136 R- T- HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and lWinteeratalogflNo. 26, 1921-22
Holman’s Guaranteed Roofing is a special rubber roofing, so called, on account of its pliability and tough, elastic surface, not because it contains any rubber product.
r iThis roofing is made for us to meet the demand for an extra high grade roofing that would withstand the heavy rains, squalls and storms of the Maritime Provinces. The body of the roofing is made from long fibr_ed dry felt which is saturated and coated with a special compound of Gilsonlte Asphalt, the most efficient and durable waterproof material known. The heat of the sun will not cause the Asphalt on surface of this roofing to run or deteriorate. It is made to withstand all the extremes of temperature.
\ It you consider quality—~value—«lasting \\ and permanent satisfaction, you will order \I‘ \L;\ Holman’s Guaranteed Roofing. samples of the dlflerent thicknesses—lee] the quality—compare its water-shedding virtues—— test its strength and pliability and you will appreciate and admire the superiority oi Hol- man’s Guaranteed Roofing.
Send [or
I! ll l ill-”in“ W , illllli‘ n
’ e r Roll Of 108 Square Feet
Therefore Holman’s Guaranteed! Roofing makes a roof covering that is
tough, pliable and durable, that withstands heavy winds, heat and cold,
inow alnd rain; that is fire resisting, and as nearly fire-proof as roofing can ema e.
Shingles are now being discarded for Holman’s Guaranteed Roofing on all buildings, large and small, and everywhere this roofing is giving more wear and better satisfaction at a fraction of the cost of shingles.
Next time you lay a roof, use Holman’s Guaranteed Roofing. You
tafie no chance, for our guarantee and reputation are back of every r0 . '
These special prices on Holman's Guaranteed Roofing ofier the very maximum in value—the utmost quality for the lowest possible price in each case. We cannot pos- sibly give you bigger value—more for your money—than we offer you in HOLMAN'S GUARANTEED ROOFING. -
It is made of thebest andanost durable materials for withstanding the elements-— and is as nearly fire-proof as roofing can possibly be made.
The illustrations at ,.the top of' this page will give some idea of its service- ability and resisting qualities in storms, rains and also shows its fire-resisting qualities.
It is clear economy to use Holman’s Guaranteed Roofing {or all roof jobs since it can be laid quickly and cheaply. and will last much longer than the same thickness of ordinary prepared roofing. Remember that all thicknesses of Holman’s Roofing make a weather-tight roof, but the heavier the roofing the more permanent the roof.
Write ,ior sample of H01- man's Roofing and put it to every test that you can imagine. It is then you will fully appreciate the .wonderiul qualities of this roofing.
Complete With Sufllcient Nails and Cement.
HRll—No. 1 Light weighs 35 lbs. per roll. $2.80 HRH—No.2 Medium weighs 451bs. per roll $3.15 HRls—No. 3 Heavy weighs 55 lbs. per rollfl.“ HRH—No 4 .Extra Heavy weighs 65 lbs. per.roll ...... ' .......................... $4.50 Freight aid on $10.00 orders or over to any ste- tlon in aritime Provinces.