138 R. T. HOLMAN LlMlTED,'Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22
7 L932— S t o p Bead Screw
YALE and washer.
RIG—Plaster Pll'll. best quality 25
lb. lots, per lb ....................... . 1} Per pound ....................... . . ,1c EFT—Plasterers flair, one bushel to N a cask of lime. Per bushel of 10 lbs. 75 (Freight extra) ................. c
'MLWETfi'. LOCK ”tequ'“ . ‘ “ . ard size Jap- L30—Six Lever Yale fim'h' '°‘"'d DOOR}
panned case, PadIOck, spri ng style, head screws steel silackle, hfieavkyl steel case and beveled wash- two e y 3' 3 ac e, bra" plated: er; adjustable.
Cannot be locks on both sides 0! knocked open shackle; cannot be ham- Price per doz- ss it istnlot credl open. Complete lend screws Set ring s ye. wit two ke _ an E V l
ach.....l9c Special ...... y...” 60C “V8311" 25c Xtra’ a ue ___________“_________-—-——
H100—Cheap Inside Door Set has
YALE strong long-wearing mortise lock and nor- celain knobs. A very serviceable set.
Knob and key plates are japanned and Padlock knobs are supplied either white or brown: Inside Door Set big value h“ we" “lute sent ‘f “09°10'3‘V9“; 9““ "t puk' made, serviceable lock, escutclieon plates ed complete w‘th key and “”9“” 75¢ 6x2 inch, strong two-piece knobs. A long-
“ paper b°x' Perset "fly """""" wearin set of o ular desi n complete 1 .20 Hi 10——Mortise lock only, durable and with ke‘y and “reg"? ‘ ' Frontfieocfiet to match above, has well made. complete with key plates and L1— Antique ' copper finish has dark $5212: :3 _t13gk‘¥rth nizlét ltatgh at- screws - - G 1. syn. u If ‘ EACH each“: ......................... 45c 51:11:, wm‘ "‘1“ "1”" 90¢ cuteheon rams in: and inside 82;” iii: > _ ......................... . . LII—Antique copper finish, ‘ L40—Yale Pad- L50—Solid Bronze Yale Com- LZ—Dull Brass finish, per set“ ....... 95¢ per set... ...................... $2080 New design, Pha dkllock. 1heavy cage ring plete L22—Dull Brass finish, per ”t,“ _ .3,“ - t' saceworing ar 301 . ——-——‘—_———-—- key In pu m from bronze. Cannot he opened With B 1
bottom and shackle d t . by other keys. The best pushes up an urns lock 3' or out-ol-doors use Screws
A ver popular style 't cannot rust ' $35.5ph22370c isn‘t ............. $1.20 12c
No. L39——S a I II Lllts. royal bronzed, complete with screws. LI— Cupboard These match No.
lock. made at iron, L382 Locks 45 locks either lelt or Per dozen..... C right,‘ complete with Each. ............ 5c screw. 12c No. L49—S a s h 2x1 ......... .
m .. “a 8x1}. um. dull brass, or ‘~ Front
L50 antique copper ' . .1 . ‘ plated, complete with , , l “ ”Lag—iv.“ Night i . t , or screwrn ; , Door
screws. These match on inner surlace 0
£371? and L973 oc s doors. Has heavy Per dozen. . . . 50C
japgnnfid iron lcues: Each ............. 5c wit r0026 P at Log—mm Dead Inside Door Set in t h L20—Yale Padlock, stron knobd and belt-”Ex" Loch-crews on door plated front and hol‘t: sagfinwlgpxfig S t steel case and shackle bot :hliyk 0"" “PC° llt‘ surface- has no latch latch that gives longest wear. Escutch- e L ‘ €;a)sskel;lsa‘itecli£ bgoréiprlet: W6“! wit‘h two key:m7p53 e bult locks wiltb bolt: gonsl‘kzsl, have square corners and neat
' a - c on y; compete wit eve. at is complete with acl'ewl and ont lloor Set. to match L3 h!- gain. Each ............ 4 C Each. ------ screws, only. 25c key. lei-1;: front door lock with night Ilatch
and two ke s. Outside est
L3-—Anti u ' tt hment q 9 “pp" flm‘h' mm 9°” 3 3° 10 xzi. insi e is 7x29 inches
No. L382—Slsh - ' ' Lock royal bronzed- 335’ haiku“? flf‘ffillli .°.°.'" 51-00 cufig-emi‘aL ““1“ “9"" $310 0 0
Complete with screws _ t . > L4—Dull b a ' finish. Parse . ....... . ..... _... 3e3?7?'::::.,‘?‘i32 Perset ........ {5'31“}? ...... $1-05 No- I‘M—Du“ Brass Emb- $3.15
Per set ........................
