132 FARMER’S i FORGE ‘ 11-3—5. EASILY PORTABLE STEADY DRAUGHT GB870 —- Crank Forge, is the farmer's friend, will saveihim “ » BOX VICE G563——-li‘armer's large 18 in. hearth and 8 inch draft fans with turned bearings“ . $11.85 G67——— Blacksmlth’s Enu- llsll Vlce, solid box style, sub- stantial and properly propor- tioned, solid thread box with steel screws;the threads are deeply and accurately cut; steel SELF-FEEDING Combination 31“]!!! are, propialy ttempered; 85 6] 8 n 0 CAN ADIAN 60 11m 1533b. ..... °... 36¢ Vice and Anvrl 4: — III II A V“ lid POS I DRILL 233,. 22 ll) fv.§.2,wifil:’:;:.s“.§s:hwl:t $313 ' 'nc aws, en ANvu. Co . £52.??Jh...‘ 1 435 Price .................. G876—Blaclssmltll’s Anvil. special quality, full steel face, perfectly shaped ed es, weight 1.30 t0'160 lbs. Will 3 ip nearest size we have to what you 22 order. Price per pound . . C 1 GEMS—Blacksmith Post Dl’lll. automatic self feed, adjustable slow or fast, with slotted lathe turntable and fit- ted with never-slip chuck, drill holes up to i-in. Weight ‘80 lbs. Equi pad with genuine 10-ball en -thrust ball bearlgig’ spindles. Price ......... $14. BLACKSMITH and MACHINlST HAMMER lh' HB701—Hel1er Bros. Blacksmith's and Machinist’s Ham- '—'.__ O mers, ball pen highly polished, made from best cast steel $111): fully warranted, well handled. Weight 1} lbs. Pnce. . . . Weight 1; lbs ...................................... :1. oo Is‘llliiglER SHOE C ALKS Farrier’s Hammer H3702_High and. Farrier’s Hammers, Well balanced strong ‘handle, spe- $1.25 H366—Red Tip “Neverslip” Calks are made of expertly tempered steel, easy to attach, easy to take ofl. Used and endorsed by horse-shoers and horsemen: will prevent the horse from Sllp- ping on ice and may be quickly removed in heavy t n Handle cial value.. . snow. Price per box of 50 i in. $1.85: 7—16 in. S m g 81.95: l—in. 32.00. A single calk r in. c’osts FARRIER’S KNIVES 4c; 7-16 in, 4c; l-in. 4:}0 each. Extra Blades for Iron Handles ....................... 60¢ . 33703 _ Heller BM , Nevershp Calked Horse Shoes Farrier's Knives, hard- No. 1 per set of four .............. $2.25 Wood handleafpriceffic msWW No.2 " “ “ “ ............. $2.40 HB'IOS— Heller Bros. firewood , No.3 “ " “ " ............. $2.70 “on Handle KniV-soc _‘ No.4 “ “ " “ ............. $2.90 es. Each ...... _ HB704—Heller Bros. ° ”NCERS .TfisflEfETS “leld‘ng , -g .. , _ y e er ros. ma ers ac 3]! e C 5. con- ” "‘ ‘ of the best grade ofFar- sist of taps, dies and adjustable compound riers tools in the world. stock in wood case: made by But- For 14 in. heavy wound terfield & Co., and are noted for l S l jaws. Price... . 13.15 their true-cutting qualities. ron 0" tee H41A—Right Hand, 3 s... of dies and 6 ts s, threading } to fir. Comp ete for ....... $5080 EMA—Right Hand 3 sets of dies and 6 taps, threading $6 55 HELLER’S HOOF PARERS HB706—Heller Bros. H o o f P a r e r which every black- 75c Bur—Welding amt-mi-o-u-o-odqwmfi lBLACKSMlTl-I SUPPLIES} F ARMER’S ANVIL Freight Paid on $10.00 Orders R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summer-aide, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22 | Climax Blower 4)} No. 7. —-Bus aim a Blot“ with m chine c gears i c l u dl two sp g e a w h e e] and t h e l l c gear wheels prope proportioned to dri at 1800 revolutlo many trips to‘the Anvil, good . . forge and willfsave tough wrought iron, faced with 1’" leme with ”“3 time and money. 