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B l' d W' h ciiii $111152 Elan 24.00

KHZ—Holman-Myers Ratchet House Force

Pump Fittings

Sanitary White ENAMEL SINK

Extra Heavy IRON SINK

P", Excellent Value


Pitcher Pump

With Pum ,supplies the comforts and conveniences of city 19. It is made on the improved Myers Ratchet For House or Pasture Strainer With Style adapted ior deep and shallow wells. The wather ejan bekpuiigped to 350 - an over as tan y sime 0" Plug Strainer simply closing tap. The _. ad'Lustable base allows you "" 75 to ave the top at any height P167 Pit- . g to suit your sink, etc. he cher pump is 3-inch brass cylinder_ has extra heavy and glass valve seat (positively nicely finished,

non-corrosive) also double leather plungers, which eliminate priming]. The pump is regulary fitted with the bottom of cylinder

polished smooth inside, patent clos- ed top which !pre- vents water from

flying up when

P7765—White Enamel Iron Sllsk. a clean, sani- tary finish that will not chip, crack or eel, but

P7764—Here is a big value in a. heavy quality Iron Slnk. made uni-

will wear like a. ath tub; - Tm. .ka 4 "- “‘0'“ 50mm! 0‘ bud um ed to prevent fitted with either nickel ‘°."“ finish. t l The H°use Force Pum .°‘"" reezl’ng all you have to Plated strainer or plu m“ be found ex reine y m includes ”he Wind“ do is to trip valves by for holding water to was convenient in the kitchen. with glass valve seat. double raising handle to its dishes. Sue $7 75 leather plunger. the conpeo- extreme height; fitted 16x24 inches ..... - Size 16x24 in ........ 88.75 tins pipe as above described with 1i inch pipe. Will Size'18x30inches. . . . ”.15 Size 18x80 in ........ $4.95 and brassfauoet. The Pump give good satisfactionlin

is exactly as illustrated except it has an improved 14..“

ligb‘lllelmnl’rice. $24.00 has“...

For Deep or “mm:

Shallow Wells

is well not over 28 feet deep. Fitted with bored and polished cylinder, bolted base and revolving fulcrum,

sinted and striped.

hisone is fitted with good plan er and is very specia value at



Slze Is that of plpe (Inslde measurement) that lulng wlll ll! . a t i. i. .g a it - - i5-2"-“-°-‘-’i~--3'5° so No. B—Takes 1} and”; inch pipe ................... . .3193 CouplingsA Galv. 9 11 14 18 22 31 40 50 N .4—T k u 2-“ h - ................ CYLINDER PLUNGERS ° a ea or I c We "

k 4 6 8 9 14 23 28 44 Elsa]; 5 8 12 14 80 85 43 66

slumssc Black 4 6 7 13 20 31 86 64 Galv. 5 9 10 18 29 44 61 90 3-inch ...................

_________________________ iii-inch. . ....... . ....... . . $2.30 Te“. D Black 5 8 11 13 18 81 39 g: 4-inch ...... ...... .....‘....“.00

Galv. 7 12 16 19 27 47 62 _ Piss—Pitcher Pump Planners.

Elbows. B

P168——Closed Spout No. 2—33.15; No. 3—34.20; No. 4—3:}:

Ps—H Le (1 Pl . '

LEAD PIPE This is mili‘eispeciiailly lorlthe panning: is lxi‘ell shaped at one end to fit bottom of 3 ll .

PER FOOT 13-inch; per ft ................. . . . .45c

li-inch; per It ....................... 30c 45c

P194 Cylinder Planners. double leather, complete,$l 65

_ 'Ijhe 1} inch is the size mostly supplied as it is large and carries oh the drainage

