Orders From Pages 1 to 64 Delivered Free in Maritime Provinces \ I It; . . HOLMAN - MYERS Pump Fittings HOUSE PUMP Sanitary White Extra Heavy Brass Cylinder With ENAMEL SINK IRON SINK Glass Valve Seat 24.00 R477r—Holmsn-Myers Ratchet House Force ftp Excellent Value Pitcher Pump With Film supplies the comforts and conveniences of city is. It is made on the improved Myers Ratchet For House or Pasture St . w-th Style adapted for deep and shallow wells. i rainer ' l The wather 3:118 bekpurgped to 3 50 - an over ea n . y sun- } or Plug Stralner simply closing tap. The —_ adLustable base allows you to ,» .1in i ‘ . m‘. will . ave the top at any hei ht 7 e 75 W MM } 3075 to suit your sink, etc. 'llhe 3-inch brass cylinder has glass valve seat (positively non-corrosive) also double P167 -— Pit- cher pump is eatra heavy and nicel finished, polis ed smooth P7765—White Enamel H is a bi 199“!" plunge“. which inside, patent clos- Il'oll Sink. a clean, sani- P77§P :re alitg eliminate anmfi- The ed top which lpre. tary finish that will not "“10 "I a "W q“ Y pump 1- regulary fitted vents water from flying up when pumped— to prevent reezing all you ave to do is to trip valves by Chirp crack or eel, but Iron Sink. made uni- with the bottom of cylinder wil w , . . - 4 ft. from bottom of head ear like a ath tub, form fimgh. This sink The House Force Pum out- fitted With either nickel will be found extremely fit includes the cyinder plated strainer or plu for holdin water to was convenient in the kitchen. with glass valve sent. double raising handle to its dishes. Size $7 75 leather Plunxer- the cosmo- extreme height; fitted 16x24 inches ..... ' Size 16x24 in.. . . . . . . 33.75 ’tan pipe as above described with 1} inch pipe. Will Size'18x30inches. . . . 88.75 Size 18x30in.. . . . . . . $4.95 and bf“! fauoet. The pump give good satisfactionlin is exact] as illustrated STANDARD PIPE FITTINGS 3313392421?” "‘ ”pm“ handle. Puce.$24'00 1.)... .‘¢.9-'09I For Deep orpgfifffi A B 0 D I I 0 a ‘ ' ’ Shallow Wells " Site Is that of pipe (Inside measurement) that lltting will ilt Sizes ; i i 'i 1 1i g; 3% a well not over 28 feet deep. Fitted with bored and polished cylinder, bolted base and revolving fulcrum, ainted and striped. hisone is fitted with good plunger and is very special value at if; if???” ..... 3-50 PIGS—Closed Spout No. 2—88.75; No. 3—84.20; No. 4—“, “ Blac“ 8 10 14 16 21 __.__.___.___—____—_. ND Take. 1* andllg inch pipe Couplingsa Gslv. 9 11 14 18 22 81 40 50 No-s—Take! 1! “finch pipe ...................... 88.98 ___——————————-——-———-— CYI N . 4- ........................ 34.70 6 8 9 1‘ 23 28 44 I DER PLUNGERS Elbows. B Black 4 Galv. 5 8 12 14 30 85 48 66 __——————————— lilho 45C Bl k 4 6 7 13 20 31 36 64 Pg!“ — Cylinder Plungers. LEAD PIPE zrififiigii’iflspifiii'iy {til-'31:: pig-£03115): m G53. 5 9 10 18 29 44 51 90 333‘”: leather, complete.$l.65 :nlli‘ell shaped at one end to fit bottom 0! iii-inch. . ............... . . .8210 PER FOOT li-inch: per“. ................ . . . 45‘: Tea. n Black 5 3 L15 3 g; 2,} g g: “nah ....... . .. ..... ,3 oo u—incmpei-tt ................... ‘ soc ——£‘:l_v-__7__1____‘____________ PIGG—Pltchel' Pllllll' Plunge" 5c as it'llgxelgr’giengllllds :5;ng 151°:filY3uP‘fiued Unions E Black 17 20 22 26 28 39 50 64 ' o e rs age Gan. 26 29 32 as 43 so 77 93 'fi’g}°2 1,1333“ °°mP‘°‘°‘°' .80: quickly. . ___.___———-—————-——-—————'—" No. 3 .85c i s s a 9 12 14 is 22 BRASS FAUCETS N ”I“ F £131? 