HOLMAN’S Pay Delivery Charges on Orders of $10.00 or More 135 STEEL (W‘s—42:11 533‘???) H666—A leading value in a large 26-inch STEEL COMBIN- ATION SAW. Back is marked for measuring, handle isjmadexso ' that it may be used as a square. Beech stock, three brass screws $ 1 69 O I . . . . on handle, warranted steel, finely teinnered- A splendid cut- __ mi ting saw, cross-cutset. Special PI- ce ........................... . f1311'1‘6510k—cllloxwogugl In]: 2 ft. {Eur . olmare in tsnn 2 6‘ _ ” 16ths squarejoint ................. C S l S l The Awl Tools U Wantf t I ' .thiiéknflw I Rule. hm! mh l ver tee TIM—“The Awl Tools U-Want" set 0 one 10111 .. rassp 9. es. contained in handle, consisting ci 4 bradawls, 1 each Each. . ._. ........................ 40° Hand Saw scratch aw], gimlet, reamer chisel, screw dnver T714— Mechanic’s 'k,t kl ;th h' h c desndhand- ' . £23301 Sign kiddf aw 8 18 ea g" l 2 5 C tape 60 feet or one 1 HTSl—This Atklns Band Saw ls considered t9 be the most erfectly Set ........................... . .......... ' u ‘ chain long, strong balanced, the truest tempered and the most rapid cutting saw manu actursd. tape, very 75c HT66—— Saw made skew back, as cut, from highest uallty crucible cast steel, hand filed .. useful .......... II a n d I e s and set, nicely hung from seientific s aped handle, backed by a doublo 3-— mm..- cherry, well guarantee of satisfaction. Ina Gauges d . 24 ‘nch .................... .8450 - . . Elle: . . .250 22 inch ...................... 4.00 26 inch (rip set only) .......... 84.75 Reliance Firmer Chisels oval beech HIS—Reliance Flrmer Chisels. bevel back, “’°°d- ”ee‘ _ t A Low Priced socket handle, blade of highest quality steel. The $3261.30c Iron Bench best on the market. i-inch .................... 58c , _ HAND Screws hing: ............ .. .566: {inch ............... 32c ETfifirorgsfedqxulsgs. high quality, SA i-in . .............. c i-inch .............. c rasssl e m r l l c es. ‘N iiixilchi‘. . . . . . . . ....... Ego l—gnchfi . , . ........ gsoc Price ..... ' ................ . ..... 7 5c _ $ 1 .2 5 l - nc .............. c 1 -inc ............. c , _ . . . ' -' H972—Great Value in this s eclel saw. The la a style that is 1W mm, immensely mule, wit 0“, custommmength; $1 30 24 inches. PRICE .................................... ‘ 40c 3' _ CEZ—lron Bench ' Screw. 1 inch screw. . HT59~ nmv Compass Knife, made of r' .- - . - best steel; ghas HT'IO—hnlvlder 0: Com- _ pass, wit wing an sprin ground edge, con complete with pencil atg- RELIANCE vex b0“ 1 65 tachment; 6-inch size. 65 nmw 1mm: torn 8-in... - Price ................ C 12 inches long, with TOOL lH'l‘sO—l-1 Pencil t'Clasll handle and iron ‘ any, as s own in cu HT889—Co inc nut. SET 47c Pnce ................ 200 Saw, made 0 tool Price ........ $1025 steel, 6-inch blades, HTG— Handy adjustable to cut Tool Set. con- horizontally or vert- sists of ke hole ‘ ‘ ically frame. com- 53 w, putty nife, c lete with twelve chisel, screw driv- ” , laden. 40¢ er, fin; tack claw ‘ ‘ d Price .......... --~a in 0 same HTO'IO—Callper for measuring outsi e ——-—-—- 9 handle 00"" 47C “Pltofignwes. 25c I'HlSZ—Saw Vise, has adjustable eccentric carpenter 8 plate ....... ‘ Price ........ . ..... . , . . . . . . . . . . clamp, 3‘15“?“le screw toltake any thickness H139 ._. s to e | _HT006—-Cll er.for Insndepmur 26c of saw, made’olmalleableiron. Suit- ‘ t Square , nickel Clamp OIL ")8 “P t0 6 inc es ------------- - - - - - able for any length of saw. , . .. $1 40 plated sizes 25¢ STONES ‘ . Price...,,...... J; . ......... - .12xs Iii-ice” low—Carpenter's “ ., ‘ HTIO— Rug or anmp. malleable, Matllook, strong highest quality. to 2 5c and service- 10c open— .blfeI'T4EacSh-wl ginclfi“ . . . ::g ‘- ‘ . . , . . - — e In] inc ,eac . . " , H0§7——0ll stone. m wood case. -HT19—Brlek 1.0"“, S-ln. hardy!