140 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog. No. 26, 1921-22

g RELIANCE Numbers .nd Colors of Reliance Guaranteed Pure

f . —- Household Paint I alien‘s“? HOUSEHOL No- 204-..... 2:332:22; EQUSEPNNT

o. No. 202 Cream N for us lrom only the purest materials by a

l u

NO- 267—Colonial Yel— NO‘ 263—439“ Green , reliable manufacturer with fiity years’ DLMAN l—"’_ 10W N0. 214—7Apple Green experience. By eliminating the cost of "WW” - c No. 205—Deep Yellow No. 255—Ligbt Brown t'rav'gller:l anal expensive adverlt‘ising, __ ' com ine wit our immense purc asing No. 222 CPMI No. ZDZ‘Dflrk Brown power, we are enabled to make you a SaVv No. 212—Pink No. 208—Rich Red ing of from 40 to 60 cents per gallon _No.' 674_~Rellanee household Paint. This No. 287—Pale Grey No. 233—Maroon on this high grade paint. It is true economy to Order Reliance Paint. paint is put up only in 1 and 2 1b. cans; handy 8128 No 224——Lilac R l for general household use inside and outside. It ' HIGH COLORS egu ar COIOH’ $4 85 spreads well, dries quickly, has a ood lustre and No.216—Grey Per gallon.... ........................................... 0 Elfin? 183‘32 decoratfdtsgrf?ce-th”he shades are No. 231—Warm Drab NO- 206mwmdow blim1 l-gallon. ......... . ........ $2.50 i-gallon ............ :1 :0 us esa eas are ise n t’ _ _ """" ' iaide. Order Reliance Househlold Pfinstei;°§hearll%nr§_ N0. 218—Pearl Grey Green White and High Colors. For gallon ............ . . . . . . . ‘. ........ $5.15 bers and shades. No. 232—Siate No 211—Deen Green l-gallon... . . .. ...... ......$2.70 i-gallon.... ..... ....... $1.40 Regular colors 1 lb. 25c; 2 lbs 50c; High Colors No. 282—Pale Blue - No. 285—Crimson One gallon covers 400 squarefeet, two coats. 11b. 28: 2 lbs ............................. .. .56c P t t P ' t 2 7 I I For Insrde or Outside Use - Gal.

No. 673*Protector Brand Paint is a paint of good covering capacity that can be used inside or outside. It will completely pro- tect the suriace from decay a it forms a hard weather-resisting coat. While it is not as pure as our Guaranteed Reliance House Paint it is nevertheless a paint we can recommend. When applied according to directions it will not crack, peel or blister. One gallon will cover 300 square feet, two coats. QUart

Opaque blue, burl, pea green, light drab, pure grey, $2 70

P20 —- Reliance Varnish Stain will liri hten old lur- nlture, work elc..

. “Home!“ U“

SUV-Mir: at.“-

slate, dark olive and terra cotta. Per gallon... ..... - l-gallon. ...... . ........... . . . . . ......... “fig: stainsuand varimnes In on;

, i- allon ..................... . ................. open on 9 no mo "131‘ j Holman s Preperfid W? B. Green and White ......................... $2.95 heauurui’ enect, imitates - ‘5 manulactured “pew“ y l-gallon. ........ . ......... . . . ............... $1.55 perleeuy natural grain 0! high grade woods, can also

for use on barns, boats and fences. With increased cost of lumber, it is clear economy to protect the build- ing against the elements with a ood preservative, and Holman’s

repaired Paint supplies the in- gredients that serve as a sure pro- tection against decay. One gallon covers 300 sq. feet—two coats. Colors bright and dark red, brown

he used on new wood with pleasing result: easy to ap- pli. Colors light and dark oa , mahogany, rosewood. walnut, cherry. Per 35C

- Int” art $1.00


WAX 75C . P13— Old English Brlghtener FloorWax. protects and No. 44—0ld Eng- beautifies varnished or llsh Brightener for re- painted floors; needs no newing wax floor is the

tools, put on with a - _ cloth and polished with Effigfirgggfifigg ‘33:,


60c. Qu

P79—Water will not penetrate

and yellow in 5- allon cans,

Per gal.‘.. .. . . ”g ......... $2'25 shingles coated with this stain. a. cloth. Per