No. L972—-S a s In
LSOI—H e a v y Locks dull brass or Rim Lock size L973 antique copper used largely for fox plated, complete with
No. L04—Knobs. white or brown, with japanned trim—
mings and screws, per __ r set .................... 38¢ Niall]? Latchy .i g; ranches, alsoior store screws per $1 2 ‘ . L88~Knobs, all me tal. will panned iron case ggflntg’? £321? SE): 51311:: ------------ .124: , \
not pull apart, antique copper lea has bronze cy‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' _ ed keys: a strong finish, Wll’h screws, 50c linder With pin reliable lock. Price
per set ................. tumblers. ReVers- . - d u 4-1nch...........40c _ Knobs are slup lied for either {21% ixoghicgoreomp 6-inch. .......... 50c mortise or rim oc ’ h . plete with t ree keys. $2 25 FIUSh BOltS [DOOR BELL SET W ----- ‘ L56 — , - Fflusllx‘Bolt No. nus—sliding Door latch Set PIN BUTT a steel “lg gormdoulfile figldlnl doctn-s1 with afitragal HINGES ‘ L 2” 0 s, . as our escu c eons, u a to d 0 “ b l e Fuses“, iii-[gildgigfig match either No. L1 or No.L3 locE 3 10 L 22 1. Sets? L71 7”le Door C 2h: 0 (15.x.1l window". will lock “ts. L545 antique copperfinish; . - s ' 1 .- o 0 ' e lace 2ft 2:1;ng agronh Is?- L49— Cupboard inch with window at any point, No. L546—DullBrass finish....'.. . .88.“ HI Butt ”‘3" steel. Knobs. white9 0); Catcheli (:1! ategzl z: in ch Egdlggigfi: “map“? Same set as above but has Ila! trams. “h“ “DIEM" brown. with iap-nned gutihusgiltggle c DP l.olt.b Ber- lag it when down: No. L547__Anfiqu° copper $2 55 ed steel, Will not Imogntgigs, d complete Price ....... 15c in“ {0319 Per dozen. 80c finish ......................... ‘ - creekncrews extra :crsws elm?“ 65c Each. 3“ Each ....... .7c “"1553. L548--Dull Brass $2.60 3k”. . . _ _ _ ' . 80: No.’ Loa— INo. L103~ R 0! ary Door L57—Flush Bolts, n 5 h """"""" ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘- ' 4x4 perpsir.. . 40c Knob Dock as supplied 'ldtl dSet.|with S3—inch nickel. as above, L6 autism?! {fillstI'or L1 ' . ; wig: it?" 11" complete pan on. wet t d. co ror u 26- co (Just 00.. Wi an Outside Eur-1‘1z plate arid turnongre '. _ 3353. Each. . . . length 8; Elna“, heavily [brassed- Lug—L pin screws. “all. .11. - 8c brass, cannot rust. Well 70 1% lnfileb'lr size 3.4,“ -4 A 20 ' Butt hinges PO!- mdesex. .............. c L1 M "I {0'1 'm; Sixll. Price....L 0 Mod steal. not . . up a ‘ ball tips; 3lx3l ‘
lifts or
pulls tor ' a pair... . . . . . . :8: dining} n K Screwsextra... 8: L802 An- .
tique cop- L124— P l s t e d
er or L803 Dull loose n butt Brm- Per dot-"75¢ Lise—N a l' - L887 —-Plasterer's hing... ”b." ”p
E h ............. m lo we Steel Butts, u°nnl° Corner same style so L122.
L104—Bell Sets to match turn of anti ue co dther L1 or L3 lock sets 80c ger or dullq bras:
in either finish ........... rice each ......... 20C
. ‘ .7 , , with solid pins-
, L67_Dom_ Bolts, jammed Ln—E I ee t r I c T5339 per pair com: Bead. mad. or gal- Antique w e, Leo—Mort!» noor geelfinfi Elllach‘ .......... 16c mo _ Transom 3,5}: 33%;}, mm}; plate with' screws. vanized steel: 8 it. o. dun 1:13.. “M's“ °°mP‘°“ ‘1‘“ inc . ac ............. 20c Catch, polished iron, Button, 100 lee’t cov- L17—l-ktrakeys as 1 , 1: lengths; sealant to flnl h C 1 knobs, white or brown : L68—- Door Bolts antique bronze finish, uni- ered copper wire and cut will open near- 1 we}; """" “ finish' makes th V. ' omp etc and screws, per 400 Copper 4-in. Each ........ 15¢ Vernal strike each. ”C tacks .......... 83.50 ly I'll common mortise liliifchj: I . . ' I 9): nestest and : Wlt'h pl “ to d “t“ . I . . . . . . . O I m.
L69—Door B lts dull b 91011— Chain to LIZ-Extra Wire locks. Get one olthese 1.iuch.....:::8c durable corner mgr screws to match. DoorNo. L79— 0 ' “as "m lbov.’ 3°C {or “110“” 30 ‘1: you have lost your 2 in .......... 9: foot. . ' “‘35- P“ P" ‘0‘ doors wlilthd- (or closet pery.......... eys. Each......10c 2):uch.......10e 6c heparin...“ Each...”.te.r?x': 200
{-in. Each ...... . .......... 15c Each. . . . . Only