



GB870 —- Crank Forge, is the farmer's friend, will saveihim




large 18 in. hearth

and 8 inch draft fans with turned bearings“ .


G67——— Blacksmlth’s Enu- llsll Vlce, solid box style, sub- stantial and properly propor- tioned, solid thread box with steel screws;the threads are deeply and accurately cut; steel



31“]!!! are, propialy ttempered; 85 6] 8 n 0 CAN ADIAN 60 11m 1533b. ..... °... 36¢ Vice and Anvrl 4: III II A V“ lid POS I DRILL 233,. 22 ll) fv.§.2,wifil:’:;:.s“.§s:hwl:t $313 ' 'nc aws, en ANvu. Co . £52.??Jh...‘ 1 435

Price ..................

G876—Blaclssmltll’s Anvil.

special quality, full steel face,

perfectly shaped ed es, weight

1.30 t0'160 lbs. Will 3 ip nearest size we have to what you 22

order. Price per pound . . C


GEMS—Blacksmith Post Dl’lll. automatic self feed, adjustable slow or fast, with slotted lathe turntable and fit- ted with never-slip chuck, drill holes up to i-in. Weight ‘80 lbs. Equi pad with genuine 10-ball en -thrust ball bearlgig’ spindles. Price ......... $14.

BLACKSMITH and MACHINlST HAMMER lh' HB701—Hel1er Bros. Blacksmith's and Machinist’s Ham-

'—'.__ O

mers, ball pen highly polished, made from best cast steel $111): fully warranted, well handled. Weight 1} lbs. Pnce. . . . Weight 1; lbs ...................................... :1. oo Is‘llliiglER SHOE C ALKS

Farrier’s Hammer H3702_High and. Farrier’s Hammers,

Well balanced strong

‘handle, spe- $1.25

H366—Red Tip “Neverslip” Calks are made of

expertly tempered steel, easy to attach, easy to

take ofl. Used and endorsed by horse-shoers and horsemen: will prevent the horse from Sllp- ping on ice and may be quickly removed in heavy

t n Handle cial value.. . snow. Price per box of 50 i in. $1.85: 7—16 in. S m g 81.95: l—in. 32.00. A single calk r in. c’osts FARRIER’S KNIVES 4c; 7-16 in, 4c; l-in. 4:}0 each. Extra Blades for Iron Handles ....................... 60¢ . 33703 _ Heller BM , Nevershp Calked Horse Shoes Farrier's Knives, hard- No. 1 per set of four .............. $2.25 Wood handleafpriceffic msWW No.2 " ............. $2.40 HB'IOS— Heller Bros. firewood , No.3 " " ............. $2.70 “on Handle KniV-soc _‘ No.4 " ............. $2.90 es. Each ...... _ HB704—Heller Bros. ° ”NCERS .TfisflEfETS “leld‘ng , -g .. , _ y e er ros. ma ers ac 3]! e C 5. con- "‘ of the best grade ofFar- sist of taps, dies and adjustable compound riers tools in the world. stock in wood case: made by But- For 14 in. heavy wound terfield & Co., and are noted for l S l jaws. Price... . 13.15 their true-cutting qualities. ron 0" tee

H41A—Right Hand, 3 s... of

dies and 6 ts s, threading } to fir. Comp ete for ....... $5080 EMA—Right Hand 3 sets of

dies and 6 taps, threading $6 55


HB706—Heller Bros. H o o f P a r e r which every black-






Freight Paid on $10.00 Orders

R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summer-aide, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22

| Climax Blower


No. 7. —-Bus aim a Blot“ with m chine c gears i c l u dl two sp g e a

w h e e] and t

h e l l c

gear wheels prope

proportioned to dri at 1800 revolutlo

many trips to‘the Anvil, good . . forge and willfsave tough wrought iron, faced with 1’" leme with ”“3 time and money. 36 steel, weight about 90 lbs}; 121 “"an 3" very m' Heavily constructed Strong C Perlb .................... 2c erate speed. Thef with steel spindles, «1 came la 12 inches ratchfilt cois, 11 ad- an P diam?“ “a?“ P8 justa e ea ngs, s ape so at cra Powerful er can be turned f

ward or backwa . with equally good sults. The .hig speed fan pinion ru in an oil bath lub eating all work pa by aplashsystem;!u nished complete Wll tuyere and pipe, cut. mounted on pe

estal; price$27.