Per single gallon ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,35 rendering them practically immune pound can. ....... 75C gig-laces. 80c Per half allon .............. $1.25 from decay. Stain is easily ap- » ““e p" 9‘" ' ' ' Parquarl‘ .................... 70c plied. A shingles root coated with

this stain will last twice as long. Gallon covers 150 square feet—

P82~Same as above, colors light slate, stone and green. 5—gallon


Floor Paint .

can, per gallon. . . . .......... $2.45 one coat. Colors brown $1 35 lrzallon .................... $2.55 ' and red; in 5-gallon cans. . 0

asgallon. ................... $1.35 P80——Per one—gallon can... . . 31.45

“art... . .................... 75c P69——Shingle Stain, green. $1 60 5-gallon can Per gallon. . '

Per l-gallon can ............ $1.70

Pl—Rellanee Floorlac, best floor finish, for staining new, old or previous- ly painted floors; exactly imitates cherry, oak or mahogany, gives a handsome appearance to flocrs; will not fade Cl' show heel marks readily, very durable. Colors light and dark oak, ma-

hogany, walnut, rosewood; Can be used

. . Canadian P5— Rellance Floor Paint—A special paint . for inside floors; dries over night. Ready for use w h L d and easily applied; made’ to walk on and stand lte ea

hard wear. $1 25 This is a combination of white Per quart. ........................ . . . ' lead and zinc in the proper pro or-

P6.—Crack and . Seam Filler—A tough tions that makes it better than ead


,, for many other things besides floors. _ _ _ . . B‘ARN P_AINT Quart ............. . . . . $1.35 elastic compOSition filler for unsightly cracks in figgeéndAlzlincz’ogg thl’iglystflreggytflg; ' " Pmfi' """""" ' 13‘ 5001'3- the oil. A trial will convince you l'pmt""“‘“'“""' ' """" c Per lb ..................... 35¢ 0‘ its exw‘lence ‘01“ c010“!!! 68-

pacity and wearing quality. Write or quotations.




Great caution should be taken in procuring this article,

Special Barn Paint- 1.65

No. 672 —— Capitol Barn Petroleum

.Pllllt..made in red only. A

remarkable value for the money. Here is a paint that is almost lay—Petroleum "Mi W th H i ' t d d as cheap as one can make With I’M—Reliance Auto willpenetrate 3h!“ ' 3. ”"”""""""M'i"u- as e le 0 pain ' open a a l s and wood, doub— HOLMANL great deal on quality of oil. and 31151!!! Paint. a e ' EPEEflSlDEQM The grade we handle is ground

lime, and your barn, outhouses, , or whatever material you apply varnish. 81055 of £1?” this to will have a nice fresh durabflfiya f9r namlmx appearance. While not ground and varnishing m one as fine as our more expensive °pe.”t’°n: A!” one .can paintsitisa wonderful preserva- “3113' pm!“ h“ carriage tlve. Try it and be convinced and have “7 look as good that we are oflering you the as "eW'.reK“I” “01°”: best value you have ever re- black Whlteiyellowigl’elh

celvedforyourmoney. $1 6 light wine, dark green .

ing their life, _(State quantity coloring re- quired; 5 lbs to fail- lonfl In 45 ga ion as s, (casks free)

per gallon..... . . .41lc


from the best seed and is ab- solutely pure. As the price is fluctuating we cannot name lasting price, but will quote market price on application.

Pure Spirits oi Turpentine -Prices on application.

Black Board Paint_ 40C

l'P7—~ Reliance Wagon Paint. easily applied will Prolong the life and en ance the appearance of truck wagons and farm implements.

and blue. l~pint.. . . .45c

fgfilon can per gallon. l p'nt 85c

- n H u u - l ..............

i-gallgn ', " " . , ‘19:: Vermillion and Carmine Color, red and bIUe. l 0 210—— Blackboard Paint.

l-rgailon u i. ... ..... 50¢ l-pint . . . . . . . . . . . . .561! Per quart... .. , . . . $ .3 -pint can, regular colors. 40c l-pint........ ”“10 Perpint................70c rice...... """""" "