R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalogue, No. 26, 1921-22 Holman-Myers Guaranteed Pumps The glass 7 a l v e s e a t ‘ does a w a y with priming will Dump. ater can- 'i'he Dou- ble Leather Plungersgive better sue- Hoiman-Myers Pumps are the “best on Earth” owing to their superior exclusive features found in no other. They give lull tlow oi water tor years and eliminate the constant tailing-up, like other makes and imita- not leak oil. tions. A few of the many superior points are the Hohnan-Myers Double non, Insur- glg’f "$12155; Leather Plungers giving double the suction and prolonging the good [119 a" good coargsoaed :ut flow; Glass valve seat; large chambers: improved cog gear which makes ilow oi water gm", “5 pumping easy. Users say it pays to buy the best. .1 an um”. WRITE US We guarantee the PATENTE" _ E 1:65;}: 3 :vorhnanggllpfigld ma; “fie " HOLMAN Holman- Myers a, ram 0: whim-es t°'.""’.l;'e v MYERS - :3. gig»; Arson leeway-d weI “9:3; RATCHET Stock Pump ‘32 or WATER Q grilles-{:38 ital-t or PUMP at 1" A I“) TEL: 5 plecfoshoai‘lid garage]; gg FOR DEEP WELLS U _ 5 un e ec E8 ‘. l5“: film-“flat WORK-S EASY“ $22 25 eyear 11: 39R 0! installation. ‘ gifilégfigfi‘fifi: 7, _ . 0 You i. an in} COMPLETE WITH Plunger 3 1-2 x 14 in. BRASS CYLINDER PIPE 15 AL- , WAYS EX- TRA FROM them 3; ma rum 5%): HOSE Eng; R—97 D 1' R152 g3 HEAD AND E; ATTACHMENT E]: H.“ e lvered g; CYLINDER E3 R117 :22 With 4 inill 1650 $17 75 11-97 ‘ V 7 Cylinder = . m R97~flolman - Myers ‘ Ratchet Stock Pump; es- pecially adapted to deep wells and when fitted wit a large cylinder gives a great abundance of water on account of its extra large s pou t . This ump does away with the old $29.95 RIM—Holman- Especially R152 — Holman-Myer? Ratchet Liit Pump, works llard labor of pumping as a child can work it with ease in deepest well. This style Myers' Force Stock 1‘ 111;” hon spout revers- takes 1} 1} and2inch pipe. rum with windmill Note fifie toys“ position. The ’ attan ment for power; a e or base is adjustable and can R97—— Fitted with gal- can also be as readlly be raised 0r lowered to suit vanized steel rod pipe and operated by hand as any We're strong lesired height of spout. double leather plunger is ordinary pump by slmply . 11 Complete ready for work: complete ready for work, taking out one bolt. to:- brass ug e s fitted with alvsnized steel fitted with 3§x12 iron cy- Cyllnder lifted with non:- Cylinders . rod doubledeather plunger Holder with brass 18 50 COHWIVB g 385 Va V9 593 _ . _ n - brass seate iron va ve sea ......... ‘ “uh“ ‘eathe’ 1’1“.“39" mm“ My Mype'gg' gnarl“? grout l cylinder 3x12 Price.$ll‘75 w-th 3 14 "“he be“; we". be" 9" 3"” Cy- Pump is a pump that " sixlzin .......... $13.50 b ‘ 3" 22.25 anced handle; cyllnders . will give a big flow of .. rass cyllnder ...... glve gand 10_lnch s‘trokg linders are water and is sold at this R152 __ Complete with With “12 Brass Lined go?!" ring t° “zfigrvfire now 2 inches very special price. It extra large improved brass Cylinderl’rlce $2150 ‘ tted W1 4‘ I?" has the latest im “Wed cylinder with double leather With 4 14 b1“; ‘5' c linder Eltlfélglenwathfli; aim??? ”9”" °' 14 ”“3"“ 3°” With ”31" Plan!" and 813" “”8 seat- Price x 5 ysas so I v _ . _ ance swin ing an e 3 14 .n. _ ............... . Sill: elicitufgso £3355} mehes' when and triple afition, giving Flint-l ............ $17°75 NOTE—All brass and which by closing cock allows double gfifithnfil’ehr aggritio: 3§x14 .............. $19.95 blrass-lined cylinders have "’0‘“ water can be leather Plung- that causes easy pump- R172—flolman-Myers’ “a“ valveseats. pumped upstairs _or to are to give still ing with the biggest pos- R96—— Holman Myers any 0th" place. ‘ sible flow. It is fitted Ratchet Force Pump, same , willlfil—l lf‘flssifiig bigger flow, with 4‘12 1”" 93“”? desizn as R152 except iti- a lifitcl‘t‘ilif 25133536? “”1 5mm out“ e nu 3’ force pump; works just as is a force ump and is very $22??? ..... $29.95 Brass Cylind- double leat ered plunger; iron and leather seat. easily but is valuable for valuable or fighting fire R117B—H ad flat (1 ers last ears - . . - etc. For price of R96 fit— With 3&1” ein- bf“! .y Ont “coir-It ofa oat-:12; fire fighting washlng wag- ted with cylinder complete cylinder. Price. 328.00 longer Without fiuls ta“! ‘1’“ . adalted gong, autos? etc. For ‘pnce ready for work add $1.75 to rune—Head fitted ‘GLASS * taking up_ i” due” $211? p _ 'ugt add $1.75 to costs or cost of R97. Cheaper with with 4x14 in. brass cy- SEAT °r g ' 3 3-inch cylinder but we do I use them- i’fifi'filtfi‘l: :$16~50 3152- All these Pum are rlced com late with Pipe to place bottom oi Cylinder 4 it. Eon: lllntom oi cad. Any more ipe is exit. The CYllnder should he laced not over 20 feet trom owes! water. Cost oi lowering cylfnder to 12 it. or less Is Me extra and 12:- per toot extra for each additional toot deeper than 12 it. Reter to Galvanized casing for size hole regain-ed [or various cylinders. Alwa s state whether well is bored or ug. Size oi hole. . depth bottom of head to bottom oi cylinder. also give extreme depth oi well irom bas‘eol pump to bottom, also depth of water. not recommend one. GALVANIZED CASING Galvanlzeli Casing. from galvaniz- fd :hleet mi". ltd-inch diameter to fit 3 nc rass cy in are. Perfect. ...................... 38c 4l-inch diameter to fit cylinders 3- inch iron, or 3inch brass lined, or 3}. inch brass. Per 10 ot. ........... 7 ........... 43¢ 'binch diameter to fit cylinders 3)- in. brass lined or 4-inch brass. inder. Price. . . . $32.75 Lift Pump FITTED WITH 3 x 10 IRON CYLINDER $9.95 R250—llolman-Myers Cog Gear Puln similar to R152 Head, with re- versibe syphon spout, adjustable base, latest style cog gears, complete with 3x10 inch iron cylinder. flush nut, single leather plunger, galvanized steel rod, brass valve seat ready to work. Valve Glass The glass in Ho!- man-Myers Glass V a l v e S e a t s are strong. heavy and Ho] man- Myers NOTE—Allrfiipe lsxmeasured'JINSIDE not OUTSIDE. Price. 9 95 Pipe lack Galv. Pl 6 Black Galv. . Perioot 48¢ fi;lgl;;lbalg..l .............. f 1' 533% 33%: llfllllgll ' 2129i; 33;}: amiable. blaze an! i sflipch diaznetell; 1:0 fltucyginderl 4- :— n y 3x10 in. y inder WI] . nc ron or -lnc rose as or furnished with R250 Pump. inch 14} c 18 c 2 “Ch 80 c 40° bro en re iron. Per loot. ...... . . . . . . . . . . 53C placedby us FREE. WEIPAY FREIGHT ONIPIPE‘ONLY WHENIDRDEREDEWITE PUMP