All Orders Amounting to $10.00 on‘this Page Delivered in Maritime Provinces 147

Supplies for Motor Car and Motor Boat "M IMPERIAL POLARINE


MO-lo—L' htPl 'n O'lper al- loncan. ...lg.....°.me l 2 $1075


i Tire Repairers i





Per 5-gallon can.t ........ . ......... $7.20 1'25 MO-Zo Medium Polarine Oil $1.75 HFI—4—Romn Wrench or Nickel :2: mm..- ------ ...... plated steel, consisting .of 4 double‘end '1 """""" _ _ wrenches held together With strong clamp. _M0-30——Polanne Transmission $1.75 0 Take 7 sizes of Nuts from i to 11-16, also has Oll, per gallon can ................. Protection Patches handy Alligator Wrench, Screw Driver‘ and MO—40—Polarine Cup Grease. 1 1b. -HF1—29——— Outside Protection (Shiner Pm xtractoi‘. $1.25 g3?" 25c pa‘ches, for repairing blow-outs e ......................... . . . . . 53169 ....................... . _ _ ‘1 20 on the road, heavy rubberized fab- ‘——‘—"‘——‘——‘ can .......................... . . . .

MO-50—- Polarine Transmission Grease, 51b. can .

Price ............................ $1 '50

Write for speclal prices on cask lots of on and grease.


Socket Wrench


ric, lace-on style for 3 inch

fires. Each ......... i . . . . $1 '00 HF1-30— Inside Protection Patches, of heavy rubberized fab- nc for preventing blow-outs in weak spots otcasing, size 45 in!» for any size casing, each. . C


COMPLETE SET P . . Set 40 C _ HF-izo—Fora Socket Wrench Set, has rlmlng Bl

Tubing Connection

M23—Connection for attach- ing to tank orl’carborator, gm. 18c: 5-16th. 201: each.


12c ft.

M21—Copper , tubing i-in. - 12c ft.; 5-16th in. 15c ft.

x machined steel hexagon sockets sizes in. to Z in. to fit Ford Nuts, 2 screw driver _ its, extension bar and reversibleratchet handle.

Every Ford should have one"to do small re-

pair jobs, M l7—Priming Cups straight

, lin. 40c ea. fin. 45¢ each. Perset. .......................... $4 35 M19—Priming Cups angle

Standard wren0h Set gin. $01: ea; i-in. 85c. ea.

HF—lZl—Standard Socket I 35

Wrench Set has 7 machine-steel Radiator Cap

hexagon sockets sizes 5 to i in. 356 tunnel:

HF1-28— Patching outfit. con- 2-screw driver bits and revers- ETA CI" lGNlTlON Y

h . . . - ible ratchet handle. . fists of patching material, size 11%;; Per Set ............. _ $4.35 HFl-l4— Radiator Cap for Ford Radiators, R improves appearance of car, heavy metal "

and tube ofpatching cement. with rubber finish. 35c

Cups . -.


m‘ can is perforated tor cementing lube acked in_neat carton. 40C ('nmp ete patching kit. Each


Ea h .............................. 'P'iE 50R M10 _. M k and 0 "Maggie”. Eiszksv“....“$§:';::r;.s$ . -~. NES Am; OTllER O" insul ated, waterproofi; , " f TRANSMISSION CiiiCUil'VWGRK 11);: .a' seed. hot .3394?“ SELF CURE PATCHES


M99—Rellance Ma- rine Spark Coll produces a big fat spark with a min- imum battery consump-


HF1-26— Sell .Cure Tube patches; applied wrth Gasoline, easy to use, makes a. permanent


lli‘l‘ Patchlng Cement, best quality for re- pairing Tubes, etc. Size x4 per tube. . 0c

8* .1 - pii‘ii‘ii’e15c



HFl-32- Marvel Vulcanizer. '

Filed to the patch only so that tube cannot be burned. Full directions With each. Price complete with an: Patches and fuel discs. Dostmid ................ Elm patches and fuel discs gar 5c

lated. 0X of twelve, postpaid, .;. . . . .

Ilfpair. per tin of ten. 25C HFgfiZE‘lli‘ltlblg 53:12:: r ................... miss! '

'fl‘wm sisting of 3 pieces. of long- HFl-Z’L-Rub- wearing brake lining of

proper length complete with

Rear Curtain Light for Fords

Never-Knock Carbon Remover

and lu s. ity ti; cagr. Get a can and save the. ex-

.pense of taking engine down. Per can.


Per set ............

A patch put on with this vulcanizer heCOmes part of the tube itself. c A chemicalized cardboard disc is “Bad for fuel, while the heat is ap-


85c HFl-15—— Grease Gun 0! heavy Steel brass Get a gun and save money.

.......... ....--..-.....


43¢ each

HF-l33—Rear Curtain Light for backs oi Fords, models 1917 and later. keep theautumn cold,out.

Get a set and

PerAset of $1 .20

Each ................................. 45c


HFlza ANever-Knock Carbon Re- mover will clean all carbon from cylinders Gives more power and flexibil—


.. 95c

MSZl—Relialfie lg- nltion Batteries, are among the surest and sharpest dry cell bat- teries on the market. We receive fresh lots

weekly; and every hat—'

tery is tested before shipping. Suitable for gasoline engines or any work requiring high amperage. (Price sub-

i5 231‘? iii“??? . . 50¢

M 09'— Battery Test- ers; is not the cheap kind,

-- b t th 11' h t . qihitye. t.§§.$1.00

M7—-Eleculc Wire. double waterproof for

en 'nes. Pei'l loot ........... 5C

MIG—Large Electrlc Wile. same construc- tion for connecting plugs to spark coil.

Per ft ............ 100

tion. The contact points are of the best grade tung- sten- very durable, boxes finished with high grade spar varnish; for use on

four dry cells. $6 00 0

Price .........

'T5— Electric Switch. as cut.

Price each.. . . . . .. 25c


MSI—Lever Switch- es. quick action, solid brass contacts. sure can-

nections. Single. . . . 25c Do uble ............ 85c V! M zsmAsbestos pack-

Ing with co per wxre in- sertion. It s the tough- est and most durable. 1-16th inch thick; Per square foot. . . .85c 3429—5312:? above, no quite as re . Per square foot.. . 750

M83-,—- Square Flax Packing for shafts. 5 Per foot ........... C

Mal—Asbestos Pa- per. 0; medium thick- ness. er s new foot ........ i1 ...... 3C

M6--Trouhle Lamp, four candle power, comElete with 2 it. coil quic lyattached to en- gine batteries; can be hung up leaving both

hands tree to work; will be found invaluable at night.

Price complete" $1 '30

MOS—Extra bulb as for M6 lamp, to screw in, each. ............ 45c

MIG—Extra bulbs for same size lamp, to push in, each ............. 45c

M30—l-lolrltast Bat- tery Connectors. makes quick and tight


Each.. . . . . . , . ...-60

6 for ...... ' ......... 30¢ M301) —- Common,

single connectors, each.2c

Dozen .............. 20c M25—Ralah Spark ..

Plug Clips. Each. .10c

MZS—Raiah Spark Plug Porcelalns. 50 C


Each ........... PLUGS "3427—118!“ Spark No. J ISGg—Ch- Eacg: ......... $1 '25 Pflgggnmad’e‘ leek-

cially for Motor oats—a power- ful one-piece plug;

Size i-in. 75C

Price. . . .

M2—— Copper 'l‘er- minals, for end of wire. large or ’small. (State size). Each .......... 3c