tempered second KTOWtb- 5 steel; rivetted, steel handle socket. $2 75 Price .......... 4 C Length“ feet. Price................... °
G764—Cant Hook H717—Boy's Axe. with handle; proper weight, style and
with 4 ft. han- $2.75 shape“)! the b°y $1.35
dle. Price.. . . . Price complete. .....................................
in“ SC REW Best_Qna_llty Grlndstones, per lb .......... 5c 9 COLD ”mu, ii” Remit a little over in case we should not have fl 6 50 ghgrgxtact weight ordered, and we will sendthe CHISEL e 5 . u d . t O F31233ia—m1e8tqr' Z'I‘hickness 40 Wei hltb GAQ—Clay Pick we tempera pom 3. This Hercules ins. to 2} ins. to 4 s. Extra Strong meantime:.2?:l;..““‘§i'°i§ m-g Sgrem Ems 3:2: 3: :3 33 :3? 33323.13:- 25c HF41—Gruh Hoes of Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....... - gm 01;“ "0“" raw—22 ins. 2: to 2i jun. 70 to 79 lbs. C38}: steel. oval eye axe “and. wrought F327—231ns. 2} to 2 ms. 80 to 89 lbs. l-l'l‘l'l—C o l (I film“ Price $1 05 iron screws,cut C h l 8' G l : hill! W‘th‘mt handle. ' from the refin- , grade; i or t ed iron orsteel, Heller s an. 25C G46—Mattockfland- s uarethreads HORSE Each. . 50f. tsegaoned liudwoodi , ote dironeg- R ASP 2-inch ........ sec 9 e“ e map 9' . we 0 k xtra strong, cast 'i°n’° r ‘ fit'red; “1““ ‘° 3““ “y t alwfifii‘fl‘nfifiei viiih oval eye, price 9" by ““mbeh ‘ Hcsss—fleller’s Electrlc Horse Resp. finest B '1 y e has and mat- 3°C 5 Fe . 3 y 0"!“- by qualit : tanged 13~inch ...... 70c 01 er tOCk shown, each. . wnhout $1 .30 tan e 1441“”; ............... 80c handle ........................ Number 3 , ............................ . . , Tube Cleaner m. overall Grmdstone Fixture - $1.35 . No D‘m‘ Lew”! when screw Wght. Price HM631—Boiler Tube ' SCNW 3‘3”" ed down H534 1' l n (I ‘ Cleaner stron coil wire- , "' " -_ “0'“ Fixtures. will clean t e boilei F60 1 in. 15in. 22 in. 65 lbs. $7.95 a heavy pattern tubes far better and will F61 1 in. 13in. 17m. 47lbs. 87.50 with encased rol- lug In“, than “he“. G51---Cuttel' Mattoclr, extra high F62 11m. 10 in. 15in. 891b8. 80-50 £38. a 5233811112113; Diameter 2 in. (weight 3:33:35 6:. cast steel, highly tempered flt'all dine stones' £21223.) $2.00 m1:.sfi..x‘f’??t‘f..':t'3?.°: $1.30 meow-emu: -----