“ HT02*,c9le-9 SIW- made Machine screw 9-inch.eac “.51.“: We 5 mehes- 25c handle, extra value" . .‘. ' .‘ . . . . . . . . 40 iron: fine quality’saw steel; 350 driver. black ———.——— Lac ................. ...... ‘ f? . IZ‘ECh-h.mnru;..... ...... . enamelled 5c Quilt _H_0688——h01l Stone, in wood case, 1: HTll'ITBrlgedl 'lg-loglel. 9cucumber.13m. - ‘ ihandle ------- . Size! inc es. ‘ .mw ern;| es _s e 'a e - Each ....................... 45¢ TIE—4 in. inch .......... ........'.. . .. $1-7 ' Clamp Glmlet. strongly made‘ 'TRowlaL Hl'l'oa' "K nor-s (11’ d 20 cog" 85c - _____ — e aw an a ........ c l 0 m Pnce 10¢ Extra bladeszach ...................... 10c HTla—I n t e r - k c .. _ , Augurs . ' changeable blade - - . 7 Com 5, No. ass—Q u I I I Glass Cutter erz‘AS—Aug- 00 Taylor extrspuqauslity.w' Elimfizcfi°$ch‘fdd :. a . . ,‘ Price ..... 851: e vy, ‘ llTZHInsCutter.w1th i-inch...$1.85 ' _' ' ‘ 'u t hi “:1 v r sl‘ " single wheel only. Each ..... 15C 1-inch .52 10 HT4—-Plasteflng Trowel. 10 ins 50c , Saw Set HT14 Extra 1 s a e e e 1P blades for above swivel point; 2} inch HTOl-«cleuable Glass Cutter, li-in 9pefiling. 3- 1°C inc .......... 32,25 Price .............. t I-IlT56—'fiahylog's Saw :Set, nickel plated s ee , sets a an saws. Each ....... ......H, ............. $1-25 , Price... . . . . . .45‘; Elx wheelsof best material. 1 —' .. . TZI—RosePl inc... ........... . ....... 50c ** *2 “5 “‘e'mflwxfl: $2.00 li-inch..$3.25 11in. High qualityblsde... T7-4Tslflterfs Saw Set, positively the best made for léang saws. $2.00 ac . . . . . . . . - ' 73335:??? .5371??? 3’}??? . . . . 50c Hea Saw Set I! HTSZ—Ad'ustable nickel lsted Kick VY SawFrame. g to 12 inch blades};D 70c W Hollow Au gers i HT42 — Adjustable Hollow Augers for cutting HTSG—Na" Set, made of Waggon spokes, cuts from finely tempered steel. - .t 1 - _ Each ................... 20¢ lili'c‘h.?...l.n....$2-5o CRUCIBLE STEEL FILES Ts—fleavy Saw Set. With blade ....................... _ Leachpattern for crosscut HT55—Hack Saw Blades 8 Hardened by speclal process, fully circular saws. $3 00 8—inch . . . . . . . . . .................... c . warranted against defects — best Each ........... ° 10-inch ............................ ..10c Sterling 80 values on the market today. Emery _—= This Mitre Box Wheel Takes Any Saw—Cuts Any HCSO—Sllm Taper File, Three Cornered. {or 120 ' Mitre-"Only HC48——S t e r l i n g Emery hand saw. 4-inch ............ . .................. . . wheel with bevel lace 6x1 5—inch ................ 18c 6-inch (Taper.) ..... . . . . . .m 6 25 . . ___——_—————————— i323; ”de: h01€.$l '80 HCZQ—Douhle End File. _ 8-fiornered with handle. a minim in. spindle 3.1% 333;; ff]? f7?:§‘?§ff{°_‘f;‘oc 7'3ifngl;j_j'_;j'_' ''''''''''' 1'32”; Gn'ro4—rerrect Mitre In complete with neat box made ol a number of high grade woods ven- eered to prevent warping. It is adjustable to any desired angle . __’_______._._..——_____ 8xixi ln spindle hole. Each ................. 33.00 m Sxixl in.spindle hole. . _ _ . . . and is a most accurate machine. E31031- 'i. .1, in I .5. indie .1303: 101:1C32—Fla! Files, 7-1”}: . 30f... Sane-hills:- . .9. m. :3: Can be used with ordinary back, Enchx x . p “'75. Im ...... G ...... A H . | - File th‘n ed e ith rounded 21:33; :éqgagilgs:;vi,gfin‘d:3°made ‘0' ...... ‘ HC31 rent men-can ' I g,w Enlczhflx}. . m. .'pmdle. trill) back-imade especmuy ‘°" cm“ ““5"" 380 box‘ """"""""" ' ' ' ' 6.25 8-inch .................... .....