13‘ R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summer-side, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog,'No. 26, 1921-22

I No Excuse F or Poor Work With These Tools .$3L20


TB—This Master Mechanic Balley Pattern Iron Jack Plane. made of the finest selected tool steel, ex- pertly tempered. Perfectly balanced;14x2 inch $4.75

Adjustable Block Plane

Tlozi—Adlustable Block Plane 5th” cut- cutter Pnce ........... 322$??? iii”. 8.“.d. icrfaw .“i’isfmin .' $l°45 T26 —- Balley Pattern Jack “32:33:15: Pattern Jolntcr,ié inch x 2% lnch$6.00

Plane, as cut, selected beechgbot-

Tza—Jolnter lele. tom, adjustable cutter, of very best Same ‘5

a‘wve, 18 inches long, cutter 2}

T102—Block Plane, same size as T103, screw

adjustment, Price ................................

. STEEL 5&1:le SQUARE TS—Marléings are $3 00 313? bangle ' nished wood, brass

T14 ——B e s t lined, with three riv-

. pl ai n, is var-


tl,152ihtt. 'h. l’fige....f....n.c...?ll..e.r.$3‘20 lIx’lifice............ .......

mmvmmmmu “Wm vamnmnwmmm.mn¥!m “a:



Steel quage, efis asldl grass star 24x2 inc 0 y, s ape p a e. v-- _ .

1...“... “"8: first ------- 80.? SQUARE 3.22: in" £53.22. ‘3??? eas o rea , -1 c ....... . . v - . wit board moas- T66—Six inch 25c glliineyc‘lrhreadand’han $1 95

$8.00 plain handle. .

ures .......

9—Bevel, bound blued steel T improved brass flush

screw; 10-inch ............ 75c

N°5| 63—Spoke shave, single blade and

single iron, round bottom.

Price ............................ 250

T51'— Double Iron 5 oke Shave,

blades of specially tempers and round steel. 56°C Price ...........................

' T60—S Ite’SlIave. with round as well as straighltwblade, handy forgall . 85‘: kinds of work


T652— Connterslnlr lilt, cast steel, for 25¢ T29—Podset iron.... ........... Levels, Com-

Ts‘so— Counter-sink pact. handy and

Bln’cast steel, for very use- wood. Price.. . . . 230 ml. Each. 250





T817——Carlsornndum Tool (ii-Ind-

- er. famous for its fast cutting qualities; made oi the very best material; each machine is fitted with an adjustable

Atool grinding guide. grinding wheel “Mb.

Price .................. . . . . “'25

_5inch ........ $5.50 61nch....$‘l.50

T 66 6—Comlilnatlon Square with scratch saw; level set. Blades are graduated into 8ths 12ths, 82nds, and

48ths. Price .......... $3.75


I Tsso—Reverslble Auto- matic Screw Drlver. length extends 18 inches; made of tool steel: oil tempered, Complete

niche: .‘f‘ffi‘. . . .$3.5o STEEL


T49—IlandDrlll, nickel plated steel chuck with hardened steel jaws, all cut gears, 8 fluted drills, sizes up to 5-32 fitted in

handle. $4.00

Price..... ...... ..

T3—Pllllnll and Level, highly polished brass arch top plate and plumb discs,

high quality; 24 inches , $2.50

Price ............... .

TZ—Pluml) and Level, polished cherry brass arch top, proved glasses, two side

views; $2.0

24-inches long ..................



T20—Slll‘n le Hatfiet, made from crucible stee , est qua i y. Price ...................... $1 '25

Lathing Hatchet

TIM—Hammer, usefu household hammer. Price ...............


Tao—Lathlng Hat- chet,_crucible steel, tem-

pered bit and $1.20

poll. Price .....


T7l—Nall Hammer. hand forged

shalple‘tlls thandile 31:“! true balance, polished, no - 1!] 1118 a

"fitgget’blxeelf Price eachg ............. .fl. . . $1 ‘25

T87—H d 800 Hammonufl’ricg‘TTfiI. Ff? . . . . . . 80¢

Hardwood Handles

:" ' T9531}:l a r}? - you ate et Bench Axe gaggle-fl. .15c Tz—B e n c ll . A" wood 13:12: made 0! best tool mer handle

steel correctly shaped Each ..... 13c

T1— tempered full size. Price ............

and properly» bale Tl— Handle need. fariceh . . . $2°00 germs axe,



. made from fine quality tool steel, bar ened steel jaw!


Tao—H a n d y Brace for light work; 10-i I; <1:I 3 sweepflpo is e

head_and handle?

, $1.10

Price .

T45——- Nickel Plated Ratchet Brace open con- struction, visible gearing which cannot get out of order, hardened steel jaws, fitted in machined recess polished hardwood head and

handle 10-in. sweep. $3 25 O

Spur Bits Screw S T40 B— Parry

pur its—re u- lar style, mgde Drlvers from fine quality tool steel, pro- T90—S c r e w perly tempered Driver. It and finished to do will hold its the best work edge well. with the least 6—inch.. . .201: amount of trouble 6-inch.. . .251: i-inch.. . .854: 10-inch 80c

D r i v e r a , high quality, and finish, 4 inch. 456 6—inc 50c


T03——Automatlc Drlll. for wood on] , 10 incheslon

complete with eight, drills, sizes from 1-16tb to l-64t inch,[conta1.ned in separate compartment in! hand! To operate SINPlY’JH'GBS and drilllautomatically

clearsl itself .................................... $2'2

T112 :— Machlne Drllls. for either iron or wood “nth Shani: With flat part for set screws: a bevelled edze_preven' inding; sizes given in 32nds of an inch”

4 ...... 35c 5...!0c 6...48c 7...!5c 8”!“ 29. . 55c 11...“!3 13...?00 15...7‘c ul7..-9 l. 81.10 25.31.40 29.81.80 33.82.00 5

l T109—Blt StockIDrllls. best quality, fit all common

graces, bores either iron or wood, sizes given in 82nds Of '”

3 ...... 15c '4...18c 5 22g 6 ”c 7 ”c - ..28e 9,...“ "' ... .57: 14...“; 1°...87c 11...;cc 12...“:

15. . .“c 16. ...1c