Freight pd.


grade, a kind we have been handlin

1 "th best flWe.handle only. e its strenv‘h and relil

for years; therefore can vouch for bility. Three ply. per-foot. ........... él-infih .......... git -inc ........... c 2l-inch ....... .. .21c 3-inch ........... 32c Ply 443011.. . .I. ...... 4'3: our p y, per . 4-inch ........... 50c Al-inch .......... 54c 5-inch ........... 62c 6-inch ........... 73c 7-inch ........... 93c 8-inch ......... $1.10 9-inch ......... $1.24 10-inch ........ $1.37

Canvas Belting. cheaper than runner, anu lasts well; made stitching several plies of oiled cotton duck. If kept dry it lst most economical to buy; _ 8| 6-inch per foot .................................. . ........

B863—Best Rawhide Bell Laclng. per foot,} inch ........ 8-8-inch ................... dale i-inch ......................


101— Packard Belt Purl' cuts right size hole easily, (1‘11“ and efficiently—should be every shop, factory and mill. 7' Price ......................

Iron Washers

smith should haVe. ito 1%. Com lete for ..... Com ound, very :h‘degali/skfgr‘ittselll’lihra short time in the saving o d' Hug—‘3‘?“ ihfiagd, i Sets Of handypdfor lwelding D' t l‘ hole Per] , . les an , ren m 'r t . lame ero ' . rasps. 12 in. long. Price ................ . . . $3.00 to fr. Goggle“ for... .g . $6'75 l’grnivnlxh. baa? . 75¢ 4'16 :1 HB705-Heller Bro. Far- 5'16 u rier’s Cutting Nippers H49—S p e e d 6'16 1: very latest improved I ll 1' I C 3| 1 0 l' - 7‘16 1: )attern, extra strong The working Part5 8'16 1.. , with keen cutting edge, 31:8 encased and " 9'16: 11 13inch ......... s . gm: has 3‘5?“ 3! , . T7—— Leather Punch. assorted li'i‘é 11; HELLER’S FARRIER’S CLINCHERS b5, 2;. to, p31,; :‘zis"°"°‘v‘“g‘“besw“h $1 75 'isils 1‘ HB709—Hell r Bros. pm” Each """""" ' 1‘ F . . . eh M ed and hollow - T9—Belt Punch. all sizes- to be ""6 . age: 3 Ohm era. 14 \- M . ~ centres. $3 25 used with hammer. ' When ordering specifyo 13518 3321;. i135? :25: Pnce each ' Each ..................... 25C uizelarger than size of" ished io‘r clinchin ' "44%;“: 4.. 1., .7. 'to be fitted. hom’sails a mu xx. BEST GRADE CARRIAGE BOLTS 'B It Ends - 9 HB'IO'I—fieller Bros. Pe . 1) 2. 121: 3 e Farrier s Tongs _ Farrier's'fi‘; Tongs, a Sizre U “1,”in ”12": 2:35} Zlgg 311%: 31:51: ' Size Per ”1‘ . -«: , . A . great helper 1n the Pet doz 11c 18c 191: if": ‘22:: J28¢: 246 25c 27c 29c i ..... 9c 9" i°rse for holding Size MI 1111“” 25;”: 2m; a :39; am; 4 5 al a s“: .... ..m at to "€10,119“. h $1.00 P6! 005- 22c 24c c 27c lac . ale 3;: 34c 36c 88c in. -------- 0c ea e c- neeeac - sin is“; 15x2: 21x2l; 2lx3; anal; tam 4; Ads 55-6 1II'. . c 9"