Write F or Free Literature Regarding Beaver Board and Metallic Ceiling 137 -- BEAVER BOARD FOR BETTER WALLS lmproved’Sized Beaver Board is made from clean spruce pulp (not Besides all this the neat panel etlects are most attractive and it is rags, old paper and other scrap) therefore it is a tough, solid Wood fibre possible for the homelbuilder to plan panel arrangements and color schemes board, not;merely athick cardboard. When this is moisture-proofed by a so to make his rooms Match“ and diBUDCEiVe. Many persons in their spemal treatment of the wood-fibre andthreecoats ofsizing (two on the back, spare time convert portions of the attic, basement or other parts into a . gainone «3515?: Sid” title regtniz: gallium cggling‘coverin that is extra much needed and attractive room by the use of Beaver Board. g an 9' no was. .c . ‘ e 5‘2"." on e front 315° Write for tree Sample and Booklet. Ii you give us the size of ceiling leaves the boardlready t0 paint—no Plum“! “It [requiredm andzheightfiof walls to be covered we willfquote you a lumprsum for Beaver Beaver Boardzcomes in large sheets1that can be put up Board, moulding and nails complete»?! has. quickly andieasily without muss, tusl’ or litter. by anyone _ “We buy carioads year y, have a large assortment always who can use‘1agsaw and hammer. It is rapidly taking the 1“ “Wk an .Shlp Prompt“! 5° .that mom? can be finish“ place oflaths’ lplaster and wall paper for new and ram del- ready [or use in half the time it takes With >cther material _ I A ELS led buildings 0! every nature as it has the advantage oi nevei and at "web less “05‘- NA"- "G P N chipping or crackin and with-- fiBeaver Board is stocked in two Nailing Moulding standing shocks an strains that widths: 32 and 48 inch, both in would cause plaster to .t'all, or re- 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet lengths. tardm fire and of making a house State sizes most suitable. Any not on y warmer in winter but also quantity of sheets sup- 5%0 r» cooler in summer. , plied at per sq. It. ...... PER L..— / ~ 1’ 7 g, PER rig-"4; SQUARE . - , " SQUARE M“ FOOT FOOT ‘ : ~ 1 ; 26 I; 1 .... . METALLIC CEILING -- FOR PERMANENT AND ARTISTIC CEILINGS t 11‘ C ilin is bri ht sanitary and very attractive besides being fireproof. . easy to clean and lon lasting, 1".l/{fiegelacre I10 sEams togcollect dirt anddgerms like the old fashioned walls and ceilings and it; is not aliecte n s and an that crack and bring own plaster. . . _ by tll‘go'l-atllligseeI-eason; it is especially suitable for kitchen, where there is much steam or for liVing and other large h n attractive in earance is desired. ‘ . _ momlI/Izuflliecaceiling has mgr‘iy decorative possibilities, can be painted any color or combination of colors to give- d charm to the room. _ _ , _ _ , harmS‘liloblllal‘Il there be any difficulty in figuring amount required, write us giVing Size of room '1‘ perfectly square. or rough plan and measurements it not square so that we can quote a lump sum. Note description and prices in connection with illustrations. Sumcient nails supplied for applying Metallic Ceiling. No. 318:B—.Out Mit- . . '9“ “WWW“: 15c For meg Rooms corners. Each. . No. 318-A—.—-In Mitres KitChen Deflgn iiii‘éii‘"fiféi‘.‘ff...15¢ transmittal ~21? No. 656——Metallic Ceiling, ar- . 4 “4’” “5 . . No. 53.771“ artistic design _Me- tistic blockk 'design. especially . ' tingle Ceiling, suitable for llVlng, ‘ . b . h . _ . . . _ . 1 ing rooms or any at 9 room, 1' i331; Igrfoiooiilc :v'itlirlogyceiii‘ii‘gll No. Sis—Metallic Cor-nice Mouldlnlfl, ‘1 ‘39“ Pitta“ “Mme t° use ‘" “mam” “”th Meta’m 8 '°°m WM high “in": Gwen“ "overing capacity 24x48 in- 81 Ceiling Nos. 656 and 537. Depth 3 inches, prOJectlon 35 Inches. length4feet. Perfoot ...... ... . . ..... . . . . . c capacity 24x24inches. 81¢ ches, per square foot ....... . . 1‘: Per square foot. ........ . . . . . 4 SEAM ' CEMENT . , EAVER BOARD RZO—E x l: r a Seam Cement Roofing ior cementin ‘ N... MOULDING Rae:d:itra0;::; iii fifiiflfifiiflffii UNFINISHED NATURAL WOOD case you run Durable, Pliable, Weather Proof ASPHALT 35 ROOFING 0:5? extralarge heads for P3 6 —B - 2mm Pint (3);: 33%??? pl'eimred ‘ , Inn. 3 rlaturzlwewogganilngmle‘tli. per can.. ...... 25c inch Pei- lb... . 16c smooth centre, bevelled edges; makes neat panels and covers seams etiectively. 1% inches 1" wide. Perioot............. 3c Per 100 feet. . .SZ.“ P3362—Cllall' Rail Moulding, same style as above, am. 3 ‘wide, perfoot ...... C coai'viéié' hombres ’ ‘ $233: $1.25 RiSl—Asphalt BOO! Co- A Splendid Temporary Roofing “ ment for renewing the surfaces IMO—Asphalt Roofing is pliable, durable, of rubber roofing should be used o . . weatherproof; requires no painting when laid. about every five years, thus * Whlte Flnlsh ‘ Each roll contains enough roofing to cover adding years to your roof. . - . . 100 so. it. allowing 2 inches for laps. We One gallon covers from 150 to P4472~CornlceMoulding recommend this roofing only where a cheap 200 square feet. 1 gallon can Plain natural white finish. Mak- Or temporary roofing is wanted. 1 ply only 81.15. Fivegallon can 5 75 es nl‘aat finish in corner between complete with nails, cement and 2 35 (Can free). ..... . . . . . . . .. ° wall and ceiling. 1 directions,perroll...., ..... .......... ' Perit........... ........ §C SH‘EATHING PAPER You get the advantage of our carload purchases. Send your order now. R01—Plain Sheathing per Quarter Round ROOFING BRUSH , Moulding 1127—1100an Brush. good fibre brush wire bound, 4 feet. roll of 400 sq. ft ......... 90c ' handle. Price.... . . . _, ..... . .300 R02—Tarred Sheatin per infill)? 15‘}; lihlgtein-gzligg M:|;lld~ . R29gTWllln Roofllms agitating 2 roll 400 sq. ft... ....... s .25 baseboard etc., me Hm pg, 0" mtndlo‘ii he??? haiiinwoolie' 5%; R60—Wilildpf‘ilol Tag?“ £9“; 15138 warmest made “Veg ioot ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . llc » ' nd’steceapes in can . - - he“ hm“ I" h‘”‘“‘" Pme‘ giggifahoht 58 lb. ions of about 320 sq.it.per 1001bs. $625