U lo E Bla k 17 20 22 26 28 89 50 64 - is us 6.1%. 26 29 32 88 ‘3 60 77 98 sfiiglez Plsgger complete lor ..80c quickly. ~ No. 8. . .851: AUCETS s 6 s 9 12 14 16 22 BRASS F Nippless‘ films 10 10 11 13 15 22 26 34 No. 4.. ......... . ...... “.00 h 1:0} 7815311?” humemniu'cuh with ~ t rea or a so ng ose; 1- -inc pipe 8 4 5 6 7 10 cu lin s $1.50 -ln.$1.90 l’nusG Black 3 I 8 l, l 1 2 T CYLINDER LEATHERS c 130. 7282—31!!! aucet plain otherwise u LloekNiltsl-lBlack 2 2 s s 7 1 1 1. P196—-C under Leather l d 8120“ Galv. 3 8 5 7 10 14 15 16 shaped or b’e'nt up lor plungeisfeafo’; -inch’ .............. .. .. .......... $1'35 3-inch Cylinders ................ 25¢ -inch... . . . . ...... . . ....... . ........ 81.75 Caps Black 2 a e 'l 12 14 16 26 3)..inch ........................ 80c ' Reducing l Black ix} .e I“ 7c {agile 1: 19¢ 4-inch ......................... 85c Couplings lixl 20c lixli 2x1i 06 - P1680—Pltclierl’ujp Leathers. already 25 ' Black in sc lxi 5c xi 6c in 7c 1in 7: i??? or bent upzlor plungers No. 2 ........... 30‘: 1 9e 1 x2 1 c - .......... . ............................. Bushings ’{Gaim liI Sic ll} ,‘c {X} 11c ill 13¢ 1x1} 14¢ No. 4 ....................................... 85c llxli 19c lixz 80¢ 132310;];“c15'flghmpmuom valve 15C I‘689—Pump Rod Couplings galv. 1. 7-16 and l inch ...... 20c °' °' pump -------- ~ --------- m ........................ 25c Molasses Gates , . . MYERS Pump Strainer P808-—- Myer's Pump c Strnlnel' for bottom of Dymp pipe; keeps out dirt. saves cylinder. GASOLINE 80 C D4—- Mons]- til-”inf.“ soc li-inch.$ Economical 55 Gates. a - -inc ., .......... ' FAUCETS justable with sure l

P78—Gasollne Faucets. stop and no drip. lIOr steel barrel. ‘rice ...............



10 foot $1 85 Handle .

wzo— Tree Pruner. as cut, patent cutter, 10 loot handle, no ladder required to prune your trees; will

cut i-ineli withsl .85

ease. Pnce.. . . ..

80C 1 i-inch

. 60¢

Price. . This Jack Will L Pump Your

, 12.75

L889—ThisVertlcaI Pump Jack was desi ned to be used in connec- tion wit any ordinary windmill head pump or without disarranging the pump or pipes in any manner. It is mounted on a substantial cir- cular base which surrounds pump stand and is securely bolted to the platform, and also clamped to the pump stand. makin a perman- ent and satisfactory JO . It is far superior to the ordinary cheap Jack in use and is bolted di-

rect to the body of the pump, only. Fitted with drive and looae pul-

CG94—Thi3 Oil Pump is constructed to screw into the large bung of any steel barrel and avoid leakage or evapor-

ation. It IS suitable for barrel having hung in the'head or Blde: fillfied With a measure stand that supports the ‘measure 9r contamenwhen pumping; but the most important feature ‘5 that 3" 0‘1 dTlPPIPK from the spout goes back into the barrel. The spout is fitted with a hose connector that will 8110‘" You to connect a hose to the pump to enable you to fill Your car from the barrel. The safest way to keep gasoline rain 9. steel cask fitted wrthfone of these pumps. Not a drop “11‘9““ Q19 floor, the barrel is on its end, Occupying little room, and is always ready. Nearly all gaSOline is new con.

leys—a splendid pump 'ack at a low price.

pa’ii‘f’??..... $12-75

Will—Handy Prun- lng Sheen. made with malleable handles steel blades and strongl'spring

df ll ht 5°51; ‘i‘sc‘e . . ..$1-00

tained in steel barrels loaned by the Oil companies. This makes a storage tank for the man owning this pump equal to that ol themost up to date dealers. Just figure the saving this Will bring you and the protection you have. It is also

su't hi 1 db . n-‘eigift 35E??? “die .‘TT'i' .................... $1 1 ~75