Orders from Pages 1 to"64 Delivered in MaritimeZProvinces
I ‘ — d Rubber Head M‘L‘zwmdbzmmmsm m ly turn ,3 com- , the head for
'4} 't b screwing to hot- HA RD A RE filgi°h3clixls" “at Head Screws, tom of chair legs “or ....................... C special pricezby gross. and for bumpers.
Per dozen ..................... 151: (Slim length andNo.ol L231 — l-IIICh
gauge wanted). Perdox. diameter. per dozen....50c NO- 7. braided. Per 100 $1.55
3337.... my. feet ..................... Anon-newn- sfifij‘fggm fixffnfiff' e k Perioot ................ biz—n .ue Lock is an abaol- {:in .31: Ill-in "'7‘ carpet Tac 8 Pin.“ ute p'roteetion a- i-l: 1: lain“? Lilli—COP”! Tacksmer H 133 '— Emery grade. all '_ gain-t burglars “-2): ""ac sized package, blued: 5C Cloth, an numbers; numbers and holds the win. " ‘2 '.‘“"i c 3 ounce. ........... sheet In Per disk dows at any point 3}."nmlozg bounce . .Oc 6~ounce . 3:: a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ell... . ”c i m a up or down, with ”’m 8-oun.c:.Jc 10.0... ..12c Asheetlie : a vice-like grip. llnn ; There is no such H 4|ounce.. . 5c 6 ounce. . .Bc Lil—Sash thing as forget- OOkS 8 ounce. .101: 10 ounce..12c p u 1] e y. s ' LZ—Thusnb urea; hea- sin: to blockfitvtvi: 2 5 C [with grass vyateel,unbreaksble,eas 0’" W 9", e __—‘—— ace. -rn- working, japanlied: 910% 51:: 13,113)? 31130:; _ '_ L191 #93T20tllglz :nge'll i833: ‘ 000 in carton compete w l ' r —— . dolr'ilio—omp' 051:3? aide hi} screws. Price. ...... 10!: if: ‘b'mmgghgd . Chandelier 33% per“ . Per dozen..81.15 soon... . mile door; roller bearings, has track "y onemmplet’; . F Effigy; LlO—s a s n £3321! 3:52.131} Cannot Em; "rum” ,7.) Roya1}hr§sn: 3 c Welsh“. stand. with bolts. ............ Ic - - -~ -- * 26: eac . c . 7 ard design, no. L66— Sled track for d°°r :W—N— ‘: " tional, . .nd 1-“, hangers. Per loot ..... . ..... 15‘: flat m Per 00:. L54—~l? - n c ’ Per wow; “.5. L67—-Screws to suit (raw, .C o - t L78 _ B Headed A n t I u . Perlh De d0! ........................ c inook-' Tacks.Perdosle-snlonly....ac B ll Ild- ......... L68—Stay rollers. Each 15: ‘1 . t e . t _ Ian!“ 3 and 5 lbs. PC -—————— style cop. L22— Hmle Hum. “1'0“! doz 70c 00 lb '7 5. red .1. made with heav padlot‘k LI—R II b b e r E in" ' 8 1 'm - u - . 3:. grieac eye; length 3-inch.¥18ch- 10c iflfimdi Tactic “c ------- ‘3 Perlb ......... 8c nc ame er Ls—Thumb urea: d- E‘m . ch . lock can be inserted pa‘nd ; No. L110— Hat and Coat I?" [1028:]? 150 ’~ ‘ lock doors 28C l £1001“. latest fiyle, polished 1 securely ............ ; rass or an que LB—Barn 'l'lrnmb latch cop er, Per dozen.. . 90C
‘ steel L13— unified Salety [lisp on your antique cop er or complete with screws;
windows. No brass plat . 6 when closed cannot be taken C
need of a screw Each... . . L107 Sop M n“ agraghthe screws are coveifél‘.= driver, will last Dozen. .5513 II II Cn It WE . . ................
Dozen. .......... .'.. 12c 4i-inch..1sc 6-inch...20c
! life time Lenzth L59 __ Drawer cs—s t e a I
> No. 460 -— 51' ~ same style as La. but heav- Eac . ................. 8c ‘ , '- Storm Window gfij‘dlo‘k “an" bioln' .____‘——‘——— . Eyes. a big labor pd ' ________ c 12 on-" , savar in putting LEE—Drast- ea. c storm or Pulls.