10 10 11 13 15 22 26 34 No’ 4" ‘ ' “'00 h 1510.! nit—:31?" llI'losei l-‘aiu'ceth with -._________—————————-———-————— t real or a ac ng one; or -mc pipe 8 8 4 5 6 7 10 con Ii]: 3 $1.50 -ln.$1.90 5’ ll!” G—w—‘fi-a— CYLINDER LEATHERS I‘l’o. 7282—31188 allcet plain otherwise as Llock NutsflBlack 2 2 s 5 7 11 i. P196—C under Leather 1 d “P"- Galv. a s 5 7 10 i4 16 is shaped or hint up (or plungeisfeaio’; i-inch --------------- -- - 3-inch Cylinders ................ 25c Huck-- ------------- .. -- Cw'pwu—Hfl iii-inch ........................ 30c ' Reducing l Black h} It {XI 7c 5&1“: 1x 19: 4-inch ......................... 35c (:onpllnge 141:1 20c llxli 2in 0° Plsao—HtcherPulp Leathers. already 25 - Black {I} Ic lxl 5c 1 xi 8c {:1 7e lxl} 7c gigpgd or bent up;for plungers No. 2 ........... 302 1 9c 1 x2 (2 - ........................................ Bushlng. ’[Galm lit; Ole ixl O‘c ixi 11: ill 13¢ 11131413 No. 4 ................................... . . . . 85c llxll 19c llxz 80c miglw'lmli'"; Pump Bottom Valve 150 1‘689——Pump Rod Couplings galv. i. 7-16 andi inch ...... am: No 3 ’5- °’ °- Pump --------------------- m __—______________________ . ....................... No. 4 ........ . . .................. 25c Molasses Gates 60c GASOLINE 80 c 04—. Holes- MYERS ’ Pump Strainer P808— Myer’s Pump Strainer for bottom of Ppmp pipe; keeps out dirt, saves cylinder. 11-inch. 60c li-inch.65c - ........ me Economical Mlihinm” d- 2-‘ h. 17:33: S [Inc F ucets i.3;a{ligitw'ft'hrilIt}?e me aso a . r . for‘ steel barrel. 80c iti‘iinii'. “060:: N0 LADDER Price ............... Price... . . . -\ REQUIRED . PATENTED TREE PRUNER 10 foot $1 85 Handle . WZO—Tree Pruner, as cut, patent cutter, 10 foot handle, no ladder required to prune your trees; will cut 1-inch with$l .85 else. Price... . .‘ . This Jack Will i. Pump Your 1 2.7 g Water - . L889—ThisVerticalPunipJack was desi ned to be used in connec- tion witli any ordinary windmill head pump or without disarrenging the pump or pipes in any manner. It is mounted on a substantial cir- cular base which surrounds pump stand and is securely bolted to the platform, and also clamped to the pump stand. making a perman- cot and satisfactory io . t is far superior to the ordinary cheap chk in use and is bolted di- rect to the body of_ the pump, only. Fitted with drive and lease pul- leys—s splendid pump ’ack at a low price. we" .. $12.75 CGB4—~Thlfl Oil Film]! is constructed to screw into the large bung.of any steel barrel and avoid leakage or evap0r- alien. It is suitable for barrel having hung in thejhead or side; fitted with a measure stand that sup arts the measure or containerwhen pumping; but the most important feature is that all oil dripping from the spout goes back into the barrel. The spout is fitted with a hose connectcr that will allow you to connect a hose to the pump to enable you to fill your car from the barrel. The safest way to keep gasoline 18.1!) a steel cask fitted withfone of these pumps. Not a drop wxll reach the floor, the barrel is on its end, occupying little x'09111. and 15 always ready. Nearly all gasoline is now con- tained in steel barrels loaned by the Oil companies. This makes a storage tank for the man owning this pump equal to that of the most up to date dealers. Just figure the saving this will bring you and the rot t’ ' suitabletor any wood barrel.p ec ion yo“ have' It )8 “‘0 Freight paid. Price ................ . ........ $11275 Will—Handy Prun- ing Shears. made with malleable handles steel blades and strongl'spring df li ht $331k. (lgriga. . . ..$1-00