
Sam. LENS 99c

HFl-so—c o n we 2 ’rlsmo Lenses. ‘inade from special .light-dif- fusing glass that takes out the glare‘ without cutting down the quark tity of light or the dist; ance it is thrown. Lens" is convex, or rounded in front which gives a good sidelight. Sizes 8, 8} Ford size,s:,8i,8} 99c and 9 inch per pair..

(Mailing weight 3 lbs.)

HF1-25——Tlre Chains are made 0! strong steel chain, give good ser— vice and prevent skidding and slip- ping. Every car should have a set for wet and muddy weather. Pack- ed in cotton bal’S' 30x3 Ford size. Per pairi$3.50; 32x3; .70: 31x4 ins. $3.80; 32x4 in. $3.95; 33x4 ins. $4.00; 34x4 in. $4.20: 34x44) $4.50.

. Trouble i Lamp With Bulb And

HFl—IBr—Auto Mirror well made of heavy steel, black japanned, adjustable to any angle, and will fit any car, it ‘has well

fsilvered mirror, 3% inches with nickle rame, Each ............................. 95¢ L°ng


Trouble Lamp. No car should be without one for changing tires, etc. at night, com- plete with long cord and bulb, single or double contact. state

which, each ............... $1 '50


HFl-ll— Spotllghts. made_ of heavy gauge japanned steel“ nickel plated trimmings. Has diminishing mirror on side. Universal swivel-en- ables light to be thrown in any direc- tion. Parabolic reflector gives long lleam of light. Has quick adjustable focus in hand.e and convenient switch and is complete with strong bulb and

sufficient. wire cable. $6.50

Each .......................


Double Style


HF1-22——Dollble Barrel Pump; barrels are made '0! heavy seam- less steel tubing. Black japanned finish, has efficient valve and does quick work. Most popular type of

ump on the mar-

e" ’j'$1.85

Each . .

Tail Lamp

FOR 1 .00 FORDS =

HFl-lS—T ail Lamp

for Ford Cars. as shown. Each. . $1-00

HF1-24—F o r d Keys Standard Type. 80

Each... . . . .

Dash Lamp


h” HFl-ltiv—tDashh Iglfip, nickel plated, as, com t . Each ..... , 5.": .‘VI . . .‘3 .......... $1-10


of heavy rubber»


HFl-‘T —— Strong Car .1 a c It wi t h side as well as end lift; capa- city 1 ton;


. HFLQ-wb‘an Belt ized fabric. Will not slip and is not afiectod by oil or water. 50

Ford Belt (state model) each, ., . . C iron. A real quality Jack.

in all ea ble covered, cannot mor finish of spoke

cessories Every Motorist Should

LOCK Cotter Pins \ WASHERS A 1 0—Cotter Plnl A1 l—Lock Wash-

el'l. 40 assorted lock iwasher-ls for auto use, nsma cartons.

Price .......... 250

100 assorted Cotter pins for auto use, in

ll r . iiTa’Ze...°.“.'.‘.”.'7 . 12¢

Shock Absor- bers

SET or 4


HFl-Zl—W—X- Shock Absorber for Fords, is of entirely new design and is the equal of any other on the market. It is simple in action, easy to put on and makes the Ford ride as smoothly as the more expensive car. Per set of

{our complete ................... $9'50



HFl-Z—Radiator Ornament, consisting of seven beautiful silk flags, size 4x6 spread in special strong attachment, black japanned will fit. any radiator, very neat.

Only .................. 95C

Post. paid.

Thief Proof

Tire Chain $1.15

H_F1-10—Thief Proof Tire Chain, for locking spare tires etc., made of very heavy steel ‘Chain covered with good ouality leather and complete with strong

padlock. $1.15

Each ..........................

. HFI -6—Mud Hook-on Chaln for pul- ling cars out of holes. ditches, etc.. easily put on as they clasp around spoke. leather


For 3i inch Tires ............ For 4 or 4; inch Tires.

Each...sz.9s Each ............................ 60¢

No. A53—Cham- No. SP3—Chatll- |on Spark Plugs ior ' plon—O Plugs for Buick, McLaughlin or

R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Full and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22

Have u


SP-l—Champton x Spark Plugs. mended by Ford Motor Co. for Ford cars. Special price ............................

SP-Z—Extra Porcelains for above Spark Plugs. Each ............................


65c 25c

Overland SparkPlugs

75c: 75°

Overland Cars.

Each .......... 75C

No. SIM—Extra,

C hevrolet Cars.

Each .......... 75c

No. A503 Extra

Porcelains for above ,gfroelains for above . u s. , girl: .5. . . 50‘: lEachl .......... 50C . '

Radiator Never-


Saves Repairs


HF-44—Radla- tor Never Leak. A proven product that stops small leaks in radiators.

Spark Plug Tool


HFl-S— Spark Plug Tool, double ended, containing Spark Plug file” on one end and knife for scraping and cleaning on the other end. Has nickle plated capsfon each end,

very neat and Saves man useful. ' y are- Each ...... 75C 3:111!- .b.ll.1’ per75¢


HFl-19—Gnaranleed Inner Tubes. for' Fords, Chevrolets and other cars having 30 x3} inch tires. This is standard grade tube which . is GUARANTEED against detects, lots 0‘

six??- ............ . .............. $1-95

Break-Not Hydrometer

For Testing Batteries

HFfis—Break-Not drometer to t ' batteries. Will not breagif dropped. rA n?:;:s‘it;lio:t:;:§; car especially in cold weather to prevent battery from freez-

inz- Each.'.........$l'50.

Complete with case and directions.

Liquid Veneer Outfit

HPI-B—Liquid Veneer Auto Polishing Outfit consisting of Sprayer and large quart size bot- tle. of Liquid Veneer, packed in nest carton. Will clean, polish and preserve finish. Suffi- cient to last the whole season. ' Outfit only ......................... $1.25