36 steel, weight about 90 lbs}; 121 “"an 3" very m' Heavily constructed Strong C Perlb .................... 2c erate speed. Thef with steel spindles, «1 came la 12 inches ratchfilt cois, 11 ad- an P diam?“ “a?“ P8 justa e ea ngs, s ape so at cra Powerful er can be turned f ward or backwa . with equally good sults. The .hig speed fan pinion ru in an oil bath lub eating all work pa by aplashsystem;!u nished complete Wll tuyere and pipe, cut. mounted on pe estal; price$27. Freight pd. RUBBER BELTING grade, a kind we have been handlin 1 "th best flWe.handle only. e its strenv‘h and relil for years; therefore can vouch for bility. Three ply. per-foot. ........... él-infih .......... git -inc ........... c 2l-inch ....... .. .21c 3-inch ........... 32c Ply 443011.. . .I. ...... 4'3: our p y, per . 4-inch ........... 50c Al-inch .......... 54c 5-inch ........... 62c 6-inch ........... 73c 7-inch ........... 93c 8-inch ......... $1.10 9-inch ......... $1.24 10-inch ........ $1.37 Canvas Belting. cheaper than runner, anu lasts well; made stitching several plies of oiled cotton duck. If kept dry it lst most economical to buy; _ 8| 6-inch per foot .................................. . ........ B863—Best Rawhide Bell Laclng. per foot,} inch ........ 8-8-inch ................... dale i-inch ...................... BELT PUNC ONLY 75c 101— Packard Belt Purl' cuts right size hole easily, (1‘11“ and efficiently—should be every shop, factory and mill. 7' Price ...................... Iron Washers smith should haVe. ito 1%. Com lete for ..... Com ound, very :h‘degali/skfgr‘ittselll’lihra short time in the saving o d' Hug—‘3‘?“ ihfiagd, i Sets Of handypdfor lwelding D' t l‘ hole Per] , . les an , ren m 'r t . lame ero ' . rasps. 12 in. long. Price ................ . . . $3.00 to fr. Goggle“ for... .g . $6'75 l’grnivnlxh. baa? . 75¢ 4'16 :1 HB705-Heller Bro. Far- 5'16 u rier’s Cutting Nippers H49—S p e e d 6'16 1: very latest improved I ll 1' I C 3| 1 0 l' - 7‘16 1: )attern, extra strong The working Part5 8'16 1.. , with keen cutting edge, 31:8 encased and " 9'16: 11 13inch ......... s . gm: has 3‘5?“ 3! , . T7—— Leather Punch. assorted li'i‘é 11; HELLER’S FARRIER’S CLINCHERS b5, 2;. to, p31,; ‘ :‘zis"°"°‘v‘“g‘“besw“h $1 75 'isils 1‘ HB709—Hell r Bros. pm” Each """""" ' 1‘ F . . . eh ‘ M ed and hollow - T9—Belt Punch. all sizes- to be ""6 . age: 3 Ohm era. 14 \- M . ~ centres. $3 25 used with hammer. ' When ordering specifyo 13518 3321;. i135? :25: Pnce each ' Each ..................... 25C uizelarger than size of" ished io‘r clinchin ' "44%;“: 4.. 1., .7. 'to be fitted. hom’sails a mu xx. BEST GRADE CARRIAGE BOLTS 'B It Ends - 9 HB'IO'I—fieller Bros. Pe . 1) 2. 121: 3 e Farrier s Tongs _ Farrier's'fi‘; Tongs, a Sizre U “1,”in ”12": 2:35} Zlgg 311%: 31:51: ' Size Per ”1‘ . -«: , . A . great helper 1n the Pet doz 11c 18c 191: if": ‘22:: J28¢: 246 25c 27c 29c i ..... 9c 9" i°rse for holding Size MI 1111“” 25;”: 2m; a :39; am; 4 5 al a s“: .... ..m at to "€10,119“. h $1.00 P6! 005- 22c 24c c 27c lac . ale 3;: 34c 36c 88c in. -------- 0c ea e c- neeeac - sin is“; 15x2: 21x2l; 2lx3; anal; tam 4; Ads 55-6 1II'. . c 9"