8:: These Flashlight it‘ll—E?
This Big
MIOIr—Delta ‘ Electric Lantern, \ finished in rich red enamel. burns ‘~ on two co m in o n dr'y cells:[ and t h' r o w s a b 1 g bright and pene- tratinglight. This Lantern is made very strong and will not easily get out of order. Made with flanged base so as not to upset, with bail handle and also one at back; the lens is 3 inches in diameter and has polished French $3 25 mirror reflector. Price without batteries .......
MIOB—As above with Batteries ............. $4. 00 Extra Bulbs ....................................
M839—Tulnllar Flash nghts. leatherette case, nickeled trimmings, strong convex lens and powerful reflector; len th 6) inches, diameter f-inch. $1 50 Complete wit bulb and battery. Price . . '
BSS—Battery. extra . . . .401:
B39—Extra bulbs.. . .200
Handy Pocket Flash
M840—Pocket Flash Light, nickeled case, hinged ends; very neat and attractive; size 2§x3 incb- $1 20 es. Complete with bulb and battery. '
B40—Every—Ready Battery, B4l—Extra bulbs ............................ 151:
Extra ......................................... THIS WAGON $4 35
No. W32———Powertul Electric Wagon lamp. lightest and mast up-to—date style on the market; safe. sure and nicely equipped with a strong 3-inch ground lens and silver mirror parabolic reflector; finished in a
rich lustrous black enamel. This lamp throws a rich
white light ahead and also shows Red in the rear; all
complete with switch, 10 feet of weatherproof flexible
wire, screw already to install, but without bat-
teries. Price ................................ $4'35 No. WBSZO—Same as above but complete with
two batteries. $5. 00
Price .....................................
No. 8869—W a t e r
Deck Irons. heavy
andgstrong; fit tightly: keep out water
4-inch .......... 82. do 5~inch ........... as. 10 ~
6-inch .......... 88. 80 st—Galvanlzed Rowlocks ribbed Flag Pole pattern, cast. per Socket “3}- 2 ........... 601: No 3 ......... $1.05
No. 938— Flag Pole No 4 .......... 31.40
'Socket, screw holes can be attached to wall and holds
flags securely Each. .10c
Tialvaniied Socket
137—th Pole socket, galvanized; flush c
33' deeci‘wtf’k” “if"??? i .1 7. . if??? . . .50c Stern ........................ 70!! Bow Chocks
Each 20c
BS—Bow Chocks, galvanized (state right or leit ,) extreme measure, each. —— 4§~inch ............ 20¢ 51-inch ......... 25c 65-inch ............ 45c 8-inch .......... 70c
B9—Stralllht Chocks, Gal- vanized. Ex- tzemehmeasure -1nc . Each. . . .20c Each 5-in.. . .35c 6-in... ..50c ”(i-in. . . ...90c
.Blo—Cleats, galvanized (size isjirom tip ton” 15¢ 3}‘-in¢h.... .. . .200
BIG—Cleats, best quality galvanized tip to tip
4-inchf..15c 5-inch. .300 6-1nchu40c
Spirit ompass
Compass, highest alcohol liquid;
17—Rellahle grade solid cast brass bowl; can't freeze; jewelled bearing on hardened (welght 100:8.) ........
Iron Anchors
pivot assures accuracy and free movements; stands the Jars of motor boats and heavy seas; in lift-oft covered rosewood case. $6 20 Size Iii-inch ........................ °
Can’t Drag Anchor
Bil—Motor Boat Anchors, galvanized, a steamship pattern, noted for its heavy hold- ing qualities. They have short shank, lie flat on deck and are ready for instant use. Their respective numbers si niiy what the weight would be inlong shan No. 818 ........ No.26...
Reliance Motor Vim
M99—Motor VIII! is a great gasoline saver and power pro- ucer. This will g1ve 30 per cent more power and keep your engine tree of carbon. Guaran- teed non-injurious and suitable for all gasoline engines, once you use Motor Vim you will never be without it. Only one tablet to the gallon of gasoline.
$39d3?b‘i§5122. ‘3 f‘f‘.‘.”.°f"fi$1 .00
A Big Auto Wrench Value
T02— Regular Auto wrench
lO-inches. “$1 00
Tin Gasoline Funnel
M5—-'l‘ln Gasoline Fun- nel, pure sheet tin; has a very large corrugated spout, re- movable hoop to hold chamois for straining the gasoline, size
across mouth 6 inches. Price ................... _——_45C
Boiler Tube
Mam—Boiler Tube Clean- er. strong coil wire; will clean the boiler tubes far better and will last longer than others.
Diameter ins. $2 00
Good Heavy
Construction Bl I—lron Anchors. Island
correct shape; heavy construction and
finish. 301b , 35111 .. 40 lb .
Compare our prices:
“. 20 45Ib... .....
Steering Wheel and Drum
BZ—s t e o I' I n 9 wheel. alvan- ized ‘ » use i or launches, etc., complete with d r u m. '1‘ h 9 frame is very
strong with five wood handles. easily detached, extreme length
from tip to tip. $2 65
12-‘nch.................... ........ 16-inch .......... $3. 80 20—inch ........ $7. 95
B92—Tlller Rope. made of strongly braid.
ed Hercules cotton sash cord, 7-32nd diam- eter. 2C Perioot.......‘......... ............ ..
Stillson Wrench
MZOZ—This poWerful Stillson Wrench 1s made from drop forged selected bar steel, inter-change- able construction; never locks upon the pipe but grips firmly without lost motion: does not crush or does not slip; releases readily; moves ble jaw and nut. made with round top and bottom threads which makes it impos sible to strip iron pipe; wood handle on all but 18 and 24-inch size. ~
8-inch ............. $1. 75 10-inch ............ $1. 90 14-inch ............ 82.15 18-inch ............ $8. 75 24<inch ............ 36. 50
0 318V33NV
M73—H o l - ma II’ S Spe c- Ill Oller is nlcel y japanned hall int straight
ent spout with
M 20c
catch drip. Price. .......
M72— Copper-ed Ma- chine Oller, extra lar e mouth, filled quickly wit out tasting oil: l-pitnt size, straig tor ent spou Price ................ 25C
M74—Bieavy Copper-ed Oller, as cut, has drip cup grassbloiler tand l:itller; is very ura e; s ra1g or bent spout ........... 35C l Holman’s CataIOg I
Brlngs the Store to I Your Door. - I
No. 9672—Pqu-lne Motor 011‘'
A smooth lasting lubricant. medium
orli ht grades
l-ga lon can, ....... . ......... . 31-“ 4-gallon can. . . 5-00 Barrel of about 42 gallons (Barrel
‘ free) Write for Prices. I No. 9673-Polerine Transmission 0'
Per $1 .50
g.allon . ................... No. 9674—1‘ runs mission Lubn cant in grades A and BB, per ”$15 50
51b. can ............... $2 00
No. 9675—Mobfl60fl (A, B. “.53
and C) .Por gallon can. . . . . . . .