Holman’s Cream Separator Gets'ALL’the'TCr-eam 133
! Guaranteed C ream, Separator With Strong Base ’ c.4444, . $47.50 sis; 350 lbs per hou ;
This Cream Separator is one of the lightest running, closest * skimming, strongest, simplest, cleanest and most sanitary Cream f Separators on the market. It is guaranteed for 10 years and should ' 4 last a great deal longer with ordinary ”care: More than a million of these machines now in use. One of the particular advantages of this style is that theyh’eight can be made to- suit your own particu— lar requirements and that of your family. '. g . ,
Capacity Per Hour
4 These Cream Separators were made for us by the largest Separator Factory in the world. More than one million of these machines are in daily use, giving the best of satisfaction. They are not only the lightest running machine, but they are claimed to be t e closest skimming machines on the market.
. p The construction of the bowl is the most improved. ,1 The patented straight discs have made these machines the most celebrated machines on the market—are protected by atents. The discs are easier to Clean—388i“ to keeprin order—and once used no person would ever consi er going back to the old fashioned conical iscs. ’ 4, I
The driving mechanism is mostimprovedL It starts'ofl’quickly without loss oi time or power. . w
To see-this machine in operation is to admire its ood features. ‘4 ‘ l . ”Will will!!! 4 I
C587—Crearu Separator, 350 to 400 lbs. capacity; complete with base as illustration. Frelgllt Charges Pald. Pnce ...................................... $47 50 , . (Without basevdeduct $8.00 from above price.) °
1 l’ M
100 Pound $29 00‘ 559 Pound -- Separator o g Capacity Machine Freight Paid
444 $64§9_
100 poulitl ea aclty- same style -
and make set a larger ones and Delivered very suitable for those who haves small dairy herd. Delivered in
the Maritime Provinces $29.00
for only ...............
SWIG—Platform scale, heavy con- struction, solidly braced: the top is seasoned double hardwood, platform is one piece solid iron, overlapping at all edges to prevent pickle or other
Note The
P0 werful
O I injurious matter coming in contact Derlng _with the ball-tempered steel bearings; Heavy cast iron levers. Heavy brass s Mechan_ beam graduated from i-lb. to 600 lbs..
government inspected. Pricelrelght
£21543. {is}??? ...... $33-50
S777—Platlorm ' Scale. larger size Krester capacity; government in-
, i _ 50 spected; graduated \ beam: weighs from * r;- . ‘ _ ilb. to 1000 lbs.
.17 , 4 - .
ism' '
Freight paid in E. Canada... $39.90
. . . ‘ '* ; ' “ SSGS'Z—Exception-
This machine is the latest‘word in almodern Cream Separator, guaran- ally “‘high- rade
teed for ten full years, 411881sz '810118 thefmost-modem 3nd approved ideas, Fairbank's lat-
miiiutfiicwrw byttheE Largest I(liftedam Siparator tlilactory Jnfthe world. Made iorm S c a l e,
v, . i e new pa _el| 9 S T818 159. s own in e accompanyin illustration' 10001173. on city. llie Di-iVin Gear operates top _nd. w t d ' - '
Word". on gpecially harde'ned‘ ric- “my to clean’ “m my a“ hy lemc 'The “WM“! 0‘ this 8W e 01 Machine Price ..... $0.00
. . . 4 's that it can be bolted on to a p ank l'atform inrth b ’ ' - mules: steel ball bearing” The gang). .i'ig, and built just the heightto suit tlie needs or yo?" iiiiiifche" or out-build .
“V“ “'85 wearing"'9'ilrfaces- ”“1 " GQS—This Outfit includes Separator, Wrenches, book of instructions.
ermanently adjusted. They are I ~ '50to600 unds erhu. Frel 44. of the best Swedish niCkeled gfi’iif‘.‘.y.7 ........ ””"m‘h" 3°???31'7. .4 $54-50
tZT-iiints“?iai"hll‘lihp2??§éiiya $321323: (1‘ ”quire" With has?“ 51‘0““ t” 0‘ Page add $8.001?» above prices)-
For Shop $7 50 or, Home 0 H968—Reliable II
“I. Scale. graduated
from i oz. to 15
pounds. This scale
is accurately adjust- ed, well finishod and
will give the but 91
satisfaction. ‘
Price.. . $7'50
Free Delivery Holmany’s Guarantee
Iver} CREAM semen-on on um tarators shown s we ‘ wall.
4: ‘ ' - .. ._ -4 e "Is 1 guaranteed absolutely The are all hun llke a key on 3' , b sent an {rel hf pgi‘dfijo V“? , a . . "nu. {nus vlrtuallyglormlng a sl-ule yiemr nearest Etudes, 4011' .W any Imperfections Ill “Wk- 3:"; easy to clealti. Inygleil'l,llce :iii‘l receipt of once {oinlnuchiney ‘manshlp onmaterlals Ior ten lull years n at —eve ar access 1 ne. - . Jim's ,. lnterchhngeab Gavin/e also belleve the a ~01n addition. Holman's pre-‘ * the date 0' PF"“‘“°- Th“ Imwl ol thls.Separatop Isuunexcelled pay delivery charges on all guarantee Is your protection when “I" durablllly. \ purchases mounting to purchaslulrh CreamSepantoI-Irom us.
.Either of the Q gem 59p. _