LH 2i inches. Pulls. fiastfilrog, Ugo“. dbetter . ap an- Price per japanne ms ; t an Ian apo B _ . . . l 9 5 Hm & Staples 4c moron. 25c meta... 4c miss. '1“; . C681 — In. Book c ones. but made Each .......... 8c Dozen ....... 35c Per package. ‘ heavy stee‘:E of [hllglx 5grade tempered ..... stee, it per . be t i t l . ............. 7c gaisr ........... 1:0 W." B w we a serv es; s ee x ,per pr ......... c I urn antiflriction roller bearings: L70— Wardrobe Hook. 7x9, per pr ........ 80c or Coal. “Win. In “alblc: Joint Hlnsefl. $1 95 made irom heavy wire; 8x10,per pr ............. 35c . ‘ Lifetime ‘_ Per pair. ..... ° nicely shaped 40 10x12 per pair ......... 50c ' L leg-3;: v Each. ................ 85c (Screws extra). ' osen ................. Nc L200 -— L91— EI- ' h... _ 20C LlOl— lie-V! Hook and , Box Corners e-EWill 'r'e'quire one'aiipport to Staples. F?“ ”3;”? ‘°°d alga pg}: :5“, p332: ' every four lee!) $312133. ant. _m' 66 " h°°k‘°’ hold- plated h- L54—n a r n 1,102.. noon. m By... "W 40““ ll-inc es. Each ....... 10c I) o o r Hanger 44M}. Each “- $1M".- °’ ”3" L889—Stalr Rail Screw runs on stron 3-inch: Each .................. 8c iron,)apanned t" by 4} inches- thread on {malleable steetl ' H finishmonfiplefie With 70 both ends: coniplete with rame. canno screws. ac . ........ t. d Winn];t {'u'd cmk 1’0de“ -------------- 7“ EEmPflelleffishef. . . 150 w so on e , - _____—__._ ted with roller S48——This is a really remarkable Reid?“ "m. 10, barn Door CASTORS value (or a good substantial grate. 3 il'b [complete - um“ . 2—,-.-“ Throu h a special arrangement we 3'? ° t" 2.00 and substantial Per Dali Springs m3“ cas— “9 “bf“ to qume this price; 22 in" Tigh" iootsse with hooks. ' ’ "'5' “”9”“ WW» “he” ”namemw‘ mid“ L55— crews to 6 in......40c 15 in.... . 5c L98—H e a v “”1981; 101' 'Wood measurement 19x11. Burns either- .u". A dos. 7c . , .“c 18 in “.05 DoorSprlng .. - mfilomyJ-‘rfi wood or coal and has adump centre ' .50: 21 i 81.1. justable: suite 1 cg perLse 26; grate with castors, slides in or out. A big value at our 6 l3211tn.wt“:1ithz‘illlhnm i’n door. 30c m" """"" price ............................................ 0 o s ex ra inges ce... . . . _ - L99—E x t r a mfg: FLUEJ‘ SAFE
SQ62—Flue Sale. 0! cast iron,
Heavy Door Casters - 5’"... 35C with lignuln Vitae Price. whsel, "1: strongly ma r a ”t mm: m
-—-—.—-——E v ‘ ‘ l 1 sign, easy No. H25— T In!!!” LAC—Bed Cast- . , to open.
w ht 'r n or pair, - 5-inch.70c , 1‘60“,”h'. MP "”9915 (333 unit”? ..... 15c L21—llasps and Staples. :rs. [3'39 with < 6-inch.75c .0! “We ‘l'dms 60°". “5-inch .............. 11c madeolsteel,5-inch 4 ""11 e 8 0“ y- ~ ,_ 11;“:9‘30} exefiptl hinterfihbu ' .............. a: each. ....... ; ......... C Per set of 23 l wees—wees ave re ............ 6-i h. . ............. ' ... .. . 512:2. . ............. o. .. a 4- ..-.. c-
maple track in strong steel channel; bearings are rushed
and set is IdJUStlble. Packed
d! it a; open fire place. a ' " a frolthPlektO with we“ and I“: Write for-prices 0“ Cut Price..a.n...?‘lljt,r_°_l. $2.7 . rac ................ 57. and ' Set {or single door, with 8 it. Hudw Flooring. track. Per set . .58. 8‘ Hardwall, Plaster,
No. 896—0. E. Floor Sales screwed together, adjustable irorn 7} to 12! inches to fit (Influence in thicknesses oi
Shingles. Plastering Lime, Brick, Nails, Class, F a n c y Glass,
: 0"” . hr
floors. For pipe No. Has— Strap Hinges _ 5-inch 31 00 Zinc Sheet Lead Etc. L6— 0.K. Steel Barn Door Latch. . ------- - - - - wrought iron, per Pu" ' 1 dealers with 2 large handles to open door from CBC9—fhmtc'g $332: -::33 316— All. DIIIIT- to 4-inch _____________________ 101: We are awe either side; is held securely open or Pemr cs eh“. 3c No..897—d..i{.'w ll 3“.” :ll SOttgmtolngre-p ace 0 53-inch ------------------ ~ 1" in." Building Supplies “In: cornplete Enthk screws; h” 91‘“ ' same style open from 4 to 7; boljtorlii3 5!. ll: . $79,“... much """""""""" mm d otelowpricw Elijilzt'fiionfolitanytchicltr‘xlelgcifi mun”; 82.9.1 5%.. I k l"- , size oi dump 7&8. as h ' u o . . . . 533.535.1233:33:13:13.. 3" “n“ door. Price ............ 60¢ lach.... ...... 50 “‘“---“¢ “L- 3“ 7-in-3“ Pm .............. 9