R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalogue, No. 26, 1921-22
[Holman-Myers Guaranteed Pumps
"if: 33:: Hohnan-Myers Pumps are the “best on Earth” owing to their superior 1"" 9°“- 313-; art-:5: exclusive ieatures found in no other. They give iull flow oi water for :a.;:‘::: often-"331 years and eliminate the constant taking-up, like other makes and imita- mg... we. not I” 0.. tions. A few oi the many superior points are the Hohnan-Myers Double non. rm". :2? "$1": Leather "lingers giving double the suction and prolonging the good my .- no“ flow; Glass valve seat; large chambers: improved cog gear which makes no" of “fie,
corrode but pumping easy. Users say it pays to buy the best. i at all times.
worms:- “‘3‘. PAW“ HOLMAN' Holman- Myers
newsman-ire MYERS . RATCHET Stock Pump FOR DEEP WELLS
iects and we will re- place or repair iree oi charge any part or piece should same be
iound detective in
con SEAR
mflymfi 0; WORKS EASY :ffiégmsfih Complete with s x 14 $22.25
Brass Cylinder. Glass Valve Seat, Double 1. e 'at h te_ r
3 1-2 x 14 in.
PIPE is Al.- WAY 5 ex- ngxgas‘lata REVERSIBIE ‘ F R o M ’ Spour 'I'RA ° 2 f, o 4 'r H E P U M P so 33. R152 §§ HEAD AND E; mré‘n'ifzir g g Delivered E g C Y L I N D E R > A ~ hi 5 . . m 2 5% R117 “4 With 4 lilill 1650 $17 75 L: 12-97 u. “’7’ ‘ a = . _ _ - v Cylinder 7; unanrgtmnmtm
pecially adapted to deefi wells and when fitted wit a large cylinder gives a great abundance 0! water on account of its extra large spout. This gum}! does away with the old ard labor of umping as a child can war it with ease in deepest well. This style
in " ' a
R152 — Holman-Myers' Ratchet Liit Pump, works
li ht;i syphon spout revers- takes 1}, 1g and 2 inch pipe, ibfie to any position. The
base is adjustable and can [197— Fitted with gal- be raised or_lowered to suit vanized steel rod pipe and iesired height of Spout. ~ double leather plunger is Complete ready for work- complete ready for work, fitted with galvanized steel fitted with 31:12 iron cy- rod double eather plunger linder with brass 18 50 valve seat. ........ '
b . t d ' $31333er ggge.$l 1 ° 75
Made For Dug Wells
RIM—Holman- Myers’ Force Stock Pull! with windmill stts~ ment for power; can also be as readily operated by hand as any ordinary pump by simply taking out one bolt. Cylinder fitted with non- corrosive glass valve seat,
We're stronli [or b r a s s Cylinde r s . Holman oMY-
double leather plunger M . 1,. fit is ratche head; well‘bal- "'5 .Ratc “ ~ 0° . With 3 x14
anced handle; cylinders x e“ Brass Cy_ P‘h'np. ‘5 “ gaping) the; 3i ‘ 12 m ----------- "3'“, brass cyliiider ...... 22'25 llVeS and 10 inch stroke ‘ ‘ lin d ers are w“ giveda lgld aotwthq C 1 ’th
according to size ordered . w“ 9' an .‘3 8° - '3 3152 _ . “up 9“ w" With 4x12 Brass Lined head fitted with how MW 2 ”“3““ my “Pew“ Pme‘ 1‘ extra 1M1? WWW"! hm! Cylinderl’rlce .. 321.50 attachment for ‘15", 14 has the late“ ".11 roved cylinder with double leather With 4x14 bfis’s cylinder fighting washing lwa longer, or ratchet 3-68": w‘th 11:11- lunger “Dd 313" valve “eat' Price ............... $18.50 on et'c. also specie inches, which 3"“ _sw1nging an. e {14m- '
lids fixture through u d b, afgatmplgwfitw“;”if"? PM? ----------- $17‘75 NOTE—All brass and which by closing cock :1 ows 0“ ° gmoothnxess of operation 3}):14 .............. 819.95 brass-lined cylinders have
glass valve seats.
spout water can be pumped upsiairs-or to anyother place. . Rll7— Head fitted wilth 3x14 in. brass lined c in er. Piice ......... $29095 .R117B—Head fitted with Six“ in. brass
leather plung- ers to give still big g e 1’ flow, Brass Cylind- ers last years
that causes easy pump— ing with the biggest pos- sible flow. It is fitted with 4x12 Iron Cylinder with strain outside nuts; double leat ered plunger; iron and leather seat. On account of outside
R172 — llolman-Myers' Ratchet Force Pump. same design as R152 except it is a force pump; works just as easily but is valuable for fire fighting washing' wag-
R96— Holman IIyers Ratchet Force Pump. sim- ilar style to R97—but it is a force amp and is very valuable or fightin fire etc. For price of R 6 fitv ted with cylinder complete
. . ' ' 6-inch ‘ - cylinder. Price. 328.00 4 ’ longer without nuts "mm“ '8 ons autos etc. For price ready for work add $1.75 to R117C——Head fitted t GLASS « taking up_ $13119 fledged]: “‘9‘“ _7 .‘m ’3“ $1.75 to cm. 0. cost of 397. Cheaper with with 41:14 in. brass cy- SEAT l ‘ heightirald ' ‘ J 3-inch cylinder but we do inder. Price. ...ssz.15 use them. Pmem_,.:j$16.50 3152. not recommend one, All these Pum are priced com Iete with Pipe to place bOtIOIII H l . oi Cylinder i it. #1.... bottom oi head. Any more loin I! 6"" GALVANIZED ° man- L ft P The Cylinder should be laced not over 20 ieet irom owest water. a ve Myers 1 “mp Cost or lowering cylfnder to 12 it. or less is Me extra and me. CASING per an; exttraéoi- each addit:ona: toot deipelr than mt} v u Fi’l'l'EDwflflSaio c eer o avanlzed casng orsiae oer u or arlo GI i _ yllnders. Alwa s state whether well is bored or ug. sine oi hole a vaulted Cas_ ng from gslvsnis "‘0” CYLINDER $9'95 depth bottom oi head to bottom oi cylinder. also give extreme dept]; ass ed Sheet iron 4-mcb di;m9tel' ‘0 fit 3
R250——-flolman-Myers Cog Ge..- oi well irom baseot pump to bottom. also depth oi water. inch brass cylinders. 38¢
. . . Pei-loot. ...................... 5335333333 Riggufieadadmg‘ahle The 91355 In “01- _ Ail-inch diameter to fit cylinders 3- base. latest style cog gears, complete man-Myers Glass incl]:1 run, or Sinch brass lined, or 3}- with 3x10 inch iron cylinder. flush nut, Valve Seats l}:- tmains. 43C
single leather plunger, galvanized steel
6-inch diameter to fit cylinders 3}-
rod. brass Valve seat ready to work. NOTE—All i is measured'JINSIDE not OUTSIDE. ' . .
Price. $9 95 Pipe 'fiigeck ‘ Galv. Pl e Black Gslv. strong. heavy and 3:, {35' “fled °' “M" b‘“"- 48¢
Mal-tram ---------------- - Linc}; g c ,figggg .33 33c durable. but any me; assert; a; at“ ems" 4- NOTE:——0nly 3x10 in. Cylinder £33,, 14t° 18 3 2 inch 803a my broken WI“ he re. 2:11: i'?.fiogii.u°h brass lined or 53c
iurnlshed with R260 Pump.
wapwr FREIGHT oumrapNLY wnmpanaammrrn russr piacedby ‘18 FREE-