Get Your Sporting Goods at Holman’ a 145


Good Skates, Priced Right

High Grade Per Cast Steel 88 4 0 AUTO SKATE Pair HOCKEY SKATE C P:ir

SA—Men' s Auto flocke Skates, made of H—Men' s and Boy's Hockey Skates, made the very best welded steel, ardened and tem- oi cast steel, strong polished brackets to with ered; nickel plated and bUfied. strongly stand rou hplaying. This skate is the latest Praced With d1v1ded heel Plate- $4 00

design dou le end with puck stop. Price per P6? Pair ........................ pair ................................... 88¢


Popular Arena $1 3 Per HOCKEY SKATE Pair HOCKEY SKATE Pa" Model C—Sugerior design with thin blade

and new hi eel also aluminum tops

SE——-Here is an exce tionally good value in like 0 Used b Ieadin books “19 “Arena” nod“! Ite. une ualled at the players Per pairz. .. . . . .g. ...... .y.$G- 50

price, iufielriolr thd. design, strengt and finish ;

mce y n c s p a e

Per pair ............................. $1" 35 SBM—Men's and Boy's Hockey Skates,

nickel plated all over; has the good points of higher pricedskates; double end, supplied with

puck stop. 1 65

Pair ............ ~m_-$ _” LADIES’ $40 Per AUTO SKATE Pair

" SLA_—Ladles’ Auto Skate. Any lady owning

a pair of these excellent skates knows she has the lightest, strongest, and neatest lady’s

k t th k t. $5123 32. p.335”. .6 ................ $4-00


Ladies’Douhle-end $1 3 Per

HOCKEY SKATES Pair SEL—Ladies “Canada” Hockey Skates. Screws very nicely nickel plated and splendidly finished. . 70 A popular style for those who want a $1 35 good skate. Price ..................... f Skate-Sine“ SBL—Lsdies “Beaver” Hockey Skates, '96 w" a nickel Plated, double end style, strongly braced 251229?” E?“ sri-{afiism "2‘1 53:: 111325;? “ft“??? ........ $1.65 24 in neat 70 Per psi; ......... 20c """""""" pkg. Price.. 30-inch. pair. . . . .25c


SPRING SKATE Pan“ $96—30!) Skates. adjustable 6 to 9 inch

made from cast steel with a bright finish,

Silo—The old reliable Sprlng Skate, polished with heel and toe straps. Children can learn

blades, slightly curved for general outdoor and to skate quickl with these skates without

rink skatin Readily adjusted to boot any danger of Iaiiin or s rainin their and will hofd securely. Pair ............ 31' 18 ankles. Per pair. . .g- . . .p ..... g ...... 75C

. Direction 'for Ordering Plain Forward Regulation Skates

HOCKEY 1232:? 25. :—_—i

Orders for skates must give STICK smo—R l t' lingth of boots °§usiif of egu a ma s ate, or we cannot t em.

size Pucks. Each. ...25c

Sim—Extra quality Rub- Postages on Skates:

ber Pucks tor league 40C 8 games. Each ........ A pair of Skates weigh from AIM—Pucks for juvenile 1* to 2 lbs- See DarcelA 12::

scale 01' POStaEB- Eggyers. 15C enough. Any over will be ............... refunded.

HS97— Hockey sack. made from second growth rock elm, select stock and cod straight grain—a big avorite with hockey 85c teams. Plainlorward

H 11:95; Blfy’. Regulation oc ey tic s. Price .............. 50°

HSsS—Goal Sticks best selected second growth stock. A style that will make it easy to stop the

it“; . . .$1-85

Good Grade Leather

SHIN .. GUARD 35 3...

8104— Shin Guards, good light protectors, leather with ankle 35C pads. Per pair. .............

Price per pair ...............


SlO5—Shln Guards of leather. ette with straps and buckles. 25c


Emery Grinder

. For Sharpen- ing Skates, etc

9 —— m Grlnder, as cut. size em wheel 8:1} Inches: has adluisltazlgle 5:33;:Epui1'eyy a-lncls diameter: 2; Inch It (ace. sell Inhrlcaung

gkch holes; ready to he lastened to hench...$10 95

e ............... . .................. ..... ..... ------- -------


H16- Endless Inner Tube for Dunlap

and all de- l 50

5tachable tires, each ..............


Hl7—Nickeled brass ioot‘ pump, 1x12;

H14_1‘I"’k"}plat°di hes complete with rubber con- 5 bicycle lamp. no ' ................ 8 C burns carbon 275 nections, each . . H145—Extra burners for above lamp ............... 15c

M UD 9 5 C - GUARDS Bgiesilde 60C H1 S—Mud Guards,‘best quality,

standard size, give the fin1sh1ng95c , , touch to your bicycle, pair.









The Reliance Improved Coaster Brake Bicycle is a light-running, easy- riding wheel, made for us by the manu- iacturers of one of the highest class and best known bicycles on the Canadian Market. The Reliance is well pro- portioned. honestly built. made to stand the hard grind of every dsy_use.

H1 5—Nickeled bicycle bell, lear tone. each ............ 60C


Frame;—-Flush joints, one piece hanger, frame made of seamless steel tubing Sizes 20,!22 and 24 inch.

Wheels:—Standard 28 inch:

MudIGlul‘ds;—Well Braced, proper shape.

Handle Bars:—Triple Plated. extension . ad1ustable “reu—Quick, detachable Dunlop style.

Minn—Best quality Maple.

Saddle:—Nickel plated suspension spring, adjustable for height. Tool Bag: -Leather, containing wrench and oil can. Pedals—Ball Bearing Rat Trap Pedals.

Chalnz—English Steel Roller chain.

Barman—Finest crucible high carbon steel.

HSWZ—The Reliance Coaster Brake Bicycle, with detachable style double tube tires, mud guardmtool bag with wrench and oil can. Complete as illustrated.

Swift??? ......... .............................. $33.50